[Evolution in aciton] C#1.1=>2.0=>3.0 [Querying Collections]

If want filter out a price greater than $10 ,in the products. we need to loop around,testing each element and printing it out where appropriate.


Looping ,testing,printing out

static void Main()
            ArrayList products 
= Product.GetSampleProducts();
foreach (Product product in products)
if (product.Price > 10m)



The dependency is obvious because of the nesting.

C#2.0 Lets us flatten things out a bit

 static void Main()
//Get Products and Save to List<T>
            List<Product> products = Product.GetSampleProducts();
//Define filter 
            Predicate<Product> filterPrice = delegate(Product product)
return product.Price >
//FindAll this in List<Product>

            List<Product> matchPrice = products.FindAll(filterPrice); 

//Define print out

           Action<Product> printPrices = delegate(Product product)




In particular, it makes it very easy to change the condition we're testing for and the aciton we take on each of the matchs independently.

* The FindAll and ForEach methods in C#2.0 just help to encourage you to consider separation of concerns.

So, we could have put all the testing and printing into one statment.[C#2.0]

static void Main()
<Product> products = Product.GetSampleProducts();
delegate(Product p) 

return p.Price > 10; }
(Product p) 

{ Console.WriteLine(p); }


That's a bit better, But it is getting in the way Developer , and adding noise to the code, which hurts readability. I still prefer the C#1.1 version.

            improves matters dramatically by removing a lot of the fluff surrounding the actual logic of the delegate.

 static void Main()
<Product> products = Product.GetSampleProducts();
foreach (Product product in products.Where(p => p.Price > 10))


So much For this!
posted @ 2008-04-21 22:50  RicoRui  阅读(1049)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报