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Linq to sql 微软不主动更新了

Posted on 2009-01-12 11:39  SAL  阅读(1264)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Linq to sql 微软不主动更新了,最近比外国的技术博客上看到的。不知道这信息是否真实。但是本人刚刚有了解了一下linq to sql,他对存储过程的支持不太好,不能返回数据集,如:我的一个通用分页存储过程他只能返回一条数据不能返回一个数据集,虽然网上有牛人给出了返回多条数据的方案,但要进行一定的改造。这样的话对于这种新技术还不如用原来的。还有linq to sql只是linq的一部份不等于linq,linq还包含linq to xml等。微软现在把主要精力用在ADO.NET 3.0上了。引用一下原文“ADO.NET小组不会再主动的做任何关于LINQ to SQL的事情了。他们将会缓慢的让它安乐死掉,或者分散人们的精力,让大家更多的关注Entity Framework”相关的Entity Framework学习心得我将在以后写出来

以下是我摘取的linq to sql 新闻


LINQ to SQL 死或生【中英对照】
最近,关于LINQ to SQL有很多新闻,是死是生,沸沸扬扬,找了点源头文章,简单翻一下。希望能给有兴趣的人提供点信息。

Update on LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entities Roadmap

Since the release of LINQ to SQL and the Entity Framework, many questions have been raised about the future plans for the technologies and how they will relate to each other long term.
During this week of PDC we are now at a point, with the announcement of Visual Studio 10 and the .NET Framework 4.0, that we can provide more clarity on our direction.
We have seen great momentum with LINQ in the last year.  In .NET Framework 3.5 we released several LINQ providers, including LINQ to SQL which set the bar for a great programming model with LINQ over relational databases.  In .NET 3.5 SP1, we followed up that investment with the Entity Framework enabling developers to build more advanced scenarios and to use LINQ against any database including SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, MySQL, etc.
We’re making significant investments in the Entity Framework such that as of .NET 4.0 the Entity Framework will be our recommended data access solution for LINQ to relational scenarios.  We are listening to customers regarding LINQ to SQL and will continue to evolve the product based on feedback we receive from the community as well.

Tim Mallalieu
Program Manager, LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework


  自从发布了LINQ to SQL 和 Entity Framework之后,关于这两项技术未来的发展,以及是如何互相影响对方的问题开始提升了。

  我们把话题转向这个星期的PDCProfessional Developers Conference),发布了VS10 .NET Framework 4.0 ,我们给出了更明确的方向。

       我们已经看到LINQ巨大的动力。在 .NET Framework 3.5 我们发布了很多能提供LINQ技术的,包括LINQ to SQL它被设置成一个可以给大型程序建立数据库模型的关系的工具。在 .NET 3.5 sp1 中我们继续在Entity Framework上的投入使得开发者们能够建立一个更加先进的方案并且使用LINQ去和数据库结合,包括SQL ServerOracleDB2MySQL等等。

我们正在Entity Framework中投入巨大的精力,就好像.NET 4.0中的Entity Framework一样成为我们推荐对于LINQ to 关系情景的数据访问解决方案。我们正在听取用户们对LINQ to SQL的意见,去进一步的优化我们的产品,同样,我们也会在社区中得到反馈信息。

  In a typical management speak post, the ADO.Net team has killed the Linq to SQL project. I think this is a mistake from Microsoft part. Regardless of how this affects NHibernate (more users to us, yeah!), I think that this is a big mistake

Doing something like this is spitting in the face of everyone who investment time and money in the Linq to SQL framework, only to be left hanging in the wind, with a dead end software and a costly porting process if they ever want to see new features. Linq to SQL is a decent base level OR/M, and I had had several people tell me that they are willing to accept its current deficiencies, knowing that this will be fixed in the next version. Now, there isn't going to be a next version, and that is really bad for Microsoft reputation.

From my point of view, this is going to be an example that I will use whenever someone tries to sell me half baked solutions from Microsoft (just to note, I don't consider Linq to SQL half baked) and tell me to wait for vNext with all the features in the world.

It doesn't matter how I turn this decision, I can't find any way in which it make sense from Microsoft perspective.



在一个典型的管理发布(指的是上面那篇),ADO.NET小组杀死了LINQ to SQL项目。我想这是Microsoft的一个错误。不管他会怎么影响Nhibernate,我想这是一个巨大的错误!

这么干就好像在LINQ to SQL Framework花费大量时间金钱的人们脸上吐口水,在空中绞死,带着一个到达尽头的软件并且昂贵的移植进程如果他们从前那个要看到新的迹象(这句翻译的不好)。LINQ to SQL 是一个基于OR/M上比较合适的,并且我已经有很多朋友告诉我他们将要接受他现有的一些缺陷了,因为他们知道这些将要在下一个版本中被修复。但是现在,不会有下一个版本了,对于Microsoft来说会造成坏的声望。

  在我看来,这将是一个例子,我将要用无论何时其他人某个人企图卖给我一个半成品的Microsoft的解决方案(说一句,我并不认为LINQ to SQL不完全)并且告诉我全世界都在等待它的下一个版本


LINQ To SQL is Dead - Read Between the Lines


This is my last post on this subject, I promise, and unfortunately it has to be a little more blunt as some people just aren't getting it.

I was reading the comments on Oren's post on LINQ To SQL and mine and having a hard time digesting some of the comments. Some folks are having a difficult time reading between the lines. The ADO.NET Team's Announcement is everything about LINQ To SQL being dead! If you have spent anytime with a large corporation that needs to spin stories to minimize fall-out, you will know this to be true. The ADO.NET Team will not be proactively doing anything with LINQ To SQL. They will slowly euthanize it and distract you with mis-direction on talk of the Entity Framework.

The euthanasia is already in process-

  1. LINQ To SQL has a provider model to support multiple databases but was sealed so it could not be extended. What is the #1 thing about the Entity Framework? Multiple database support. Hmmm.....
  2. How difficult would it have been to offer IUpdatable support for LINQ To SQL for use with ADO.NET Data Services in SP1? Oh, that's right... Another reason to move to the Entity Framework!
  3. What did we get for LINQ To SQL in SP1? Drum Role... Support for SQL Server 2008 Data Types! Anyone doubt Oren could have coded that in a day and came out with a Hibernating Rhinos Screencast to boot :)


In all seriousness, I hope the Entity Framework v2.0 is a hit. I also think the ADO.NET Team should be spending all their time on the Entity Framework as it needs the attention. Give LINQ To SQL to another team - a more transparent team. A team that will get rid of some of the obvious ( intentional ) limitations and be more proactive in the development. A team that will be very open to community feedback and not divided in their loyalty. Get the original LINQ To SQL Development Team and other interested developers together directly under Scott Guthrie and give them a shot at LINQ To SQL - The Revival! Make it open source on CodePlex and follow a similar successful methodology to how the MVC Framework was developed.

If this doesn't happen, CodeBetter and will be sponsoring a new series on and Patterns & Practices Guidance to help you through these troubling times - Converting LINQ To SQL Applications to NHibernate. You wait and see... :)

No more ranting. It's a holiday for gosh sakes...

Happy Halloween!

David Hayden



我阅读了Oren's post on LINQ To SQL和我的另一篇博客上的评论,平且花费了很多时间处理它们。其中一些读完还花费了很大的时间。ADO.NET Announcement(第一篇文章) 是关于LINQ to SQL死掉最好的见证了。如果你从前在一个大公司工作过,当他们企图把一个故事变得小一些的时候,你就会发现LINQ to SQL死掉是件真事。ADO.NET小组不会再主动的做任何关于LINQ to SQL的事情了。他们将会缓慢的让它安乐死掉,或者分散人们的精力,让大家更多的关注Entity Framework。


  1.   LINQ to SQL提供了支持多个数据库的模型但是被密封了,不能扩展。

  2.   在ADO.NET Data Server SP1中使用LINQ to SQL更新是很难的事情。是的,这是对的,,另一个原因就是已经移向了Entity Framework。

  3.   在SP1中我们得到了LINQ to SQL什么新东西?Drum Role,支持SQL Server 2008 Data Types!每个人都怀疑 Oren也就是花了一天的时间从Hibernating Rhinos突发奇想的吧。(没翻译好)

郑重的说,我希望 Entity Framework 2.0是一个冲击。我同样认为 ADO.NET小组应该花费他们所有的时间在Entity Framework上就好像他们需要花费很多精力。把LINQ to SQL给另一个小组,一个更加透明的小组。一个可以把一些明显的限制取消并且能够花费更多的时间在研发上面。这个小组会对社区的反馈很开放并且不会分散他们的忠诚。把开始的LINQ to SQL开发小组和一些其他的感兴趣的在Scott Guthrie之下开发者汇集到一起,给他们一个震撼。LINQ to SQL 要复活!让他们在Codeplex上面开源并且遵守一个相似的成功的方法论就好像MVC Framework发展一样。

如果这不会发生,CodeBetter and Devlicio.us将要发起一系列的在 and Patterns & Practices Guidance去帮助你度过这写不安分难熬的时间。把LINQ to SQL变成Nhibernate,走着瞧吧。