Mysql 数据增删改查语句

插入数据 insert

# 1. 插入完整数据(顺序插入)
# 语法一:
insert into 表名(字段1,字段2,字段3…字段n) values (值1,值2,值3…值n);

# 语法二:
insert into 表名 values (值1,值2,值3…值n);

# 2. 指定字段插入数据
# 语法:
insert into 表名(字段1,字段2,字段3…) values (值1,值2,值3…);

# 3. 插入多条记录
# 语法:
insert into 表名 values
# 4. 插入查询结果
# 语法:
insert into 表名(字段1,字段2,字段3…字段n) select (字段1,字段2,字段3…字段n) from 表2 where …;
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删除数据 delete

# 语法:

# 示例:
DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE password=’’;
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更新数据 update

# 语法:
UPDATE 表名 SET 字段1=值1, 字段2=值2,.. WHERE CONDITION;
# 示例:
update 表 set 字段名=值 where 条件
update 表 set age = 84 where name = alex;
update 表 set age = null where name = alex;
update 表 set age = 84, sex = 'female' where id = 1;
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# 语法
 select distinct 要查的字段 from 表
                           where 条件
                           group by 分组
                           having 过滤
                           order by 排序
                           limit 取前n个
# 执行顺序
from -->  where --> group by --> having --> select --> distinct --> order by --> limit
3.将取出的一条条记录进行分组group by,如果没有group by,则整体作为一组
5.执行 select
6.去重 distinct
7.将结果按条件排序:order by

# 二 \ 简单查询
# 查询所有的字段\单个字段\给字段重命名\给字段去重
select * from 表;
select 字段名1,字段名2 from 表;
select distinct 字段名1 from 表;
select 字段名 as 新的临时名字 from 表;

# 查询数据的四则运算
select emp_name,salary*12 from 表;
select emp_name,salary*12 as annua_salary from employee;

# 定义显示格式 concat/concat_ws
select emp_name,salary from employee;
# 姓名 : alex, 薪资:100000
select concat('姓名 :',emp_name,', 薪资 :',salary) from employee;
select concat('姓名 :',emp_name),concat('薪资 :',salary) from employee;
# 姓名 :薪资  
# alex : 100000
select concat_ws(':',emp_name,salary) from employee;
select concat_ws(':',emp_name,salary) as annual_salary from employee;

# case语句
    # if条件判断
    CASE                                # 一个if条件判断句的开始
         WHEN emp_name = 'jingliyang'    # if
         THEN emp_name                   # then if条件成立之后做的事儿
         WHEN emp_name = 'alex'          # # elif 另一个条件
         THEN CONCAT(emp_name,'_BIGSB')  #
         ELSE                            # else
             concat(emp_name, 'SB')      # 没有then 直接就是上述条件不满足都走这个分支
         END                                 # end 就表示这个case语句结束了
   ) as new_name
   FROM employee;
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where 语句中可以使用:

1. 比较运算符:> < >= <= <> !=

2. between 80 and 100 

3. in(80,90,100) 

4. like 'egon%'




5. 逻辑运算符:在多个条件直接可以使用逻辑运算符 and or not


# 1:单条件查询
SELECT emp_name FROM employee WHERE post='sale';
# 2:多条件查询
SELECT emp_name,salary FROM employee WHERE post='teacher' AND salary>10000;

SELECT emp_name,salary FROM employee WHERE salary BETWEEN 10000 AND 20000;
SELECT emp_name,salary FROM employee WHERE salary NOT BETWEEN 10000 AND 20000;
# 4:关键字IS NULL(判断某个字段是否为NULL不能用等号,需要用IS)
SELECT emp_name,post_comment FROM employee WHERE post_comment IS NULL;
SELECT emp_name,post_comment FROM employee WHERE post_comment IS NOT NULL;
SELECT emp_name,post_comment FROM employee WHERE post_comment='';               # 注意''是空字符串,不是null

# 5:关键字IN集合查询
SELECT emp_name,salary FROM employee WHERE salary=3000 OR salary=3500 OR salary=4000 OR salary=9000 ;
SELECT emp_name,salary FROM employee WHERE salary IN (3000,3500,4000,9000) ;
SELECT emp_name,salary FROM employee WHERE salary NOT IN (3000,3500,4000,9000) ;

# 6:关键字LIKE模糊查询
# 通配符’%’
SELECT * FROM employee WHERE emp_name LIKE 'eg%';

# 通配符’_’
SELECT * FROM employee WHERE emp_name LIKE 'al__';

group by:

# 单独使用GROUP BY关键字分组
SELECT post FROM employee GROUP BY post;
# 注意:我们按照post字段分组,那么select查询的字段只能是post,想要获取组内的其他相关信息,需要借助函数

SELECT post,GROUP_CONCAT(emp_name) FROM employee GROUP BY post;                 #按照岗位分组,并查看组内成员名
SELECT post,GROUP_CONCAT(emp_name) as emp_members FROM employee GROUP BY post;

# GROUP BY与聚合函数一起使用
select post,count(id) as count from employee group by post;    #按照岗位分组,并查看每个组有多少人

# 常用聚合函数
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employee;        # 计数
SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employee;     # 最大
SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employee;     # 最小
SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employee;     # 平均
SELECT SUM(salary) FROM employee WHERE depart_id=3;   # 求和
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#!!!执行优先级从高到低:where > group by > having 
#1. Where 发生在分组group by之前,因而Where中可以有任意字段,但是绝对不能使用聚合函数。
#2. Having发生在分组group by之后,因而Having中可以使用分组的字段,无法直接取到其他字段,可以使用聚合函数


SELECT * FROM employee WHERE emp_name REGEXP '^ale';
SELECT * FROM employee WHERE emp_name REGEXP 'on$';
SELECT * FROM employee WHERE emp_name REGEXP 'm{2}';


posted @ 2019-04-25 17:48  __Invoker  阅读(195)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报