洛谷 P1347 排序
一个不同的值的升序排序数列指的是一个从左到右元素依次增大的序列,例如,一个有序的数列A,B,C,D 表示A<B,B<C,C<D。在这道题中,我们将给你一系列形如A<B的关系,并要求你判断是否能够根据这些关系确定这个数列的顺序。
Sorted sequence determined after xxx relations: yyy...y.
Inconsistency found after 2 relations.
Sorted sequence cannot be determined.
1: 4 6 A<B A<C B<C C<D B<D A<B 2: 3 2 A<B B<A 3: 26 1 A<Z
1: Sorted sequence determined after 4 relations: ABCD. 2: Inconsistency found after 2 relations. 3: Sorted sequence cannot be determined.
1 /* 2 Problem: 3 OJ: 4 User:S.B.S. 5 Time: 6 Memory: 7 Length: 8 */ 9 #include<iostream> 10 #include<cstdio> 11 #include<cstring> 12 #include<cmath> 13 #include<algorithm> 14 #include<queue> 15 #include<cstdlib> 16 #include<iomanip> 17 #include<cassert> 18 #include<climits> 19 #include<functional> 20 #include<bitset> 21 #include<vector> 22 #include<list> 23 #include<map> 24 #define maxn 100001 25 #define F(i,j,k) for(int i=j;i<=k;i++) 26 #define rep(i,j,k) for(int i=j;i<k;i++) 27 #define M(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof(a)) 28 #define FF(i,j,k) for(int i=j;i>=k;i--) 29 #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f 30 #define maxm 1001 31 #define mod 998244353 32 //#define LOCAL 33 using namespace std; 34 int read(){ 35 int x=0,f=1;char ch=getchar(); 36 while(ch<'0'||ch>'9'){if(ch=='-')f=-1;ch=getchar();} 37 while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9'){x=x*10+ch-'0';ch=getchar();} 38 return x*f; 39 } 40 void print(int n){ 41 if(n<0){putchar('-');n=0-n;} 42 if(n>=10) print(n/10); 43 putchar((n%10)+'0'); 44 return; 45 } 46 int n,m; 47 int p[maxn],in[maxn],out[maxn]; 48 int tot,ans; 49 vector<int> edge[maxn]; 50 char mp[4]; 51 bool vis[maxn],cur[maxn]; 52 inline bool solve(int u) 53 { 54 // cout<<"in solve!"<<endl; 55 vis[u]=true; 56 for(register int i=edge[u].size()-1;i>=0;i--){ 57 int v=edge[u][i]; 58 if(vis[v]) return false; 59 if(!solve(edge[u][i])) return false; 60 } 61 vis[u]=false; 62 return true; 63 } 64 inline void dfs(int u,int sum,int id) 65 { 66 // cout<<"int dfs!!"<<endl; 67 p[sum]=u; 68 if(sum==n){ 69 cout<<"Sorted sequence determined after "<<id<<" relations: "; 70 F(i,1,n) cout<<(char)(p[i]+'A'-1); 71 cout<<"."<<endl;exit(0); 72 } 73 for(register int i=edge[u].size()-1;i>=0;i--) dfs(edge[u][i],sum+1,id); 74 } 75 inline void ok(int u) 76 { 77 // cout<<"in ok !!!"<<endl; 78 F(i,1,n){ 79 if(cur[i]){ 80 M(vis,false); 81 if(!solve(i)){ 82 cout<<"Inconsistency found after "<<u<<" relations."<<endl; 83 exit(0); 84 } 85 } 86 } 87 if(tot!=n) return; 88 F(i,1,n) if(!in[i]) {dfs(i,1,u);break;} 89 } 90 int main() 91 { 92 // std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false);//cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(1)<<y; 93 #ifdef LOCAL 94 freopen("data.in","r",stdin); 95 freopen("data.out","w",stdout); 96 #endif 97 n=read();m=read(); 98 F(i,1,m){ 99 // cout<<"in main!!!!"<<endl; 100 scanf("%s",mp); 101 int a=mp[0]-'A'+1,b=mp[2]-'A'+1; 102 out[a]++;in[b]++; 103 if(!cur[a]) tot++; 104 if(!cur[b]) tot++; 105 cur[a]=cur[b]=true; 106 edge[a].push_back(b); 107 ok(i); 108 } 109 cout<<"Sorted sequence cannot be determined."<<endl; 110 return 0; 111 }