https-->http and http-->https bitransfer

openssl s_client -connect -status -cert client.pem -verify 1 -showcerts

curl -E my.pem


    Install the OpenSSL package in order to generate key and certificate. Note: you probably already have this package installed if you are under Linux, or *BSD.
    Install the pyOpenSSL package, it is an OpenSSL library binding. You'll need to import this module for accessing OpenSSL's components.
    Generate a self-signed certificate compounded of a certificate and a private key for your server with the following command (it outputs them both in a single file named server.pem): openssl req -new -x509 -keyout server.pem -out server.pem -days 365 -nodes
    Assuming you saved this recipe in, start the server (with the appropriate rights): python
    Finally, browse to https://localhost, or https://localhost:port if your server listens a different port than 443.

最终配置的方案是浏览器和 Nginx 之间走的 HTTPS 通讯,而 Nginx 到 Tomcat 通过 proxy_pass 走的是普通 HTTP 连接。

下面是详细的配置(Nginx 端口 80/443,Tomcat 的端口 8080):

Nginx 这一侧的配置没什么特别的:

其中最为关键的就是 ssl_certificate 和 ssl_certificate_key 这两项配置,其他的按正常配置。不过多了一个 proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; 配置。

最主要的配置来自 Tomcat,下面是我测试环境中的完整 server.xml:

上述的配置中没有什么特别的,但是特别特别注意的是必须有 proxyPort="443",这是整篇文章的关键,当然 redirectPort 也必须是 443。同时 <Value> 节点的配置也非常重要,否则你在 Tomcat 中的应用在读取 getScheme() 方法以及在 web.xml 中配置的一些安全策略会不起作用。

<Connector port="8083" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443" URIEncoding="UTF-8"
               scheme="https" />

posted on 2018-03-17 17:42  szllq2000  阅读(762)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报