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 1   <servers>
 2     <!-- server
 3      | Specifies the authentication information to use when connecting to a particular server, identified by
 4      | a unique name within the system (referred to by the 'id' attribute below).
 5      |
 6      | NOTE: You should either specify username/password OR privateKey/passphrase, since these pairings are
 7      |       used together.
 8      |
 9     <server>
10       <id>deploymentRepo</id>
11       <username>repouser</username>
12       <password>repopwd</password>
13     </server>
14     -->
16     <!-- Another sample, using keys to authenticate.
17     <server>
18       <id>siteServer</id>
19       <privateKey>/path/to/private/key</privateKey>
20       <passphrase>optional; leave empty if not used.</passphrase>
21     </server>
22     -->
23     <!-- 在这里添加配置私仓的ID和账号、密码 -->
24     <server>
25       <id>mycentral</id>
26       <username>私服账号</username>
27       <password>私服密码</password>
28     </server>
29     <server>
30       <id>mysnapshots</id>
31       <username>私服账号</username>
32       <password>私服密码</password>
33     </server>
34   </servers>


distributionManagement是使用mavne deploy上传打好的包。



 1 <distributionManagement>
 2         <repository>
 3             <!--注意ID配置与settings.xml中server配置ID保持一致-->
 4             <id>mycentral</id>
 5             <name>Artifactory-releases</name>
 6             <url>https://私仓地址.com.cn/artifactory/Management_Application_Maven</url>
 7         </repository>
 8         <snapshotRepository>
 9             <id>mysnapshots</id>
10             <name>Artifactory-snapshots</name>
11             <url>https://私仓地址.com.cn/artifactory/Management_Application_Maven</url>
12         </snapshotRepository>
13 </distributionManagement>
 1     <repositories>
 2         <repository>
 3             <!--注意ID配置与settings.xml中server配置ID保持一致-->
 4             <id>mysnapshots</id>
 5             <url>https://devstack.vgc.com.cn/artifactory/Timesheet_Management_Application_Maven</url>
 6             <snapshots>
 7                 <enabled>true</enabled>
 8             </snapshots>
 9         </repository>
10         <repository>
11             <!--注意ID配置与settings.xml中server配置ID保持一致-->
12             <id>mycentral</id>
13             <url>https://devstack.vgc.com.cn/artifactory/Timesheet_Management_Application_Maven</url>
14         </repository>
15         <repository>
16             <id>alimaven</id>
17             <name>aliyun maven</name>
18             <url>http://maven.aliyun.com/nexus/content/groups/public/</url>
19             <releases>
20                 <enabled>true</enabled>
21             </releases>
22             <snapshots>
23                 <enabled>false</enabled>
24             </snapshots>
25         </repository>
26     </repositories>


posted on 2022-10-25 15:25  Rocky_  阅读(2898)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报