
AFAIK (As Far As I Know) 据我所知
a.k.a. (also known as) 别名,又称
AOB (Any other business) 其他问题
a.s.a.p., ASAP (as soon as possible) 尽快
BTW (By the way) 顺便问一句
FAQ (Frequently asked question) 常见问题
FYI (For your information) 供您参考
IMO (In my opinion) 依我所见
IOW (In other words) 换句话说;亦即
ITMT (in the meantime) 那么;同时
ITRW (in the real world) 实际上;在真实的社会中
PLS (Please) 请,麻烦您
POC (piece of cake) 小事一桩; 轻而易举
POV (point of view) 意见;观点;想法
TIA (Thanks in advance) 请指教;先给你道谢
TKS, TNX, THX (Thanks) 谢谢
WRT (with regards to) 关于
BRB (by right back) 我要走了
BFN (by for now) 再见
B4 (before) 在。。。。之前
CU (see you) (再见
CUL (see you later) 再联系
EZ (easy) 简单
F2F (face to face 面对面
FAQ (frequent asked questions 常见的问题
FOAF (friend of a friend 朋友的朋友
FYI (for your information 供您参考
FWIW for what it's worth 获取有价值的信息
GA (go ahead) 一直往前走(我等着)
GIWIST (Gee,I wish I said that) 哇!其实我也想这么说
HHOK (haha only kidding) 哈哈 只是玩笑
HTH (hope this helps) 希望这能帮上忙
IMO (in my opinion) 以我之见
IMHO (in my humble opinion) 以我愚见
IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion) 以我个人之见
IOW (in other words) 换句话说
ITMT (in the meantime) 同时,在此期间

posted @ 2011-01-12 08:54  刘光明  阅读(486)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报