
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace Balloon
 //Defines a set of standardized icons that can be associated with a ToolTip
 public enum TooltipIcon : int
  None,     //Not a standard icon.
  Info,    //An information icon.
  Warning,   //A warning icon.
  Error    //An error icon
 public class XPBalloon
  private Control _parent;

  private string _text = "Balloon Tooltip Control Display Message";
  private string _title = "Balloon Tooltip Message";
  private TooltipIcon _titleIcon = TooltipIcon.None;

  private const int ECM_FIRST = 0x1500;
  private const int EM_SHOWBALLOONTIP = ECM_FIRST + 3;

  private static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd,int Msg,int wParam,IntPtr lParam);
  //StructLayoutAttribute 类使用户可以控制类或结构的数据字段的物理布局
   private struct BALLOONTIP
    public int cbStruct;
    public string pszTitle;
    public string pszText;
    public int ttiIcon;

  public XPBalloon()

  public XPBalloon(Control parent)
   _parent = parent;


  /// Show a balloon tooltip for edit control.

  public void balloonShow()
   BALLOONTIP balloonTip = new BALLOONTIP();
   balloonTip.cbStruct = Marshal.SizeOf(balloonTip);
   balloonTip.pszText = _text;
   balloonTip.pszTitle = _title;
   balloonTip.ttiIcon = (int)_titleIcon;
   //IntPtr : 用于表示指针或句柄的平台特定类型。
   //AllocHGlobal : 使用 GlobalAlloc 从进程的非托管内存中分配内存。
   IntPtr ptrStruct = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(balloonTip));
   Marshal.StructureToPtr(balloonTip, ptrStruct, true);

   System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(_parent!=null, "Parent control is null", "Set parent before calling Show");

   int ret = SendMessage(_parent.Handle,EM_SHOWBALLOONTIP,0, ptrStruct);
   //FreeHGlobal : 释放以前使用 AllocHGlobal 从进程的非托管内存中分配的内存。


  /// Sets or gets the Title.

  public string balloonTitle
    return _title;
    _title = value;


  /// Sets or gets the display icon.

  public TooltipIcon balloonTitleIcon
    return _titleIcon;
    _titleIcon = value;


  /// Sets or gets the display text.

  public string balloonText
    return _text;
    _text = value;


  /// Sets or gets the parent.

  public Control balloonParent
    return _parent;
    _parent = value;



posted @ 2005-10-31 20:19  RicoRui  阅读(306)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报