Windows CMD Commands
Common Windows Command Prompt (CMD) commands:
1. `dir`: Lists files and directories in the current directory.
2. `cd`: Changes the current directory.
3. `md`: Creates a new directory.
4. `rd`: Removes (deletes) a directory.
5. `copy`: Copies files.
6. `del`: Deletes files.
7. `ren`: Renames files.
8. `type`: Displays the content of a text file.
9. `edit`: Opens a simple text editor.
10. `format`: Formats a disk or a diskette.
11. `chkdsk`: Checks a disk for errors.
12. `tree`: Displays a graphical representation of the directory structure.
13. `attrib`: Displays or changes file attributes.
14. `ping`: Sends ICMP Echo Request packets to test network connectivity.
15. `ipconfig`: Displays IP configuration information.
16. `net`: Manages network resources.
17. `mode`: Configures system devices.
18. `date`: Displays or sets the system date.
19. `time`: Displays or sets the system time.
20. `set`: Displays, sets, or removes environment variables.
21. `tasklist`: Displays a list of currently running tasks.
22. `taskkill`: Terminates one or more running tasks.
23. `fc`: Compares two files or sets of files.
24. `help`: Displays help information for commands.
25. `exit`: Exits the Command Prompt.
1. `dir`: Lists files and directories in the current directory.
2. `cd`: Changes the current directory.
3. `md`: Creates a new directory.
4. `rd`: Removes (deletes) a directory.
5. `copy`: Copies files.
6. `del`: Deletes files.
7. `ren`: Renames files.
8. `type`: Displays the content of a text file.
9. `edit`: Opens a simple text editor.
10. `format`: Formats a disk or a diskette.
11. `chkdsk`: Checks a disk for errors.
12. `tree`: Displays a graphical representation of the directory structure.
13. `attrib`: Displays or changes file attributes.
14. `ping`: Sends ICMP Echo Request packets to test network connectivity.
15. `ipconfig`: Displays IP configuration information.
16. `net`: Manages network resources.
17. `mode`: Configures system devices.
18. `date`: Displays or sets the system date.
19. `time`: Displays or sets the system time.
20. `set`: Displays, sets, or removes environment variables.
21. `tasklist`: Displays a list of currently running tasks.
22. `taskkill`: Terminates one or more running tasks.
23. `fc`: Compares two files or sets of files.
24. `help`: Displays help information for commands.
25. `exit`: Exits the Command Prompt.