
1. 先读后写,逐行输入,同样是先open()再read(),


参考: 习题—16



# coding: utf-8                   # 声明解码方式是utf-8

def write():
    print ">>>Open the file..."
    filename = raw_input("name: ")
    txt = open(path, 'r')       # 只读和追加不清空原文件
    print txt.read()              # path是指文件所在的路径。比如c:\\python27\1.txt
    print ">>>Now, we'll adding something..."
    line1 = raw_input("line 1: ")
    line2 = raw_input("line 2: ")
    line3 = raw_input("line 3: ")

    print ">>>Write three lines into file and eixt..."
    txt = open('filename', 'a')     # 在原文件的基础上追加                   

    txt.write(line1 + '\n')           # 加个换行符 '\n'
    txt.write(line2 + '\n')
    txt.write(line3 + '\n')

    txt.close()                          # 有开就有关哦!




'r', 'w', 'a'三者均是默认不换行的。



2. 多次写入, 每次写入三行(蓝色的也可忽略,可以只用w+的形式打开)


# coding: utf-8

# 是否清空原文件
print "----------If clean the file? Choose yes/y or no/n.----------"

option = raw_input('>>> ')

if 'y' in option:
    print "..........File is cleaning.........."
    txt = open('721.txt', 'w+')               # 用同时读和写的模式打开
                                                         # 原文件被清空
elif 'n' in option:
    print "..........Ok, we'll append something into file.........."
    txt = open('721.txt', 'a+')               # 用同时读和追加的模式打开

    print '-' * 10 + "Please rechoose" + '-' * 10

print "----------Begin to write three lines----------"
Line1 = raw_input("Line 1: ")
Line2 = raw_input("Line 2: ")
Line3 = raw_input("Line 3: ")

txt.write(Line1 + '\n')                         # 加换行符, 为了使显示更整洁
txt.write(Line2 + '\n')
txt.write(Line3 + '\n')

print "----------File is writing----------"

# 是否继续写入
while True:
    print "If continue, please type yes/y or not/n!"
    decision =raw_input('>>> ')
    if 'y' in decision:
        print "----------OK, keep writing----------"
        Line1 = raw_input("Line 1: ")
        Line2 = raw_input("Line 2: ")
        Line3 = raw_input("Line 3: ")
    elif 'n' in decision:
        print "----------Alright, file is saving.----------"
        print "..........And these are what you write.........."
        txt.seek(0)                           # 因为是用w+或a+打印的, 在打印之前得调整指针
        print txt.read()                     # 打印我们写入的内容。看前面的操作是否成功
        exit(0)                                 # exit(0) 是正常退出,exit(1)表示发生了错误
        txt.write(Line1 + '\n')
        txt.write(Line2 + '\n')
        txt.write(Line3 + '\n')
        print "Please type yes/y or not/n."   

txt.close()                                    # 记得关闭打开的文件


r+同a+,是同时追加和读取的模式,不清空原文件。 w+是同时写入和读取的模式,清空原文件。

切记, 调整指针时,seek(0)一定要放在write()之后,read()之前。不然只要用read()还是会

乱码。详情见 http://blog.csdn.net/ztf312/article/details/47259805



3. 利用while循环写入任意行, 不过缺点就是无法在代码中打印读取的内容。


# coding: utf-8


print "Now, write down something..."

# 其实按CTRL + Z不过这样就会出现EoF Error。不同的退出方式。

priint "If you want to save and exit, type CTRL + C"

txt = open('path', 'a')


while True:

    content = raw_input(">>> ")  

    txt.write(content + '\n')


posted @ 2016-06-08 12:43  坏小孩D_R  阅读(190)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报