squirrels 松鼠
draw 画
my brain is exploding 爆炸
two myths 流言
want to dispel two myths 消除2个流言
immersion is the way to learn a language 沉浸式,专注
immersion per se does not work 沉浸
meaning relevance相关性 attention memory
got to take a train ride 旅行
acquire the language unconsciously 不知不觉
comprehensible input 可理解的输入
accumulating lots of knowledge 积累
coordinate those in a way 调节
final principle is state
psycho-physiological state 心理生理
brain soaking 大脑浸泡
through comprehensible input 可理解的

a creative process
glue words 胶水词

posted on 2021-04-09 11:01  RogerLu  阅读(75)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报