11 2020 档案
摘要:postcss workflow PostCSS parses CSS to the tree of nodes (we call it AST). This tree may content: Root: node of the top of the tree, which represent C
摘要:参考 https://www.cnblogs.com/lpfuture/p/5796398.html https://www.cnblogs.com/gnuhpc/archive/2012/01/13/2321476.html
摘要:leveldb 使用 // The returned DB instance is safe for concurrent use. Which mean that all // DB's methods may be called concurrently from multiple gorout
摘要:logrus 实现多个实例 func New() *Logger { return &Logger{ Out: os.Stderr, Formatter: new(TextFormatter), Hooks: make(LevelHooks), Level: InfoLevel, ExitFunc:
摘要:viper Functional options 在 c# 等语言中,一般多个参数这么实现 funcion add(){ } funcion add(int a){ } funcion add(int a,int b){ } 在 golang 中,由于没有重载,在实现多个参数是会比较麻烦,可能的实现
摘要:redigo 接口 Conn type Conn interface { // Close closes the connection. Close() error // Err returns a non-nil value when the connection is not usable. E