SAS barchart Innermargin
innermargin是用在layout overlay或prototype中,去定义一个block plot or axis table。
prototype是用在DATALATTICE|DATAPANEL中定义一个plot structure.
/* Create a format for the quarters */ proc format; value quartername 1="Quarter 1" 2="Quarter 2" 3="Quarter 3" 4="Quarter 4"; run; /* Define the graph template */ proc template; define statgraph innermargin; dynamic year; begingraph / subpixel=on; entrytitle "Total Sales in " year; layout overlay / xaxisopts=(type=discrete discreteopts=(ticktype=inbetween)); innermargin / separator=true separatorattrs=(color=darkred thickness=2px); blockplot x=month block=quarter / filltype=alternate fillattrs=(color=cxd7d7d7) altfillattrs=(color=cxf7f7f7) display=(fill values) valuehalign=center; endinnermargin; linechart category=month response=actual / smoothconnect=true; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; /* Generate the graph */ proc sgrender data=sashelp.prdsale template=innermargin; format quarter quartername.; where year=1994; dynamic year=1994; run;
ods html; proc template; define statgraph _barchart; begingraph / ; entrytitle "a"; layout overlay / xaxisopts = (display = (ticks tickvalues)) yaxisopts = (griddisplay = on); barchart category = type response = mpg_city / group = type stat = mean orient = horizontal dataskin = gloss name = "a"; discretelegend 'a' / title = "Type: "; innermargin / align = right; axistable y = type value = mpg_city / class = origin display = (label) labelposition = max stat = mean; endinnermargin; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data = = (type not in ("Hybird" "Truck"))) template = _barchart; run;