1. where does the error come from?
error due to "bias" and "variance"
simple model : small variance
complex model : large variance
simple model is less influenced by the sampled data
if we average all the f*, is it close to f^?
simple model : large bais
complex model : small bais
if your model cannot even fit the training examples,then your model have lager bias
if your model fit the train data,but lager error on testing data,then you probably have lager variance
for bias,redesign your model: •add more feature as input
•a more complex model
for variance: •more data
2.cross validation & N-fold cross validation
N-fold cross validation
3.gradient descent
1.tuning your learning learing rate
2.adaptive learning rate
•popular & simple idea:reduce the learning rate by some factor every few epochs
•at the begining,we are far from the destination,so we use larger learning rate
•after several epochs,we close to the destination,so we reduce the learning rate
•E.g. Π=Π/(1+t)½
•learning rate cannot be one-size-fits-all
•giving different parameters different learning rates
Divide the learning rate of each paramenter by the root mean square of its previaous derivatives
Πt=Π/(1+t)½ gt=∂L(θ)/∂w σt=((1+t)-1Σ(gi)²)½
3.stochastic gradient descent
pick a example xn
loss only for one example
4.feature scaling
make different feature have the same scaling