Sort Keys:

Sort Keys are used to populate the Assignment number field in the line items of customers or vendors or general ledgers.

The content of this Assignment number field can be populated in a customer or vendor or general ledger document when the document is created:

either manually

or automatically by the system

Whenever a document is created, the Assignment number field in the document line items will be populated automatically, if the requisite sort keys are assigned to the customers or vendors or general ledgers master record.

Use of Sort Key – Benefits of Automatic Population of Assignment Field:

Whenever any standard reports are executed for displaying the line items of customers or vendors or general ledgers, SAP uses the content of the Assignment number field as one of the criteria to sort and display the line items.

What are the contents that can be populated automatically in the Assignment number field:

The Assignment number field of a customer or vendor or general ledger document line item can be populated automatically with the contents of one or more fields which are:

Either the data derived from the header of the document

Or the data derived from the line item of the document

The only requirement is that the above mentioned data proposed to be populated automatically in the Assignment number field should be available in one of the database tables – BKPF or BSEG or BSEC or BSED.

Can partial contents be populated in the Assignment number field:

The contents of the fields available in the database tables – BKPF or BSEG or BSEC or BSED can be populated automatically in the Assignment number field of the document, either completely or partially.

This can be controlled by mentioning the length of the field to be transferred in the fields – Length and Offset.

Applicability of the Sort Key logic:

The logic defined in the Sort Key is applicable across the client.

General Process Flow Describing Sort Key Functionality:





posted on 2021-02-28 16:50  RogerLu  阅读(178)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报