OGG-01820 Could not enable workspace
OGG replicat进程abend了,ggserr.log日志显示如下: 20023-10-10 06:11:47 ERROR OGG-01820 Could not enable workspace
alter system set enable_goldengate_replication = true scope=both; exec dbms_goldengate_auth.grant_admin_privilege('OGGADMIN','*',true);
OGG-01820: Could not enable workspace Cause: An attempt to handle transient duplicates in an update statement failed. Action: Restart Replicat. If the problem persists, grant privileges to the Replicat user by running the dbms_goldengate_auth.grant_admin_privilege procedure. Also resolve any associated errors, such as OCI session errors
上述Procedure的语法Syntax DBMS_GOLDENGATE_AUTH.GRANT_ADMIN_PRIVILEGE( grantee IN VARCHAR2, privilege_type IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '*', grant_select_privileges IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, do_grants IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, file_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, directory_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL grant_optional_privileges IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, container IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'CURRENT'); grantee --被授权的OGG管理用户 privilege_type –-有三个选项值CAPTURE APPLY 和* Specifying * grants the minimum privileges required by the user to administer Oracle GoldenGate integrated extract and Oracle GoldenGate integrated replicat grant_select_privileges 设置为TRUE 关于ENABLE_GOLDENGATE_REPLICATION 参数的解释,12c默认为true,版本默认是false,该参数从11.2.0.4才开始有
【1】Doc ID 1568417.1