使用zabbix 5.0自带模板和zabbix-agent2监控redis。
Group | Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Redis | Redis: Ping | ZABBIX_PASSIVE |["{$REDIS.CONN.URI}"]Preprocessing:- DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT: 10m |
Redis | Redis: Slowlog entries per second | ZABBIX_PASSIVE | redis.slowlog.count["{$REDIS.CONN.URI}"]Preprocessing:- CHANGE_PER_SECOND | |
Redis | Redis: CPU sys | System CPU consumed by the Redis server | DEPENDENT | redis.cpu.sysPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.CPU.used_cpu_sys |
Redis | Redis: CPU sys children | System CPU consumed by the background processes | DEPENDENT | redis.cpu.sys_childrenPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.CPU.used_cpu_sys_children |
Redis | Redis: CPU user | User CPU consumed by the Redis server | DEPENDENT | redis.cpu.userPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.CPU.used_cpu_user |
Redis | Redis: CPU user children | User CPU consumed by the background processes | DEPENDENT | redis.cpu.user_childrenPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.CPU.used_cpu_user_children |
Redis | Redis: Blocked clients | The number of connections waiting on a blocking call | DEPENDENT | redis.clients.blockedPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Clients.blocked_clients |
Redis | Redis: Max input buffer | The biggest input buffer among current client connections | DEPENDENT | redis.clients.max_input_bufferPreprocessing:- JAVASCRIPT: Text is too long. Please see the template. |
Redis | Redis: Max output buffer | The biggest output buffer among current client connections | DEPENDENT | redis.clients.max_output_bufferPreprocessing:- JAVASCRIPT: Text is too long. Please see the template. |
Redis | Redis: Connected clients | The number of connected clients | DEPENDENT | redis.clients.connectedPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Clients.connected_clients |
Redis | Redis: Cluster enabled | Indicate Redis cluster is enabled | DEPENDENT | redis.cluster.enabledPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Cluster.cluster_enabled |
Redis | Redis: Memory used | Total number of bytes allocated by Redis using its allocator | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.used_memoryPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.used_memory |
Redis | Redis: Memory used Lua | Amount of memory used by the Lua engine | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.used_memory_luaPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.used_memory_lua |
Redis | Redis: Memory used peak | Peak memory consumed by Redis (in bytes) | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.used_memory_peakPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.used_memory_peak |
Redis | Redis: Memory used RSS | Number of bytes that Redis allocated as seen by the operating system | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.used_memory_rssPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.used_memory_rss |
Redis | Redis: Memory fragmentation ratio | This ratio is an indication of memory mapping efficiency:— Value over 1.0 indicate that memory fragmentation is very likely. Consider restarting the Redis server so the operating system can recover fragmented memory, especially with a ratio over 1.5.— Value under 1.0 indicate that Redis likely has insufficient memory available. Consider optimizing memory usage or adding more RAM.Note: If your peak memory usage is much higher than your current memory usage, the memory fragmentation ratio may be unreliable. | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.fragmentation_ratioPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.mem_fragmentation_ratio |
Redis | Redis: AOF current rewrite time sec | Duration of the on-going AOF rewrite operation if any | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.aof_current_rewrite_time_secPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.aof_current_rewrite_time_sec |
Redis | Redis: AOF enabled | Flag indicating AOF logging is activated | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.aof_enabledPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.aof_enabled |
Redis | Redis: AOF last bgrewrite status | Status of the last AOF rewrite operation | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.aof_last_bgrewrite_statusPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.aof_last_bgrewrite_status - BOOL_TO_DECIMAL |
Redis | Redis: AOF last rewrite time sec | Duration of the last AOF rewrite | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.aof_last_rewrite_time_secPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.aof_last_rewrite_time_sec |
Redis | Redis: AOF last write status | Status of the last write operation to the AOF | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.aof_last_write_statusPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.aof_last_write_status - BOOL_TO_DECIMAL |
Redis | Redis: AOF rewrite in progress | Flag indicating a AOF rewrite operation is on-going | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.aof_rewrite_in_progressPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.aof_rewrite_in_progress |
Redis | Redis: AOF rewrite scheduled | Flag indicating an AOF rewrite operation will be scheduled once the on-going RDB save is complete | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.aof_rewrite_scheduledPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.aof_rewrite_scheduled |
Redis | Redis: Dump loading | Flag indicating if the load of a dump file is on-going | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.loadingPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.loading |
Redis | Redis: RDB bgsave in progress | "1" if bgsave is in progress and "0" otherwise | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.rdb_bgsave_in_progressPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.rdb_bgsave_in_progress |
Redis | Redis: RDB changes since last save | Number of changes since the last background save | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.rdb_changes_since_last_savePreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.rdb_changes_since_last_save |
Redis | Redis: RDB current bgsave time sec | Duration of the on-going RDB save operation if any | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.rdb_current_bgsave_time_secPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec |
Redis | Redis: RDB last bgsave status | Status of the last RDB save operation | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.rdb_last_bgsave_statusPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.rdb_last_bgsave_status - BOOL_TO_DECIMAL |
Redis | Redis: RDB last bgsave time sec | Duration of the last bg_save operation | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.rdb_last_bgsave_time_secPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec |
Redis | Redis: RDB last save time | Epoch-based timestamp of last successful RDB save | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.rdb_last_save_timePreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.rdb_last_save_time |
Redis | Redis: Connected slaves | Number of connected slaves | DEPENDENT | redis.replication.connected_slavesPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Replication.connected_slaves |
Redis | Redis: Replication backlog active | Flag indicating replication backlog is active | DEPENDENT | redis.replication.repl_backlog_activePreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Replication.repl_backlog_active |
Redis | Redis: Replication backlog first byte offset | The master offset of the replication backlog buffer | DEPENDENT | redis.replication.repl_backlog_first_byte_offsetPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Replication.repl_backlog_first_byte_offset |
Redis | Redis: Replication backlog history length | Amount of data in the backlog sync buffer | DEPENDENT | redis.replication.repl_backlog_histlenPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Replication.repl_backlog_histlen |
Redis | Redis: Replication backlog size | Total size in bytes of the replication backlog buffer | DEPENDENT | redis.replication.repl_backlog_sizePreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Replication.repl_backlog_size |
Redis | Redis: Replication role | Value is "master" if the instance is replica of no one, or "slave" if the instance is a replica of some master instance. Note that a replica can be master of another replica (chained replication). | DEPENDENT | redis.replication.rolePreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Replication.role - DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT: 1d |
Redis | Redis: Master replication offset | Replication offset reported by the master | DEPENDENT | redis.replication.master_repl_offsetPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Replication.master_repl_offset |
Redis | Redis: Process id | PID of the server process | DEPENDENT | redis.server.process_idPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Server.process_id - DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT: 1d |
Redis | Redis: Redis mode | The server's mode ("standalone", "sentinel" or "cluster") | DEPENDENT | redis.server.redis_modePreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Server.redis_mode - DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT: 1d |
Redis | Redis: Redis version | Version of the Redis server | DEPENDENT | redis.server.redis_versionPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Server.redis_version - DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT: 1d |
Redis | Redis: TCP port | TCP/IP listen port | DEPENDENT | redis.server.tcp_portPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Server.tcp_port - DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT: 1d |
Redis | Redis: Uptime | Number of seconds since Redis server start | DEPENDENT | redis.server.uptimePreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Server.uptime_in_seconds |
Redis | Redis: Evicted keys | Number of evicted keys due to maxmemory limit | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.evicted_keysPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.evicted_keys |
Redis | Redis: Expired keys | Total number of key expiration events | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.expired_keysPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.expired_keys |
Redis | Redis: Instantaneous input bytes per second | The network's read rate per second in KB/sec | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.instantaneous_input.ratePreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.instantaneous_input_kbps - MULTIPLIER: 1024 |
Redis | Redis: Instantaneous operations per sec | Number of commands processed per second | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.instantaneous_ops.ratePreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.instantaneous_ops_per_sec |
Redis | Redis: Instantaneous output bytes per second | The network's write rate per second in KB/sec | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.instantaneous_output.ratePreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.instantaneous_output_kbps - MULTIPLIER: 1024 |
Redis | Redis: Keyspace hits | Number of successful lookup of keys in the main dictionary | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.keyspace_hitsPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.keyspace_hits |
Redis | Redis: Keyspace misses | Number of failed lookup of keys in the main dictionary | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.keyspace_missesPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.keyspace_misses |
Redis | Redis: Latest fork usec | Duration of the latest fork operation in microseconds | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.latest_fork_usecPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.latest_fork_usec - MULTIPLIER: 1.0E-5 |
Redis | Redis: Migrate cached sockets | The number of sockets open for MIGRATE purposes | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.migrate_cached_socketsPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.migrate_cached_sockets |
Redis | Redis: Pubsub channels | Global number of pub/sub channels with client subscriptions | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.pubsub_channelsPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.pubsub_channels |
Redis | Redis: Pubsub patterns | Global number of pub/sub pattern with client subscriptions | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.pubsub_patternsPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.pubsub_patterns |
Redis | Redis: Rejected connections | Number of connections rejected because of maxclients limit | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.rejected_connectionsPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.rejected_connections |
Redis | Redis: Sync full | The number of full resyncs with replicas | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.sync_fullPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.sync_full |
Redis | Redis: Sync partial err | The number of denied partial resync requests | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.sync_partial_errPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.sync_partial_err |
Redis | Redis: Sync partial ok | The number of accepted partial resync requests | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.sync_partial_okPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.sync_partial_ok |
Redis | Redis: Total commands processed | Total number of commands processed by the server | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.total_commands_processedPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.total_commands_processed |
Redis | Redis: Total connections received | Total number of connections accepted by the server | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.total_connections_receivedPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.total_connections_received |
Redis | Redis: Total net input bytes | The total number of bytes read from the network | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.total_net_input_bytesPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.total_net_input_bytes |
Redis | Redis: Total net output bytes | The total number of bytes written to the network | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.total_net_output_bytesPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.total_net_output_bytes |
Redis | Redis: Max clients | Max number of connected clients at the same time.Once the limit is reached Redis will close all the new connections sending an error "max number of clients reached". | DEPENDENT | redis.config.maxclientsPreprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.maxclients - DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT: 30m |
Redis | DB {#DB}: Average TTL | Average TTL | DEPENDENT | redis.db.avg_ttl["{#DB}"]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Keyspace["{#DB}"].avg_ttl - MULTIPLIER: 0.001 |
Redis | DB {#DB}: Expires | Number of keys with an expiration | DEPENDENT | redis.db.expires["{#DB}"]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Keyspace["{#DB}"].expires |
Redis | DB {#DB}: Keys | Total number of keys | DEPENDENT | redis.db.keys["{#DB}"]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Keyspace["{#DB}"].keys |
Redis | Redis: AOF current size | AOF current file size | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.aof_current_size[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.aof_current_size |
Redis | Redis: AOF base size | AOF file size on latest startup or rewrite | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.aof_base_size[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.aof_base_size |
Redis | Redis: AOF pending rewrite | Flag indicating an AOF rewrite operation will | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.aof_pending_rewrite[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.aof_pending_rewrite |
Redis | Redis: AOF buffer length | Size of the AOF buffer | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.aof_buffer_length[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.aof_buffer_length |
Redis | Redis: AOF rewrite buffer length | Size of the AOF rewrite buffer | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.aof_rewrite_buffer_length[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.aof_rewrite_buffer_length |
Redis | Redis: AOF pending background I/O fsync | Number of fsync pending jobs in background I/O queue | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.aof_pending_bio_fsync[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.aof_pending_bio_fsync |
Redis | Redis: AOF delayed fsync | Delayed fsync counter | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.aof_delayed_fsync[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.aof_delayed_fsync |
Redis | Redis: Master host | Host or IP address of the master | DEPENDENT | redis.replication.master_host[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Replication.master_host - DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT: 1d |
Redis | Redis: Master port | Master listening TCP port | DEPENDENT | redis.replication.master_port[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Replication.master_port - DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT: 1d |
Redis | Redis: Master link status | Status of the link (up/down) | DEPENDENT | redis.replication.master_link_status[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Replication.master_link_status - BOOL_TO_DECIMAL |
Redis | Redis: Master last I/O seconds ago | Number of seconds since the last interaction with master | DEPENDENT | redis.replication.master_last_io_seconds_ago[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Replication.master_last_io_seconds_ago |
Redis | Redis: Master sync in progress | Indicate the master is syncing to the replica | DEPENDENT | redis.replication.master_sync_in_progress[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Replication.master_sync_in_progress |
Redis | Redis: Slave replication offset | The replication offset of the replica instance | DEPENDENT | redis.replication.slave_repl_offset[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Replication.slave_repl_offset |
Redis | Redis: Slave priority | The priority of the instance as a candidate for failover | DEPENDENT | redis.replication.slave_priority[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Replication.slave_priority |
Redis | Redis: Slave priority | Flag indicating if the replica is read-only | DEPENDENT | redis.replication.slave_read_only[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Replication.slave_read_only - DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT: 1d |
Redis | Redis slave {#SLAVE_IP}:{#SLAVE_PORT}: Replication lag in bytes | Replication lag in bytes | DEPENDENT | redis.replication.lag_bytes["{#SLAVE_IP}:{#SLAVE_PORT}"]Preprocessing:- JAVASCRIPT: Text is too long. Please see the template. |
Redis | Redis: Number of processes running | - | ZABBIX_PASSIVE | proc.num["{$REDIS.PROCESS_NAME}{#SINGLETON}"] |
Redis | Redis: Memory usage (rss) | Resident set size memory used by process in bytes. | ZABBIX_PASSIVE | proc.mem["{$REDIS.PROCESS_NAME}{#SINGLETON}",,,,rss] |
Redis | Redis: Memory usage (vsize) | Virtual memory size used by process in bytes. | ZABBIX_PASSIVE | proc.mem["{$REDIS.PROCESS_NAME}{#SINGLETON}",,,,vsize] |
Redis | Redis: CPU utilization | Process CPU utilization percentage. | ZABBIX_PASSIVE | proc.cpu.util["{$REDIS.PROCESS_NAME}{#SINGLETON}"] |
Redis | Redis: Executable path | The path to the server's executable | DEPENDENT | redis.server.executable[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Server.executable - DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT: 1d |
Redis | Redis: Memory used peak % | The percentage of used_memory_peak out of used_memory | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.used_memory_peak_perc[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.used_memory_peak_perc - REGEX: (.+)% \1 |
Redis | Redis: Memory used overhead | The sum in bytes of all overheads that the server allocated for managing its internal data structures | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.used_memory_overhead[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.used_memory_overhead |
Redis | Redis: Memory used startup | Initial amount of memory consumed by Redis at startup in bytes | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.used_memory_startup[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.used_memory_startup |
Redis | Redis: Memory used dataset | The size in bytes of the dataset | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.used_memory_dataset[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.used_memory_dataset |
Redis | Redis: Memory used dataset % | The percentage of used_memory_dataset out of the net memory usage (used_memory minus used_memory_startup) | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.used_memory_dataset_perc[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.used_memory_dataset_perc - REGEX: (.+)% \1 |
Redis | Redis: Total system memory | The total amount of memory that the Redis host has | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.total_system_memory[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.total_system_memory |
Redis | Redis: Max memory | Maximum amount of memory allocated to the Redisdb system | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.maxmemory[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.maxmemory |
Redis | Redis: Max memory policy | The value of the maxmemory-policy configuration directive | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.maxmemory_policy[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.maxmemory_policy - DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT: 1d |
Redis | Redis: Active defrag running | Flag indicating if active defragmentation is active | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.active_defrag_running[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.active_defrag_running |
Redis | Redis: Lazyfree pending objects | The number of objects waiting to be freed (as a result of calling UNLINK, or FLUSHDB and FLUSHALL with the ASYNC option) | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.lazyfree_pending_objects[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.lazyfree_pending_objects |
Redis | Redis: RDB last CoW size | The size in bytes of copy-on-write allocations during the last RDB save operation | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.rdb_last_cow_size[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.rdb_last_cow_size |
Redis | Redis: AOF last CoW size | The size in bytes of copy-on-write allocations during the last AOF rewrite operation | DEPENDENT | redis.persistence.aof_last_cow_size[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Persistence.aof_last_cow_size |
Redis | Redis: Expired stale % | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.expired_stale_perc[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.expired_stale_perc |
Redis | Redis: Expired time cap reached count | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.expired_time_cap_reached_count[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.expired_time_cap_reached_count |
Redis | Redis: Slave expires tracked keys | The number of keys tracked for expiry purposes (applicable only to writable replicas) | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.slave_expires_tracked_keys[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.slave_expires_tracked_keys |
Redis | Redis: Active defrag hits | Number of value reallocations performed by active the defragmentation process | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.active_defrag_hits[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.active_defrag_hits |
Redis | Redis: Active defrag misses | Number of aborted value reallocations started by the active defragmentation process | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.active_defrag_misses[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.active_defrag_misses |
Redis | Redis: Active defrag key hits | Number of keys that were actively defragmented | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.active_defrag_key_hits[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.active_defrag_key_hits |
Redis | Redis: Active defrag key misses | Number of keys that were skipped by the active defragmentation process | DEPENDENT | redis.stats.active_defrag_key_misses[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Stats.active_defrag_key_misses |
Redis | Redis: Replication second offset | Offset up to which replication IDs are accepted | DEPENDENT | redis.replication.second_repl_offset[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Replication.second_repl_offset |
Redis | Redis: Allocator active | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.allocator_active[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.allocator_active |
Redis | Redis: Allocator allocated | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.allocator_allocated[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.allocator_allocated |
Redis | Redis: Allocator resident | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.allocator_resident[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.allocator_resident |
Redis | Redis: Memory used scripts | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.used_memory_scripts[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.used_memory_scripts |
Redis | Redis: Memory number of cached scripts | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.number_of_cached_scripts[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.number_of_cached_scripts |
Redis | Redis: Allocator fragmentation bytes | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.allocator_frag_bytes[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.allocator_frag_bytes |
Redis | Redis: Allocator fragmentation ratio | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.allocator_frag_ratio[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.allocator_frag_ratio |
Redis | Redis: Allocator RSS bytes | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.allocator_rss_bytes[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.allocator_rss_bytes |
Redis | Redis: Allocator RSS ratio | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.allocator_rss_ratio[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.allocator_rss_ratio |
Redis | Redis: Memory RSS overhead bytes | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.rss_overhead_bytes[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.rss_overhead_bytes |
Redis | Redis: Memory RSS overhead ratio | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.rss_overhead_ratio[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.rss_overhead_ratio |
Redis | Redis: Memory fragmentation bytes | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.fragmentation_bytes[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.mem_fragmentation_bytes |
Redis | Redis: Memory not counted for evict | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.not_counted_for_evict[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.mem_not_counted_for_evict |
Redis | Redis: Memory replication backlog | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.replication_backlog[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.mem_replication_backlog |
Redis | Redis: Memory clients normal | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.mem_clients_normal[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.mem_clients_normal |
Redis | Redis: Memory clients slaves | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.mem_clients_slaves[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.mem_clients_slaves |
Redis | Redis: Memory AOF buffer | Size of the AOF buffer | DEPENDENT | redis.memory.mem_aof_buffer[{#SINGLETON}]Preprocessing:- JSONPATH: $.Memory.mem_aof_buffer |
Zabbix_raw_items | Redis: Get info | ZABBIX_PASSIVE |["{$REDIS.CONN.URI}"] | |
Zabbix_raw_items | Redis: Get config | ZABBIX_PASSIVE | redis.config["{$REDIS.CONN.URI}"]Preprocessing:- DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT: 1h |
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