COMPRESS function

Returns a character string with specified characters removed from the original string.

COMPRESS(<source><, chars><, modifiers>)


specifies a character constant, variable, or expression that initializes a list of characters.

By default, the characters in this list are removed from the source argument. If you specify the K modifier in the third argument, then only the characters in this list are kept in the result.

a or A
adds alphabetic characters to the list of characters.

data test;

string="ABC abcdef($1234)";

noblanks=compress(string);              /*去除字符串中的空格*/
nonum=compress(string,,'d');           /*去除字符串中的数字*/
nochar=compress(string,,'a');            /*去除字符串中所有字母*/
noabc1=compress(string,'ABC');       /*去除ABC三个大写字母*/
noabc2=compress(string,'abc','i');    /*此处加了条件i,忽略大小写,不论大小写,都将abc去除*/
nosign=compress(string,,'p');            /*去除字符串中的符号*/
nosignnum=compress(string,,'pd'); /*去除符号以及数字*/
retaina=compress(string,'a','ki');     /*不论大小写,将字符串中a字母保留下来,其他全都删掉*/
retaina=compress(string,'a','kd');     /*将字符串中数字保留下来*/
string,'2040a0'x); /*去除特殊空格*/




posted @ 2022-07-04 10:03  Iving  阅读(47)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报