C/S 图片操作

SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM student", MyCn);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(Cmd);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
da.Fill(ds, "student");
Byte[] byteBLOBData =  new Byte[0];
byteBLOBData = (Byte[])(ds.Tables["student"].Rows[index]["ZP"]);
MemoryStream stmBLOBData = new MemoryStream(byteBLOBData);
this.pictureBox2.Image= Image.FromStream(stmBLOBData);

OleDbDataAdapter MyDa=new OleDbDataAdapter("select ZP from picture",MyCn);
   DataSet ds=new DataSet();
foreach(DataRow rFirst in ds.Tables["picture"].Rows)

MemoryStream stream=new MemoryStream(bData,true);
//MemoryStream stream=new MemoryStream(bData);
    // Create a bitmap from the stream
    Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(stream);

    // Close the stream

SqlCommand MyCmd=new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO student(XH,ZP) VALUES(@XH,@ZP)",MyCn);

   //Read jpg into file stream, and from there into Byte array.
   FileStream fsBLOBFile =  new FileStream(strBLOBFilePath,FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
   Byte[] bytBLOBData = new Byte[fsBLOBFile.Length];
   fsBLOBFile.Read(bytBLOBData, 0, bytBLOBData.Length);


   //Create parameter for insert command and add to SqlCommand object.
   SqlParameter prm = new  SqlParameter("@ZP", SqlDbType.VarBinary, bytBLOBData.Length, ParameterDirection.Input, false,0, 0, null, DataRowVersion.Current, bytBLOBData);

   catch(Exception ex)

posted @ 2006-10-18 21:35  RobotTech  阅读(360)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报