Update :2010-04-21
Today we mourn the people who suffered the devastating disaster of 7.1 earthquake in Qinghai , frankly speaking , I don't wanna start the post with this , but we have to face the reality , and in another way , I think this may make this post more memorable.
Today many websites has changed his Main color to Gray , in order to Realize that , we only need one CSS style in the html , that is : html { filter:gray }
Update: 2010-04-26
Today I reinstalled the SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio , but the difference is I installed the English version for both of them , the purpose for this action is not I'm gonna pretend to be a professional , cuz I am not , but I think it's very important to keep my thoughts in english way .
Right now , without the help of chinese , whether it's the menu , or the editor tooltip etc. Every second when that clock is ticking , I am gonna think more than before .
Plus , I generally believe that I can find something out that maybe I didn't even notice before under the chinese version.
Update: 2010-04-28
I am used to use the methods that already encapsulated in some class , so I didn't create a class right before the Form's behind code , but when I do a small test today , I find out that if I try to do that , there will be an error display in the design window , which is "The class can be designed , but is not the first class in the file , Visual Studio requires that designers use the first class in the file . Move the class code so that it's the first class in the file and try loading the designer again".
Ok , I get it , no same mistake again....
Update: 2010-04-28
Q: Do you know the difference between Char.isDigit() and Char.isNumer() ?
A: Actually , I packed five ways to judge whether a string is made up all by digits , including Try...Catch , TryParse , RegexExpression, isNumeric , and Char.isXXX function , but when I supposed to use the function , I can't tell the difference between Char.isDigit() and Char.isNumer() , after a little search I found out that Char.isDigit() is for the decimal , on the other hand , besides decimal , Char.isNumber() can also suits all the rome letters , and fraction , etc , which is a more powerful function compared to Char.isDigit().
Update: 2010-05-03
I've been using english version of Visual Studio and SQL Server for one week , and I feel really good about it , cuz I can learn many professional words in programming language field , such as concurrent , volatile , symmetric , prerequisite , deprecate , ambiguous , that's something I cannot find out under the chinese version .
I think it really makes every second of my programming work filled with thirst for knowledge ,maybe a little boring at the beginning , but it brings me fun now , and I kind of enjoy it .
Update: 2010-05-05
How many ways to Execute a series of Sql in SSMS , I got three ways :
2、Click the "Execute" button
3、Click the right mouse button and press "x" in the keyboard
But today I happened to find a new shortcut key , that is Ctrl + E
Update: 2010-05-10
Today I got some info about a latest google tech called O3D , this is really cool , with this API , with some personal Javascript skills , you can make a webpage with a real 3D effect in vision , maybe I can spare some time to do a little bit more research about it ....
Update: 2010-05-13
Recently I've been working on making my own library , includes HTML+CSS+Javascript , ASP.NET , Winform , etc.
And I've benefited a lot from this work :
I found some unsettled , or mybe unnoticed details , so I can pay attention to it , and stamp a mark in my head .
I found some problems left before , so I rearrange my thoughts , find a solution for it .
Last but not the least , I can modify some codes , encapsulate them , and make them on my own eventually .
Come on !
Update: 2010-05-18
After more than half months , my work mentioned has producted , and I am really happy for it , next I am gonna do something more interesting .
I am gonna make some controls , and I have three plans :
1、If I think it's no need to override a control , then I will make some initial setup for the control , for example , for the DataGridView control , I always made the AutoSizeColumnsMode is Fill , so I can create a control which inherit DataGridView , but I can add AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill to the OnCreateControl event , then I will not change this property whenever I want to use DataGridView control.
2、I can make my own control with some pictures , with come Attributes , Functions and Events , just image that I don't have DotNetBar components ...
3、I don't have interests in making web controls , cuz I have to override Render function , then when I right click the mouse button to check the webpage source code , I will find my render contents , and with them show off in the page code , I honestly feel it kind of ugly , so when I have some requests for the web application , I am gonna try to encapsulate a javascript library to realize it .
A lot of work to do , so let me do it !
Update: 2010-05-26
I'm busy preparing my thesis , but I just can't help working on my programming , I've been basically completed my code encapsulate work , then I need some real deal .
Today I happed to read a series of articles here on cnblogs.com , and I am really excited about it , now I got my next goal , that is to refactor the students management system , but this is important , with five major tech , there are ASP.NET MVC 2 , Linq , NHibernate , Spring.Net , jQuery.
Sounds a little bit crazy , but as I am student right now , as I can spare a lot of time to learn , then I just learn .
Knowledge is a food , the eager man who takes more who will feel more hungry , it's true ? for me , yes !
Update: 2010-05-31
There is a saying in the programming field , that is -- A programmer needs to learn a new programming language each year .
I don't know whether it's appropriate for me , but I do want to learn something new , I have this kind of idea based on the following reasons:
1、 As we all know that .NET Framework is a genius and incredible development and it absorbed a lot of advantages from other language such as Java , Delphi etc . With Visual Studio , it's much easier for the .NET developer to develop an application whether based on B/S or C/S platform , so I want to learn some new language , so I can develop something but in a totally different way , when I don't have all the shortcuts , I have to think more , do more , and eventually I can learn more.
2、In recent days , functional programming spreads all over the word , and becomes more and more popular , such as F# , Ruby , Python , and even C# also develops Lamba Expression which obviously is influenced by the functional language. So I am gonna choose one of them as my next goal.
3、Just today , I got a news from CSDN.NET , and it's about the top 100 websites in the world , the top one : Facebook , the news said the PV has already reached more than 57 billion , and the develop language ? Not java, not .NET , but is PHP . And some of my friends have found a company and mainly use PHP to provide services to the costomers , so PHP is one of my options too.
When ? I guess I'll start next semester . And it doesn't means that I will leave .NET platform , actually , I have a lot of stuff to learn in .NET field .
Update: 2010-06-23
EISH !!! I've been busy with too many stuff about my graduation , such as write the graduation thesis , prepare for the thesis answer, and most imprtantly , have fun with my college classmates , treasure the remaining time that we can spend together.
But now it is time for me to come back , come back to the real bussiness , although I graduate from this university now , but there is a long way to go , I got a lot of stuff to learn in the future , and there is a lot of obstacles lie ahead of me , so I need to be fully prepared for it , and the only way to realize that is by studying -- studying harder and harder .