好吧,这篇博客主要就是记录一下自己在打这些题的一些思路和想法...由于这个题里面其实没有什么算法和数据结构的运用,感觉这篇博客成了一个教大家学习怎么样完成作业的blog hhh不过这样也挺好。虽然这么说啦,我会把我觉得我的程序里自己觉得很漂亮的部分重点讲一下,也可以分享一些面对这样一个比较复杂而冗长的代码怎样更好的提高调试效率的一些小方法。
笔者认为呢,这个题的目的主要在于:1.营造场景 2.让我们体会一下面向对象和面向过程之间的关系 3.emmm增加一下大家的信心,方便大家入坑(雾)
【行为】1制造一个武士 2停止制造武士
那么在制造武士的时候需要知道1.当前司令部的生命元 2.当前要制造的武士是谁 3.当前武士的编号 4.现在的时间 5.这个武士需要多少的生命元 6这个武士有多少了
这里我们会发现:4和5 其实在意义上应该设置成全局变量的,因为比如时间应该是每一个函数都可以调用到的,而每个武士需要用的生命元也是一个客观的给出的条件,也应该是允许所有人调用的。
1 Index++; 2 int who=Order[Index%5],tmp=0; 3 while(HP<Cost[who] && tmp<5) 4 who=Order[++Index%5],tmp++;
然后就没有难的地方啦!做完之后可以沾沾自喜了(诶,这貌似是一个贬义词Hhh...不管啦) (果然是诱惑入坑的好题...)
1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<cstring> 3 #include<algorithm> 4 5 using namespace std; 6 7 int Time_Index; 8 int Cost[6]; 9 int ord1[5]={3,4,5,2,1},ord2[5]={4,1,2,3,5}; 10 char Warrior_Name[6][7]={"\0","dragon","ninja","iceman","lion","wolf"}; 11 12 class Headquarter{ 13 public: 14 int Index; 15 int HP; 16 int Count[6]; 17 int Order[5]; 18 char Name[5]; 19 bool STOP; 20 Headquarter(int HP_,char *s,int *ord){ 21 Time_Index=-1; 22 Index=-1; 23 HP=HP_; 24 for(int i=1;i<=5;i++) Count[i]=0; 25 for(int i=0;i<5;i++) Order[i]=ord[i]; 26 memset(Name,0,sizeof(Name)); 27 strcpy(Name,s); 28 STOP=false; 29 } 30 void Build(){ 31 Time_Index++; 32 Index++; 33 if(STOP) return; 34 int who=Order[Index%5],tmp=0; 35 while(HP<Cost[who] && tmp<5) 36 who=Order[++Index%5],tmp++; 37 if(HP>=Cost[who]){ 38 HP-=Cost[who]; 39 Count[who]++; 40 printf("%03d %s %s %d born with strength %d,%d %s in %s headquarter\n",Time_Index,Name,Warrior_Name[who],Time_Index+1,Cost[who],Count[who],Warrior_Name[who],Name); 41 } 42 else{ 43 printf("%03d %s headquarter stops making warriors\n",Time_Index,Name); 44 STOP=true; 45 } 46 } 47 }; 48 49 int main(){ 50 #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE 51 freopen("x.in","r",stdin); 52 freopen("x.out","w",stdout); 53 #endif 54 int Kase,W; 55 char s1[4]="red",s2[5]="blue"; 56 scanf("%d",&Kase); 57 for(int T=1;T<=Kase;T++){ 58 printf("Case:%d\n",T); 59 scanf("%d",&W); 60 for(int i=1;i<=5;i++) 61 scanf("%d",&Cost[i]); 62 Headquarter r(W,s1,ord1),b(W,s2,ord2); 63 while(!r.STOP || !b.STOP){ 64 r.Build(); 65 b.Build(); 66 } 67 } 68 return 0; 69 }
虚函数和多态在笔者看来是一个很实用的东西,它其实是类似 If 的一个函数,同样的一句话,if 这个函数的主体是x就执行 x 里写的函数,if 是 y 来做就执行 y 里写的函数。但是这个却不是在编译中写好的 if 而是执行的时候才去执行,这样就让代码看上去逻辑感很好,而且也很简洁啦!
所以我在用virtual的时候一般是先去思考一个一般武士的行动,然后思考是不是有特例的武士不会这么做,那么就设置成virtual,比如看着题目的输出样例,你就可以很清楚的知道有:出生->得到武器->输出自己情况 这样三个普遍的行动,但是每一个部分都是有特例的,比如出生的时候有人会获得士气和忠诚这样的属性。得到武器的时候有人会得到两把,输出自己时有的人没有武器要输出....[p.s.]不过出生的时候不一样,写在构造函数里不一样就好啦,这个就不能virtual了
1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<cstring> 3 #include<algorithm> 4 #include<iostream> 5 6 using namespace std; 7 8 int Cost[5],Time_Index; 9 int ord1[5]={2,3,4,1,0},ord2[5]={3,0,1,2,4}; 10 char Weapon_Name[3][6]={"sword","bomb","arrow"}; 11 char Warrior_Name[5][7]={"dragon","ninja","iceman","lion","wolf"}; 12 char Headquarter_Name[2][5]={"red","blue"}; 13 14 class Weapon{ 15 char Name[6]; 16 public: 17 Weapon(int which){ 18 strcpy(Name,Weapon_Name[which]); 19 } 20 void print(){printf("It has a %s",Name);} 21 void Name_print(){printf("%s",Name);} 22 }; 23 24 class Warrior{ 25 protected: 26 int HP; 27 char Name[7]; 28 Weapon *w1,*w2; 29 public: 30 Warrior(int HP_,char *s){ 31 memset(Name,0,sizeof(Name)); 32 HP=HP_; 33 strcpy(Name,s); 34 w1=w2=NULL; 35 } 36 virtual void get_weapon(){ 37 w1=new Weapon((Time_Index+1)%3); 38 } 39 void Name_print(){ 40 printf("%s",Name); 41 } 42 virtual void Weapon_print(){ 43 w1->print(); 44 printf("\n"); 45 } 46 ~Warrior(){if(w1) delete w1;if(w2) delete w2;} 47 }; 48 //0 49 class Dragon:public Warrior{ 50 double morale; 51 public: 52 Dragon(int HP,double m_):Warrior(HP,Warrior_Name[0]){morale=m_;} 53 virtual void Weapon_print(){ 54 w1->print(); 55 printf(",and it's morale is %.2lf\n",morale); 56 } 57 }; 58 //1 59 class Ninja:public Warrior{ 60 public: 61 Ninja(int HP):Warrior(HP,Warrior_Name[1]){} 62 virtual void get_weapon(){ 63 w1=new Weapon((Time_Index+1)%3); 64 w2=new Weapon((Time_Index+2)%3); 65 } 66 virtual void Weapon_print(){ 67 w1->print(); 68 printf(" and a "); 69 w2->Name_print(); 70 putchar('\n'); 71 } 72 }; 73 //2 74 class Iceman:public Warrior{ 75 public: 76 Iceman(int HP):Warrior(HP,Warrior_Name[2]){} 77 }; 78 //3 79 class Lion:public Warrior{ 80 int loyalty; 81 public: 82 Lion(int HP,int l_):Warrior(HP,Warrior_Name[3]){loyalty=l_;} 83 virtual void get_weapon(){} 84 virtual void Weapon_print(){ 85 printf("It's loyalty is %d\n",loyalty); 86 } 87 }; 88 //4 89 class Wolf:public Warrior{ 90 public: 91 Wolf(int HP):Warrior(HP,Warrior_Name[4]){} 92 virtual void get_weapon(){}; 93 virtual void Weapon_print(){}; 94 }; 95 96 class Headquarter{ 97 private: 98 char Name[5]; 99 int HP; 100 int Order[5]; 101 int Count[5]; 102 int Warrior_Index; 103 Warrior *cur; 104 bool STOP; 105 public: 106 Headquarter(char *s,int HP_,int* O_){ 107 memset(Name,0,sizeof(Name)); 108 memset(Count,0,sizeof(Count)); 109 strcpy(Name,s); 110 HP=HP_; 111 for(int i=0;i<5;i++) 112 Order[i]=O_[i]; 113 Warrior_Index=-1; 114 cur=NULL; 115 STOP=0; 116 } 117 void Change_HP(int HP_){ 118 HP=HP_; 119 memset(Count,0,sizeof(Count)); 120 Warrior_Index=-1; 121 cur=NULL; 122 STOP=0; 123 }; 124 void Build_Warrior(){ 125 if(STOP) return; 126 Warrior_Index=(Warrior_Index+1)%5; 127 int who=Order[Warrior_Index]; 128 int temp=0; 129 while(Cost[who]>HP && temp<5){ 130 Warrior_Index=(Warrior_Index+1)%5; 131 who=Order[Warrior_Index]; 132 temp++; 133 } 134 if(HP>=Cost[who]){ 135 Count[who]++; 136 HP-=Cost[who]; 137 switch(who){ 138 case 0: cur=new Dragon(Cost[0],(double)HP/Cost[0]);break; 139 case 1: cur=new Ninja(Cost[1]);break; 140 case 2: cur=new Iceman(Cost[2]);break; 141 case 3: cur=new Lion(Cost[3],HP);break; 142 case 4: cur=new Wolf(Cost[4]);break; 143 }; 144 cur->get_weapon(); 145 printf("%03d %s ",Time_Index,Name); 146 cur->Name_print(); 147 printf(" %d born with strength %d,%d ",Time_Index+1,Cost[who],Count[who]); 148 cur->Name_print(); 149 printf(" in %s headquarter\n",Name); 150 cur->Weapon_print(); 151 delete cur; 152 cur=NULL; 153 } 154 else{ 155 printf("%03d %s headquarter stops making warriors\n",Time_Index,Name); 156 STOP=true; 157 } 158 } 159 bool Stop(){return STOP;} 160 }; 161 162 Headquarter r(Headquarter_Name[0],0,ord1),b(Headquarter_Name[1],0,ord2); 163 164 int main(){ 165 #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE 166 freopen("x.in","r",stdin); 167 freopen("x.out","w",stdout); 168 #endif 169 int Kase,W; 170 scanf("%d",&Kase); 171 for(int T=1;T<=Kase;T++){ 172 printf("Case:%d\n",T); 173 scanf("%d",&W); 174 Time_Index=0; 175 r.Change_HP(W); 176 b.Change_HP(W); 177 for(int i=0;i<5;i++) 178 scanf("%d",&Cost[i]); 179 while(!r.Stop() || !b.Stop()){ 180 r.Build_Warrior(); 181 b.Build_Warrior(); 182 Time_Index++; 183 } 184 } 185 return 0; 186 }
000:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 1 with 117 elements and force 50
012:10 red wolf 3 reached blue headquarter with 5 elements and force 150 012:10 blue headquarter was taken
注意到两种的区别!首先蓝色指挥部的名字"blue headquarter"取代了"city %d",其次,在魔兽世界三中,只要有武士到达对方指挥部,对方的指挥部就会被占领,游戏也就结束,此时就需要我们输出一行"blue headquarter was taken"
printf("%03d:10 %s %s %d marched to city %d with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Name,Born_Number,City_Index,HP,MP);
大的方向呢是从0到n+1的城市方向,并且在同一座城市会先输出红色武士的信息,再输出蓝色武士的信息。【Attention】注意啦!这里的城市是指双方武士移动后所在的城市!而我们通常会把移动武士和输出武士一块写,那么这个时候请注意啦...对于第 i 城市的输出就要移动的是 i-1 城市的红方武士和 i+1 城市的蓝方武士,具体如下(笔者de出来的第一个bug就是这里写错了QwQ)...
for(int i=0;i<=City_Amount+1;i++){
if(City[i-1][0]!=NULL) City[i-1][0]->Process(); if(i<=City_Amount) if(City[i+1][1]!=NULL) City[i+1][1]->Process();
看完上面这个代码,很多人就放松了警惕(包括当初的笔者我自己...)感觉很满意呀...代码思路这么清楚了,可以安心写process去了。这时一个帅气的男生停在了你的面前:STOP!(咳咳,就是笔者我...hhhh)这样打会有一个问题,那就是当我移动我的红色方的武士的时候,他肯定会到下一个城市 (因为这里还没有开始打架...) 那么,当我枚举下一个城市里的红色战士的时候,发现:诶,你不是从上个城市过来的么?我原来那个武士呢?算了算了就移动你把...然后不知不觉一轮枚举直接把我红方的武士送进了对面的指挥部...
【Others】 我走路走的好好的!
需要的信息1.我当前的位置 2.我往哪边走,那么这两个信息可以变成两个值在初始化的时候搞定!
1.int City_Index 表示自己的位置 red初始值是0 ,blue 是 N+1
2.int Direction 表示自己的方向 red用1 blue用-1
这样设计的话 City_Index+=Direction; 就让这个武士走完了诶!
City[City_Index][Direction<0]=NULL; City_Index+=Direction; New_City[City_Index][Direction<0]=this;
比如< > ==这种符号都是双目的运算符,它们也是有返回值的,是一个bool类型!如果正确呢那就是1,不正确呢那就是0
1 virtual void Process(){ 2 City[City_Index][Direction<0]=NULL; 3 City_Index+=Direction; 4 New_City[City_Index][Direction<0]=this; 5 if(City_Index==0){ 6 Red_Lost=true; 7 printf("%03d:10 blue %s %d reached red headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 8 printf("%03d:10 red headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 9 } 10 else if(City_Index==City_Amount+1){ 11 Blue_Lost=true; 12 printf("%03d:10 red %s %d reached blue headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 13 printf("%03d:10 blue headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 14 } 15 else 16 printf("%03d:10 %s %s %d marched to city %d with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Name,Born_Number,City_Index,HP,MP); 17 }
1 class Warrior{ 2 int Weapon_Count;//Weapon_Count表示武器的数量 3 Weapon* w[10]; 4 };
逻辑上:这是一件很独特的事情,可以用virtual Before_Fight()来处理,也可以if (Is_Wolf()) Rob_Weapon(Enermy)来处理
1,对方不是wolf,这样需要一个判断函数:virtual bool Is_Wolf();然后只有wolf类返回true其他都返回false就可以了
2.自己的武器数量<10 3.对方的武器数量>0,知道自己可以抢夺之后,还不能马上抢,这中间还有一个很重要的操作:你要抢编号最小的那一类武器,而且如果抢不完要优先抢使用次数少的。这样的话我们就要给敌人的武器按照刚才的方法排序,笔者的习惯是用系统函数sort()搭配自己写的cmp来排序,可以把自己的cmp函数发上来供大家参考:
bool cmp(const Weapon *A,const Weapon *B){//这里我们是想给Warrior中的Weapon *w[]数组排序,所以应该比较两个Weapon*的大小
if(A==NULL) return false;//我们要让NULL的元素都往后放,而sort中return true;就会把A放在前面,所以这里应该返回false
if(B==NULL) return true;
if(A->Index!=B->Index) return A->Index<B->Index;//Index是武器的种类的编号(Sword-0,Bomb-1,Arrow-2),编号小的在前面,可以看到这里还是很好的运用了<的返回值来使得代码精简(如果A的编号<B那么就会return true让A在前面)
return A->Can_use>B->Can_use;//Can_use是武器的耐久度,初始值是2,bomb每使用一次会-2,Arrow使用一次会-1,耐久度大的放前面,所以是>号
[ 在上面的cmp函数中,我顺带介绍了自己关于Can_use的这个设计...嗯嗯感觉我这样挺漂亮的算,一个好设计hhh,然后同时也科普了一下cmp函数的写法:return true会让A放在B的前面,然后运用<和>号可以让自己的代码很精简。]
1 virtual void Before_fight(Warrior *Enermy){ 2 if(Enermy->Is_Wolf()) return; 3 if(Weapon_Count<10 && Enermy->Weapon_Count>0){ 4 sort(w,w+10,cmp); 5 sort(Enermy->w,Enermy->w+10,cmp); 6 int Min_Index=Enermy->w[0]->Index,Amount=0; 7 for(int i=0;Enermy->w[i]!=NULL && Enermy->w[i]->Index==Min_Index && Weapon_Count<10 && i<Enermy->Weapon_Count+Amount;i++){ 8 w[Weapon_Count++]=Enermy->w[i],Amount++; 9 Enermy->Weapon_Count--; 10 Enermy->w[i]=NULL; 11 } 12 printf("%03d:35 %s wolf %d took %d %s from %s %s %d in city %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Born_Number,Amount,Weapon_Name[Min_Index],Headquarter_Name[Direction>0],Enermy->Name,Enermy->Born_Number,City_Index); 13 } 14 }
1 int temp=0; 2 while(w[Weapon_Index=(Weapon_Index+1)%10]==NULL && temp<10) temp++;
上面的代码就是帮助我找到下一个可以用的武器(够精简吧hhh),然后就是使用武器的过程了,这里武器的使用,只和使用者、被使用者、武器类型有关,而与具体的武器对象唯一的关联就是耐久度这个属性(所以才会诞生出不设置武器类的做法),那么我们在使用武器的时候就需要把这些因素都考虑进去,同时不同类型的武器是不一样的,所以我们需要用到虚函数来处理。在这个过程中是可能导致武士死亡的,但是我们现在不能急着把武士给delete掉,因为整个武士的最顶级指针是最上层的City数组,而且等一会还有敌人来收缴武器,所以我们可以用一个bool Die来表示一个武士是否死亡,然后延迟delete的时间,在打斗的时候不delete,等战斗发生完了以后回到上层再去删除。
战中还有一个很重要的过程就是宣布战中结束,进入战后。有两种情况是很容易判断的:1. 有一方死亡时 2. 双方都没有兵器时
[其中的情绪变化大约是:[冷静] 这里有错诶?-> [急躁] 怎么还有错?!-> [抓狂] 还有哪有错呀?-> [目光呆滞] 没错了....吧...]
emmm 笔者用的是gdb这种原始又实用的东西 hhh然后大家就各自用自己的IDE好了!
1 #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE 2 freopen("data.in","r",stdin); 3 freopen("my_code.out","w",stdout); 4 #endif
只要把这个东西加在int main的后面就可以啦(前面需要包含<cstdio>库),其中2、3行是正式的代码啦,然后1、4行可以让你的程序在自己本机运行的时候用2、3里面的语句,但是交到openjudge上的时候又不会调用里面的语句,是不是很厉害呢hhhh
首先是Linux最熟悉啦:在当前位置打开终端,然后输入:diff -c my_code.out std.out 就可以比较了(其中-c是可以帮你输出错误行号的,感觉一看就明白啦...然后my_code.out是自己的输出结果,std是正确的结果 [这个正是我用的hhh])
然后是Windows下:先敲一下cmd调出命令行,然后cd 后面加你文件存的位置,这个位置怎么找呢?就是你可以打开你文件所在的文件夹,然后单击一下,然后cd + 这个蓝色的东西...+回车 (我真是科普小天使呀hhh)
然后你就进入到了当前文件夹,然后输入命令:fc my_code.out std.out+回车就可以啦...然后这个不同可能很多,导致控制台装不下..[hhh我就经常发生这种情况]
我们可以fc my_code.out std.out > Difference.txt 这样就可以把比较信息输出到这个txt里面去了,上面Linux也是一样的哦
Hhh我也不知道啦...不过下面这个博客提供了两种文件比较的工具,可以看一下啦 :https://blog.csdn.net/wowfly98/article/details/52774275
不过呢course上的数据是多组的,为了方便调试,我们可以一组一组的拆开来试【by the way 不知道blog怎么上传文件QwQ那就大家自己来吧...hhh我的经验是第一二组数据是很好的数据,后面的九十也都是比较强的,然后中间有一些是很短的数据,价值不高】
1 if(Time_Index==7) 2 printf("Stop\n");
魔兽三这样的题其实是很容易找到WA的问题的,因为我们是面向对象的程序,而且我们的输出一定是有一个对象的,那么你在哪一个位置WA了,一定是针对某一个对象的储存值出现了问题,而我们是可以在这个WA的地方之前找到关于这个对象所有的报告的,方法就是control+F然后输入你想找的对象名字 [这个时候又需要你有一个优秀的文本编辑器啦hhh]比如我的界面是这样子的:
1 sort(w,w+10,cmp); 2 sort(Enermy->w,Enermy->w+10,cmp); 3 int Min_Index=Enermy->w[0]->Index,Amount=0; 4 for(int i=0;Enermy->w[i]!=NULL && Enermy->w[i]->Index==Min_Index && Weapon_Count<10 && i<Enermy->Weapon_Count+Amount;i++){ 5 w[Weapon_Count++]=Enermy->w[i],Amount++; 6 Enermy->Weapon_Count--; 7 Enermy->w[i]=NULL; 8 }
10.使用swith case的时候一定记得break!
1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<cstring> 3 #include<algorithm> 4 #include<iostream> 5 6 using namespace std; 7 8 class Warrior; 9 10 int Loyalty_Decrease,City_Amount; 11 int Cost[5],Power[5],Time_Index; 12 int ord1[5]={2,3,4,1,0},ord2[5]={3,0,1,2,4}; 13 Warrior* City[22][2];//0->red & 1->blue; 14 Warrior* New_City[22][2]; 15 char Weapon_Name[3][6]={"sword","bomb","arrow"}; 16 char Warrior_Name[5][7]={"dragon","ninja","iceman","lion","wolf"}; 17 char Headquarter_Name[2][5]={"red","blue"}; 18 bool Red_Lost,Blue_Lost; 19 20 inline int MAX(int a,int b){return a>b?a:b;} 21 22 class Weapon{ 23 public: 24 int Can_use; 25 int Index; 26 char Name[6]; 27 Weapon(char* s,int I_){ 28 strcpy(Name,s); 29 Index=I_; 30 Can_use=2; 31 } 32 int Use(){return Can_use;} 33 virtual void AD(Warrior *Owner,Warrior *Enermy); 34 }; 35 36 bool cmp(const Weapon *A,const Weapon *B){ 37 if(A==NULL) return false; 38 if(B==NULL) return true; 39 if(A->Index!=B->Index) return A->Index<B->Index; 40 return A->Can_use>B->Can_use; 41 } 42 43 class Sword: public Weapon{ 44 public: 45 Sword():Weapon(Weapon_Name[0],0){}; 46 virtual void AD(Warrior *Owner,Warrior *Enermy); 47 }; 48 49 class Bomb: public Weapon{ 50 public: 51 Bomb():Weapon(Weapon_Name[1],1){}; 52 virtual void AD(Warrior *Owner,Warrior *Enermy); 53 }; 54 55 class Arrow: public Weapon{ 56 public: 57 Arrow():Weapon(Weapon_Name[2],2){}; 58 virtual void AD(Warrior *Owner,Warrior *Enermy); 59 }; 60 61 class Warrior{ 62 public: 63 int HP,MP; 64 int City_Index,Direction; 65 char Name[7]; 66 int Born_Number; 67 int Weapon_Count; 68 int Weapon_Index; 69 bool Die; 70 Weapon* w[10]; 71 Warrior(int HP_,int MP_,char *s,int B_,int C_,int D_){ 72 memset(Name,0,sizeof(Name)); 73 memset(w,0,sizeof(w)); 74 Weapon_Count=0; 75 HP=HP_; 76 MP=MP_; 77 strcpy(Name,s); 78 City_Index=C_; 79 Direction=D_; 80 Die=false; 81 Born_Number=B_; 82 } 83 virtual void get_weapon(){ 84 switch((Time_Index+1)%3){ 85 case 0: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Sword;break; 86 case 1: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Bomb;break; 87 case 2: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Arrow;break; 88 }; 89 } 90 virtual void After_Born(){} 91 void Hurt(int Damage){ 92 HP-=Damage; 93 if(HP<=0) Die=true; 94 } 95 virtual bool Escape(){return false;} 96 virtual bool Is_Wolf(){return false;} 97 virtual bool Is_Ninja(){return false;} 98 virtual void Before_fight(Warrior *Enermy){} 99 void Use_Weapon(Warrior *Enermy){ 100 if(!Weapon_Count) return ; 101 int temp=0; 102 while(w[Weapon_Index=(Weapon_Index+1)%10]==NULL && temp<10) temp++; 103 w[Weapon_Index]->AD(this,Enermy); 104 if(!w[Weapon_Index]->Use()){ 105 delete w[Weapon_Index],w[Weapon_Index]=NULL; 106 Weapon_Count--; 107 } 108 if(Enermy->Die && !Die){ 109 //in order to make the Weapon is in the w[Weapon_Count]'s place You have to reorder it before get others 110 sort(w,w+10,cmp); 111 if(Weapon_Count<10 && Enermy->Weapon_Count>0){ 112 sort(Enermy->w,Enermy->w+Enermy->Weapon_Count,cmp); 113 for(int i=0;i<Enermy->Weapon_Count && Weapon_Count<10;i++) 114 w[Weapon_Count++]=Enermy->w[i]; 115 } 116 } 117 if(!Enermy->Die && Die){ 118 sort(Enermy->w,Enermy->w+10,cmp); 119 if(Enermy->Weapon_Count<10 && Weapon_Count>0){ 120 sort(w,w+Weapon_Count,cmp); 121 for(int i=0;i<Weapon_Count && Enermy->Weapon_Count<10;i++) 122 Enermy->w[Weapon_Count++]=w[i]; 123 } 124 } 125 } 126 /*Time_Tick is a clock to test the max time that both are still*/ 127 void Fight_First(Warrior *A){ 128 if(Weapon_Count) sort(w,w+10,cmp); 129 if(A->Weapon_Count) sort(A->w,A->w+10,cmp); 130 Weapon_Index=-1; 131 A->Weapon_Index=-1; 132 int rec_HP=HP,rec_HP_A=A->HP,rec_W=Weapon_Count,rec_W_A=A->Weapon_Count; 133 int Time_Tick=2*MAX(rec_W,rec_W_A); 134 while(!Die && !A->Die && (Weapon_Count || A->Weapon_Count) ){ 135 Use_Weapon(A); 136 if(!A->Die) 137 A->Use_Weapon(this); 138 if(--Time_Tick==0){ 139 if(rec_HP==HP && rec_HP_A==A->HP && rec_W==Weapon_Count && rec_W_A==A->Weapon_Count) 140 break; 141 else{ 142 rec_HP=HP,rec_HP_A=A->HP,rec_W=Weapon_Count,rec_W_A=A->Weapon_Count; 143 Time_Tick=MAX(rec_W,rec_W_A); 144 } 145 } 146 } 147 Warrior *r; 148 Warrior *b; 149 if(Direction>0) r=this,b=A; 150 else r=A,b=this; 151 if(r->Die){ 152 if(b->Die) printf("%03d:40 both red %s %d and blue %s %d died in city %d\n",Time_Index,r->Name,r->Born_Number,b->Name,b->Born_Number,r->City_Index); 153 else printf("%03d:40 blue %s %d killed red %s %d in city %d remaining %d elements\n",Time_Index,b->Name,b->Born_Number,r->Name,r->Born_Number,r->City_Index,b->HP); 154 } 155 else{ 156 if(b->Die) printf("%03d:40 red %s %d killed blue %s %d in city %d remaining %d elements\n",Time_Index,r->Name,r->Born_Number,b->Name,b->Born_Number,r->City_Index,r->HP); 157 else printf("%03d:40 both red %s %d and blue %s %d were alive in city %d\n",Time_Index,r->Name,r->Born_Number,b->Name,b->Born_Number,r->City_Index); 158 } 159 } 160 virtual void Process(){ 161 City[City_Index][Direction<0]=NULL; 162 City_Index+=Direction; 163 New_City[City_Index][Direction<0]=this; 164 if(City_Index==0){ 165 Red_Lost=true; 166 printf("%03d:10 blue %s %d reached red headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 167 printf("%03d:10 red headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 168 } 169 else if(City_Index==City_Amount+1){ 170 Blue_Lost=true; 171 printf("%03d:10 red %s %d reached blue headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 172 printf("%03d:10 blue headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 173 } 174 else 175 printf("%03d:10 %s %s %d marched to city %d with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Name,Born_Number,City_Index,HP,MP); 176 } 177 void Print_Weapon(){ 178 int cnt[3]; 179 for(int i=0;i<3;i++) cnt[i]=0; 180 for(int i=0;i<10;i++) 181 if(w[i]!=NULL) cnt[w[i]->Index]++; 182 printf("%03d:55 %s %s %d has %d sword %d bomb %d arrow and %d elements\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Name,Born_Number,cnt[0],cnt[1],cnt[2],HP); 183 } 184 virtual void After_Fight(Warrior* Enermy){} 185 }; 186 //0 187 class Dragon:public Warrior{ 188 public: 189 Dragon(int HP,int MP_,int B_,int C_,int D_):Warrior(HP,MP_,Warrior_Name[0],B_,C_,D_){} 190 virtual void After_Fight(Warrior* Enermy){ 191 printf("%03d:40 %s dragon %d yelled in city %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Born_Number,City_Index); 192 } 193 }; 194 //1 195 class Ninja:public Warrior{ 196 public: 197 Ninja(int HP,int MP_,int B_,int C_,int D_):Warrior(HP,MP_,Warrior_Name[1],B_,C_,D_){} 198 virtual void get_weapon(){ 199 switch((Time_Index+1)%3){ 200 case 0: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Sword;break; 201 case 1: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Bomb;break; 202 case 2: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Arrow;break; 203 }; 204 switch((Time_Index+2)%3){ 205 case 0: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Sword;break; 206 case 1: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Bomb;break; 207 case 2: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Arrow;break; 208 }; 209 } 210 virtual bool Is_Ninja(){return true;} 211 }; 212 //2 213 class Iceman:public Warrior{ 214 public: 215 Iceman(int HP,int MP_,int B_,int C_,int D_):Warrior(HP,MP_,Warrior_Name[2],B_,C_,D_){} 216 virtual void Process(){ 217 City[City_Index][Direction<0]=NULL; 218 City_Index+=Direction; 219 New_City[City_Index][Direction<0]=this; 220 HP-=HP/10; 221 if(City_Index==0){ 222 Red_Lost=true; 223 printf("%03d:10 blue %s %d reached red headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 224 printf("%03d:10 red headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 225 } 226 else if(City_Index==City_Amount+1){ 227 Blue_Lost=true; 228 printf("%03d:10 red %s %d reached blue headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 229 printf("%03d:10 blue headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 230 } 231 else 232 printf("%03d:10 %s %s %d marched to city %d with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Name,Born_Number,City_Index,HP,MP); 233 } 234 }; 235 //3 236 class Lion:public Warrior{ 237 int loyalty; 238 public: 239 Lion(int HP,int MP_,int l_,int B_,int C_,int D_):Warrior(HP,MP_,Warrior_Name[3],B_,C_,D_){loyalty=l_;} 240 virtual void After_Born(){ 241 printf("Its loyalty is %d\n",loyalty); 242 } 243 virtual bool Escape(){return loyalty<=0;} 244 virtual void Process(){ 245 City[City_Index][Direction<0]=NULL; 246 City_Index+=Direction; 247 New_City[City_Index][Direction<0]=this; 248 loyalty-=Loyalty_Decrease; 249 if(City_Index==0){ 250 Red_Lost=true; 251 printf("%03d:10 blue %s %d reached red headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 252 printf("%03d:10 red headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 253 } 254 else if(City_Index==City_Amount+1){ 255 Blue_Lost=true; 256 printf("%03d:10 red %s %d reached blue headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 257 printf("%03d:10 blue headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 258 } 259 else 260 printf("%03d:10 %s %s %d marched to city %d with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Name,Born_Number,City_Index,HP,MP); 261 } 262 }; 263 //4 264 class Wolf:public Warrior{ 265 public: 266 Wolf(int HP,int MP_,int B_,int C_,int D_):Warrior(HP,MP_,Warrior_Name[4],B_,C_,D_){} 267 virtual void get_weapon(){} 268 virtual void Weapon_print(){} 269 virtual bool Is_Wolf(){return true;} 270 virtual void Before_fight(Warrior *Enermy){ 271 if(Enermy->Is_Wolf()) return; 272 if(Weapon_Count<10 && Enermy->Weapon_Count>0){ 273 sort(w,w+10,cmp); 274 sort(Enermy->w,Enermy->w+10,cmp); 275 int Min_Index=Enermy->w[0]->Index,Amount=0; 276 for(int i=0;Enermy->w[i]!=NULL && Enermy->w[i]->Index==Min_Index && Weapon_Count<10 && i<Enermy->Weapon_Count+Amount;i++){ 277 w[Weapon_Count++]=Enermy->w[i],Amount++; 278 Enermy->Weapon_Count--; 279 Enermy->w[i]=NULL; 280 } 281 printf("%03d:35 %s wolf %d took %d %s from %s %s %d in city %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Born_Number,Amount,Weapon_Name[Min_Index],Headquarter_Name[Direction>0],Enermy->Name,Enermy->Born_Number,City_Index); 282 } 283 } 284 }; 285 286 void Weapon::AD(Warrior *Owner,Warrior *Enermy){} 287 void Sword::AD(Warrior*Owner,Warrior *Enermy){ Enermy->Hurt(Owner->MP/5);} 288 void Bomb::AD(Warrior*Owner,Warrior *Enermy){ 289 Owner->w[Owner->Weapon_Index]->Can_use-=2; 290 Enermy->Hurt(Owner->MP*2/5); 291 if(!Owner->Is_Ninja()) 292 Owner->Hurt(Owner->MP*2/5/2); 293 } 294 void Arrow::AD(Warrior*Owner,Warrior *Enermy){ 295 Owner->w[Owner->Weapon_Index]->Can_use--; 296 Enermy->Hurt(Owner->MP*3/10); 297 } 298 299 class Headquarter{ 300 private: 301 char Name[5]; 302 int HP; 303 int Order[5]; 304 int Count[5]; 305 int Warrior_Index; 306 Warrior *cur; 307 bool STOP; 308 public: 309 Headquarter(char *s,int HP_,int* O_){ 310 memset(Name,0,sizeof(Name)); 311 memset(Count,0,sizeof(Count)); 312 strcpy(Name,s); 313 HP=HP_; 314 for(int i=0;i<5;i++) 315 Order[i]=O_[i]; 316 Warrior_Index=-1; 317 cur=NULL; 318 STOP=0; 319 } 320 void Change_HP(int HP_){ 321 HP=HP_; 322 memset(Count,0,sizeof(Count)); 323 Warrior_Index=-1; 324 cur=NULL; 325 STOP=0; 326 }; 327 void Build_Warrior(){ 328 if(STOP) return; 329 int Born_Place,Direct; 330 if(Name[0]=='r') Born_Place=0,Direct=1; 331 else Born_Place=City_Amount+1,Direct=-1; 332 Warrior_Index=(Warrior_Index+1)%5; 333 int who=Order[Warrior_Index]; 334 if(HP>=Cost[who]){ 335 Count[who]++; 336 HP-=Cost[who]; 337 switch(who){ 338 case 0: cur=new Dragon(Cost[0],Power[0],Time_Index+1,Born_Place,Direct);break; 339 case 1: cur=new Ninja(Cost[1],Power[1],Time_Index+1,Born_Place,Direct);break; 340 case 2: cur=new Iceman(Cost[2],Power[2],Time_Index+1,Born_Place,Direct);break; 341 case 3: cur=new Lion(Cost[3],Power[3],HP,Time_Index+1,Born_Place,Direct);break; 342 case 4: cur=new Wolf(Cost[4],Power[4],Time_Index+1,Born_Place,Direct);break; 343 }; 344 cur->get_weapon(); 345 printf("%03d:00 %s %s %d born\n",Time_Index,Name,Warrior_Name[who],Time_Index+1); 346 cur->After_Born(); 347 if(Name[0]=='r') City[0][0]=cur; 348 else City[City_Amount+1][1]=cur; 349 cur=NULL; 350 } 351 else{ 352 //printf("%03d:00 %s headquarter stops making warriors\n",Time_Index,Name); 353 STOP=true; 354 } 355 } 356 void Print_HP(){ 357 printf("%03d:50 %d elements in %s headquarter\n",Time_Index,HP,Name); 358 } 359 bool Stop(){return STOP;} 360 }; 361 362 Headquarter r(Headquarter_Name[0],0,ord1),b(Headquarter_Name[1],0,ord2); 363 364 int main(){ 365 #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE 366 freopen("x.in","r",stdin); 367 freopen("x.out","w",stdout); 368 #endif 369 int Kase,W,Time,Time_Sum; 370 scanf("%d",&Kase); 371 for(int T=1;T<=Kase;T++){ 372 printf("Case %d:\n",T); 373 scanf("%d%d%d%d",&W,&City_Amount,&Loyalty_Decrease,&Time); 374 for(int j=0;j<=City_Amount+1;j++)City[j][0]=City[j][1]=NULL; 375 Time_Index=Time_Sum=0; 376 r.Change_HP(W); b.Change_HP(W); 377 Red_Lost=Blue_Lost=false; 378 for(int i=0;i<5;i++) 379 scanf("%d",&Cost[i]); 380 for(int i=0;i<5;i++) 381 scanf("%d",&Power[i]); 382 while(Time_Sum<=Time){ 383 //Time:0 384 r.Build_Warrior(); 385 b.Build_Warrior(); 386 //Time:5 387 if(Time<Time_Sum+5) break; 388 for(int i=0;i<=City_Amount+1;i++){ 389 if(City[i][0]!=NULL && City[i][0]->Escape()){ 390 printf("%03d:05 red lion %d ran away\n",Time_Index,City[i][0]->Born_Number); 391 delete City[i][0],City[i][0]=NULL; 392 } 393 if(City[i][1]!=NULL && City[i][1]->Escape()){ 394 printf("%03d:05 blue lion %d ran away\n",Time_Index,City[i][1]->Born_Number); 395 delete City[i][1],City[i][1]=NULL; 396 } 397 } 398 //Time:10 399 if(Time<Time_Sum+10) break; 400 for(int i=0;i<=City_Amount+1;i++){ 401 if(i>0) 402 if(City[i-1][0]!=NULL) City[i-1][0]->Process(); 403 if(i<=City_Amount) 404 if(City[i+1][1]!=NULL) City[i+1][1]->Process(); 405 } 406 if(Blue_Lost || Red_Lost) break; 407 for(int i=0;i<=City_Amount+1;i++){ 408 City[i][0]=New_City[i][0]; 409 New_City[i][0]=NULL; 410 City[i][1]=New_City[i][1]; 411 New_City[i][1]=NULL; 412 } 413 //Time:35 414 if(Time<Time_Sum+35) break; 415 for(int i=1;i<=City_Amount;i++){ 416 if(City[i][0]!=NULL && City[i][1]!=NULL){ 417 City[i][0]->Before_fight(City[i][1]); 418 City[i][1]->Before_fight(City[i][0]); 419 } 420 } 421 //Time:40 422 if(Time<Time_Sum+40) break; 423 for(int i=1;i<=City_Amount;i++){ 424 if(City[i][0]!=NULL && City[i][1]!=NULL){ 425 City[i][!(i&1)]->Fight_First(City[i][i&1]); 426 if(!City[i][0]->Die) City[i][0]->After_Fight(City[i][1]); 427 if(!City[i][1]->Die) City[i][1]->After_Fight(City[i][0]); 428 if(City[i][0]->Die) delete City[i][0],City[i][0]=NULL; 429 if(City[i][1]->Die) delete City[i][1],City[i][1]=NULL; 430 } 431 } 432 //Time:50 433 if(Time<Time_Sum+50) break; 434 r.Print_HP(); 435 b.Print_HP(); 436 //Time:55 437 if(Time<Time_Sum+55) break; 438 for(int i=0;i<=City_Amount+1;i++){ 439 if(City[i][0]!=NULL) City[i][0]->Print_Weapon(); 440 if(City[i][1]!=NULL) City[i][1]->Print_Weapon(); 441 } 442 Time_Index++; 443 Time_Sum+=60; 444 } 445 //Delete all the warriors alive 446 for(int j=0;j<=City_Amount+1;j++){ 447 if(City[j][0]!=NULL) delete City[j][0],City[j][0]=NULL; 448 if(City[j][1]!=NULL) delete City[j][1],City[j][1]=NULL; 449 if(New_City[j][0]!=NULL) delete New_City[j][0],New_City[j][0]=NULL; 450 if(New_City[j][1]!=NULL) delete New_City[j][1],New_City[j][1]=NULL; 451 } 452 } 453 return 0; 454 }
1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<cstring> 3 #include<algorithm> 4 #include<iostream> 5 6 using namespace std; 7 8 class Warrior; 9 10 int Loyalty_Decrease,City_Amount; 11 int Cost[5],Power[5],Time_Index; 12 int ord1[5]={2,3,4,1,0},ord2[5]={3,0,1,2,4}; 13 Warrior* City[22][2];//0->red & 1->blue; 14 Warrior* New_City[22][2]; 15 char Weapon_Name[3][6]={"sword","bomb","arrow"}; 16 char Warrior_Name[5][7]={"dragon","ninja","iceman","lion","wolf"}; 17 char Headquarter_Name[2][5]={"red","blue"}; 18 int Red_Lost=-1,Blue_Lost=-1; 19 20 inline int MAX(int a,int b){return a>b?a:b;} 21 22 //the Sword's Can_Use can be predicted 23 int Count_Can_Use(int t){ 24 t/=5; 25 int tmp; 26 for(tmp=0;t;tmp++) t=t*4/5; 27 return tmp; 28 } 29 30 class Weapon{ 31 public: 32 int Can_use; 33 int Index; 34 char Name[6]; 35 Warrior* Owner; 36 Weapon(char* s,Warrior* O_,int I_,int C_){ 37 strcpy(Name,s); 38 Owner=O_; 39 Index=I_; 40 Can_use=C_; 41 } 42 int Use(){return Can_use;} 43 virtual bool Is_Sword(){return false;} 44 virtual bool Is_Bomb(){return false;} 45 virtual bool Is_Arrow(){return false;} 46 }; 47 48 bool cmp(const Weapon *A,const Weapon *B){ 49 if(A==NULL) return false; 50 if(B==NULL) return true; 51 if(A->Index!=B->Index) return A->Index<B->Index; 52 return A->Can_use>B->Can_use; 53 } 54 55 class Sword: public Weapon{ 56 public: 57 Sword(Warrior* O_):Weapon(Weapon_Name[0],O_,0){}; 58 virtual bool Is_Sword(){return true;} 59 }; 60 61 class Bomb: public Weapon{ 62 public: 63 Bomb(Warrior* O_):Weapon(Weapon_Name[1],O_,1){}; 64 virtual bool Is_Bomb(){return true;} 65 }; 66 67 class Arrow: public Weapon{ 68 public: 69 Arrow(Warrior* O_):Weapon(Weapon_Name[2],O_,2){}; 70 virtual bool Is_Arrow(){return true;} 71 }; 72 73 class Warrior{ 74 public: 75 int HP,MP; 76 int City_Index,Direction; 77 char Name[7]; 78 int Born_Number; 79 int Weapon_Count; 80 int Weapon_Index; 81 bool Die; 82 Weapon* w[10]; 83 Warrior(int HP_,int MP_,char *s,int B_,int C_,int D_){ 84 memset(Name,0,sizeof(Name)); 85 memset(w,0,sizeof(w)); 86 Weapon_Count=0; 87 HP=HP_; 88 MP=MP_; 89 strcpy(Name,s); 90 City_Index=C_; 91 Direction=D_; 92 Die=false; 93 Born_Number=B_; 94 } 95 virtual void get_weapon(){ 96 switch((Time_Index+1)%3){ 97 case 0: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Sword(this);break; 98 case 1: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Bomb(this);break; 99 case 2: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Arrow(this);break; 100 }; 101 } 102 virtual void After_Born(){} 103 void Hurt(int Damage){ 104 HP-=Damage; 105 if(HP<=0) Die=true; 106 } 107 virtual bool Escape(){return false;} 108 virtual bool Is_Wolf(){return false;} 109 virtual bool Is_Ninja(){return false;} 110 virtual void Before_fight(Warrior *Enermy){} 111 void Use_Weapon(Warrior *Enermy){ 112 if(!Weapon_Count) return ; 113 int temp=0; 114 while(w[Weapon_Index=(Weapon_Index+1)%10]==NULL && temp<10) temp++; 115 if(w[Weapon_Index]->Is_Sword()) 116 Enermy->Hurt(MP/5); 117 else if(w[Weapon_Index]->Is_Bomb()){ 118 w[Weapon_Index]->Can_use-=2; 119 Enermy->Hurt(MP*2/5); 120 if(!Is_Ninja()) 121 Hurt(MP*2/5/2); 122 } 123 else if(w[Weapon_Index]->Is_Arrow()){ 124 w[Weapon_Index]->Can_use--; 125 Enermy->Hurt(MP*3/10); 126 } 127 if(!w[Weapon_Index]->Use()){ 128 delete w[Weapon_Index],w[Weapon_Index]=NULL; 129 Weapon_Count--; 130 } 131 if(Enermy->Die && !Die){ 132 //in order to make the Weapon is in the w[Weapon_Count]'s place You have to reorder it before get others 133 sort(w,w+10,cmp); 134 if(Weapon_Count<10 && Enermy->Weapon_Count>0){ 135 sort(Enermy->w,Enermy->w+Enermy->Weapon_Count,cmp); 136 for(int i=0;i<Enermy->Weapon_Count && Weapon_Count<10;i++) 137 w[Weapon_Count++]=Enermy->w[i]; 138 } 139 } 140 if(!Enermy->Die && Die){ 141 sort(Enermy->w,Enermy->w+10,cmp); 142 if(Enermy->Weapon_Count<10 && Weapon_Count>0){ 143 sort(w,w+Weapon_Count,cmp); 144 for(int i=0;i<Weapon_Count && Enermy->Weapon_Count<10;i++) 145 Enermy->w[Weapon_Count++]=w[i]; 146 } 147 } 148 } 149 /*Time_Tick is a clock to test the max time that both are still*/ 150 void Fight_First(Warrior *A){ 151 if(Weapon_Count) sort(w,w+10,cmp); 152 if(A->Weapon_Count) sort(A->w,A->w+10,cmp); 153 Weapon_Index=-1; 154 A->Weapon_Index=-1; 155 int rec_HP=HP,rec_HP_A=A->HP,rec_W=Weapon_Count,rec_W_A=A->Weapon_Count; 156 int Time_Tick=2*MAX(rec_W,rec_W_A); 157 while(!Die && !A->Die && (Weapon_Count || A->Weapon_Count) ){ 158 Use_Weapon(A); 159 if(!A->Die) 160 A->Use_Weapon(this); 161 if(--Time_Tick==0){ 162 if(rec_HP==HP && rec_HP_A==A->HP && rec_W==Weapon_Count && rec_W_A==A->Weapon_Count) 163 break; 164 else{ 165 rec_HP=HP,rec_HP_A=A->HP,rec_W=Weapon_Count,rec_W_A=A->Weapon_Count; 166 Time_Tick=MAX(rec_W,rec_W_A); 167 } 168 } 169 } 170 Warrior *r; 171 Warrior *b; 172 if(Direction>0) r=this,b=A; 173 else r=A,b=this; 174 if(r->Die){ 175 if(b->Die) printf("%03d:40 both red %s %d and blue %s %d died in city %d\n",Time_Index,r->Name,r->Born_Number,b->Name,b->Born_Number,r->City_Index); 176 else printf("%03d:40 blue %s %d killed red %s %d in city %d remaining %d elements\n",Time_Index,b->Name,b->Born_Number,r->Name,r->Born_Number,r->City_Index,b->HP); 177 } 178 else{ 179 if(b->Die) printf("%03d:40 red %s %d killed blue %s %d in city %d remaining %d elements\n",Time_Index,r->Name,r->Born_Number,b->Name,b->Born_Number,r->City_Index,r->HP); 180 else printf("%03d:40 both red %s %d and blue %s %d were alive in city %d\n",Time_Index,r->Name,r->Born_Number,b->Name,b->Born_Number,r->City_Index); 181 } 182 } 183 virtual void Process(){ 184 City[City_Index][Direction<0]=NULL; 185 City_Index+=Direction; 186 New_City[City_Index][Direction<0]=this; 187 if(City_Index==0){ 188 printf("%03d:10 blue %s %d reached red headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 189 if(++Red_Lost>0) 190 printf("%03d:10 red headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 191 } 192 else if(City_Index==City_Amount+1){ 193 printf("%03d:10 red %s %d reached blue headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 194 if(++Blue_Lost>0) 195 printf("%03d:10 blue headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 196 } 197 else 198 printf("%03d:10 %s %s %d marched to city %d with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Name,Born_Number,City_Index,HP,MP); 199 } 200 void Print_Weapon(){ 201 int cnt[3]; 202 for(int i=0;i<3;i++) cnt[i]=0; 203 for(int i=0;i<10;i++) 204 if(w[i]!=NULL) cnt[w[i]->Index]++; 205 printf("%03d:55 %s %s %d has %d sword %d bomb %d arrow and %d elements\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Name,Born_Number,cnt[0],cnt[1],cnt[2],HP); 206 } 207 virtual void After_Fight(Warrior* Enermy){} 208 }; 209 //0 210 class Dragon:public Warrior{ 211 public: 212 Dragon(int HP,int MP_,int B_,int C_,int D_):Warrior(HP,MP_,Warrior_Name[0],B_,C_,D_){} 213 virtual void After_Fight(Warrior* Enermy){ 214 printf("%03d:40 %s dragon %d yelled in city %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Born_Number,City_Index); 215 } 216 }; 217 //1 218 class Ninja:public Warrior{ 219 public: 220 Ninja(int HP,int MP_,int B_,int C_,int D_):Warrior(HP,MP_,Warrior_Name[1],B_,C_,D_){} 221 virtual void get_weapon(){ 222 switch((Time_Index+1)%3){ 223 case 0: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Sword(this);break; 224 case 1: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Bomb(this);break; 225 case 2: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Arrow(this);break; 226 }; 227 switch((Time_Index+2)%3){ 228 case 0: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Sword(this);break; 229 case 1: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Bomb(this);break; 230 case 2: w[Weapon_Count++]=new Arrow(this);break; 231 }; 232 } 233 virtual bool Is_Ninja(){return true;} 234 }; 235 //2 236 class Iceman:public Warrior{ 237 public: 238 Iceman(int HP,int MP_,int B_,int C_,int D_):Warrior(HP,MP_,Warrior_Name[2],B_,C_,D_){} 239 virtual void Process(){ 240 City[City_Index][Direction<0]=NULL; 241 City_Index+=Direction; 242 New_City[City_Index][Direction<0]=this; 243 HP-=HP/10; 244 if(City_Index==0){ 245 Red_Lost=true; 246 printf("%03d:10 blue %s %d reached red headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 247 printf("%03d:10 red headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 248 } 249 else if(City_Index==City_Amount+1){ 250 Blue_Lost=true; 251 printf("%03d:10 red %s %d reached blue headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 252 printf("%03d:10 blue headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 253 } 254 else 255 printf("%03d:10 %s %s %d marched to city %d with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Name,Born_Number,City_Index,HP,MP); 256 } 257 }; 258 //3 259 class Lion:public Warrior{ 260 int loyalty; 261 public: 262 Lion(int HP,int MP_,int l_,int B_,int C_,int D_):Warrior(HP,MP_,Warrior_Name[3],B_,C_,D_){loyalty=l_;} 263 virtual void After_Born(){ 264 printf("Its loyalty is %d\n",loyalty); 265 } 266 virtual bool Escape(){return loyalty<=0;} 267 virtual void Process(){ 268 City[City_Index][Direction<0]=NULL; 269 City_Index+=Direction; 270 New_City[City_Index][Direction<0]=this; 271 loyalty-=Loyalty_Decrease; 272 if(City_Index==0){ 273 Red_Lost=true; 274 printf("%03d:10 blue %s %d reached red headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 275 printf("%03d:10 red headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 276 } 277 else if(City_Index==City_Amount+1){ 278 Blue_Lost=true; 279 printf("%03d:10 red %s %d reached blue headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 280 printf("%03d:10 blue headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 281 } 282 else 283 printf("%03d:10 %s %s %d marched to city %d with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Name,Born_Number,City_Index,HP,MP); 284 } 285 }; 286 //4 287 class Wolf:public Warrior{ 288 public: 289 Wolf(int HP,int MP_,int B_,int C_,int D_):Warrior(HP,MP_,Warrior_Name[4],B_,C_,D_){} 290 virtual void get_weapon(){} 291 virtual void Weapon_print(){} 292 virtual bool Is_Wolf(){return true;} 293 virtual void Before_fight(Warrior *Enermy){ 294 if(Enermy->Is_Wolf()) return; 295 if(Weapon_Count<10 && Enermy->Weapon_Count>0){ 296 sort(w,w+10,cmp); 297 sort(Enermy->w,Enermy->w+10,cmp); 298 int Min_Index=Enermy->w[0]->Index,Amount=0; 299 for(int i=0;Enermy->w[i]!=NULL && Enermy->w[i]->Index==Min_Index && Weapon_Count<10 && i<Enermy->Weapon_Count+Amount;i++){ 300 w[Weapon_Count++]=Enermy->w[i],Amount++; 301 Enermy->Weapon_Count--; 302 Enermy->w[i]=NULL; 303 } 304 printf("%03d:35 %s wolf %d took %d %s from %s %s %d in city %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Born_Number,Amount,Weapon_Name[Min_Index],Headquarter_Name[Direction>0],Enermy->Name,Enermy->Born_Number,City_Index); 305 } 306 } 307 }; 308 309 class City{ 310 int HP; 311 int flag; 312 int Last_Res;//the result of last war 313 Warrior *r,*b; 314 public: 315 Rebuild(){flag=Last_War=-1;HP=0;} 316 Change_flag(int f_):f(f_){} 317 HP_Taken(){HP=0;} 318 HP_Accumulate(){HP+=10;} 319 Rec_Res(int res){ 320 if(Last_Res==res) flag=res; 321 Last_Res=res; 322 } 323 }city[20]; 324 325 class Headquarter{ 326 private: 327 char Name[5]; 328 int HP; 329 int Order[5]; 330 int Count[5]; 331 int Warrior_Index; 332 Warrior *cur; 333 bool STOP; 334 public: 335 Headquarter(char *s,int HP_,int* O_){ 336 memset(Name,0,sizeof(Name)); 337 memset(Count,0,sizeof(Count)); 338 strcpy(Name,s); 339 HP=HP_; 340 for(int i=0;i<5;i++) 341 Order[i]=O_[i]; 342 Warrior_Index=-1; 343 cur=NULL; 344 STOP=0; 345 } 346 void Change_HP(int HP_){ 347 HP=HP_; 348 memset(Count,0,sizeof(Count)); 349 Warrior_Index=-1; 350 cur=NULL; 351 STOP=0; 352 }; 353 void Build_Warrior(){ 354 if(STOP) return; 355 int Born_Place,Direct; 356 if(Name[0]=='r') Born_Place=0,Direct=1; 357 else Born_Place=City_Amount+1,Direct=-1; 358 Warrior_Index=(Warrior_Index+1)%5; 359 int who=Order[Warrior_Index]; 360 if(HP>=Cost[who]){ 361 Count[who]++; 362 HP-=Cost[who]; 363 switch(who){ 364 case 0: cur=new Dragon(Cost[0],Power[0],Time_Index+1,Born_Place,Direct);break; 365 case 1: cur=new Ninja(Cost[1],Power[1],Time_Index+1,Born_Place,Direct);break; 366 case 2: cur=new Iceman(Cost[2],Power[2],Time_Index+1,Born_Place,Direct);break; 367 case 3: cur=new Lion(Cost[3],Power[3],HP,Time_Index+1,Born_Place,Direct);break; 368 case 4: cur=new Wolf(Cost[4],Power[4],Time_Index+1,Born_Place,Direct);break; 369 }; 370 cur->get_weapon(); 371 printf("%03d:00 %s %s %d born\n",Time_Index,Name,Warrior_Name[who],Time_Index+1); 372 cur->After_Born(); 373 if(Name[0]=='r') City[0][0]=cur; 374 else City[City_Amount+1][1]=cur; 375 cur=NULL; 376 } 377 else{ 378 //printf("%03d:00 %s headquarter stops making warriors\n",Time_Index,Name); 379 STOP=true; 380 } 381 } 382 void Print_HP(){ 383 printf("%03d:50 %d elements in %s headquarter\n",Time_Index,HP,Name); 384 } 385 bool Stop(){return STOP;} 386 }; 387 388 Headquarter r(Headquarter_Name[0],0,ord1),b(Headquarter_Name[1],0,ord2); 389 390 int main(){ 391 #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE 392 freopen("x.in","r",stdin); 393 freopen("x.out","w",stdout); 394 #endif 395 int Kase,W,Time,Time_Sum; 396 scanf("%d",&Kase); 397 for(int T=1;T<=Kase;T++){ 398 printf("Case %d:\n",T); 399 scanf("%d%d%d%d",&W,&City_Amount,&Loyalty_Decrease,&Time); 400 for(int i=0;i<=City_Amount+1;i++) 401 city[i].Rebuild(); 402 Time_Index=Time_Sum=0; 403 r.Change_HP(W); b.Change_HP(W); 404 Red_Lost=Blue_Lost=-1; 405 for(int i=0;i<5;i++) 406 scanf("%d",&Cost[i]); 407 for(int i=0;i<5;i++) 408 scanf("%d",&Power[i]); 409 while(Time_Sum<=Time){ 410 //Time:0 411 r.Build_Warrior(); 412 b.Build_Warrior(); 413 //Time:5 414 if(Time<Time_Sum+5) break; 415 for(int i=0;i<=City_Amount+1;i++){ 416 if(city[i].r!=NULL && city[i].r->Escape()){ 417 printf("%03d:05 red lion %d ran away\n",Time_Index,city[i].r->Born_Number); 418 delete city[i].r,city[i].r=NULL; 419 } 420 if(city[i].b!=NULL && city[i].b->Escape()){ 421 printf("%03d:05 blue lion %d ran away\n",Time_Index,city[i].b->Born_Number); 422 delete city[i].b,city[i].b=NULL; 423 } 424 } 425 //Time:10 426 if(Time<Time_Sum+10) break; 427 for(int i=0;i<=City_Amount+1;i++){ 428 if(i>0) 429 if(city[i-1].r!=NULL) city[i-1].r->Process(); 430 if(i<=City_Amount) 431 if(city[i+1].b!=NULL) city[i+1].b->Process(); 432 } 433 if(Blue_Lost>0 || Red_Lost>0) break; 434 for(int i=0;i<=City_Amount+1;i++){ 435 city[i].r=New_City[i][0]; 436 New_City[i][0]=NULL; 437 city[i].b=New_City[i][1]; 438 New_City[i][1]=NULL; 439 } 440 //Time:35 441 if(Time<Time_Sum+35) break; 442 for(int i=1;i<=City_Amount;i++){ 443 if(city[i].r!=NULL && city[i].b!=NULL){ 444 city[i].r->Before_fight(city[i].b); 445 city[i].b->Before_fight(city[i].r); 446 } 447 } 448 //Time:40 449 if(Time<Time_Sum+40) break; 450 for(int i=1;i<=City_Amount;i++){ 451 if(city[i].r!=NULL && city[i].b!=NULL){ 452 if(city[i].flag==0) city[i].r->Fight_First(city[i].b); 453 else city[i].b->Fight_First(city[i].r); 454 if(!city[i].r->Die) city[i].r->After_Fight(city[i].b); 455 if(!city[i].b->Die) city[i].b->After_Fight(city[i].r); 456 if(city[i].r->Die) delete city[i].r,city[i].r=NULL; 457 if(city[i].b->Die) delete city[i].b,city[i].b=NULL; 458 } 459 } 460 //Time:50 461 if(Time<Time_Sum+50) break; 462 r.Print_HP(); 463 b.Print_HP(); 464 //Time:55 465 if(Time<Time_Sum+55) break; 466 for(int i=0;i<=City_Amount+1;i++){ 467 if(city[i].r!=NULL) city[i].r->Print_Weapon(); 468 if(city[i].b!=NULL) city[i].b->Print_Weapon(); 469 } 470 Time_Index++; 471 Time_Sum+=60; 472 } 473 //Delete all the warriors alive 474 for(int i=0;i<=City_Amount+1;i++){ 475 if(city[i].r!=NULL) delete city[i].r,city[i].r=NULL; 476 if(city[i].b!=NULL) delete city[i].b,city[i].b=NULL; 477 if(New_City[i][0]!=NULL) delete New_City[i][0],New_City[i][0]=NULL; 478 if(New_City[i][1]!=NULL) delete New_City[i][1],New_City[i][1]=NULL; 479 } 480 } 481 return 0; 482 }
1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<cstring> 3 #include<algorithm> 4 #include<iostream> 5 6 using namespace std; 7 8 class Warrior; 9 10 int Loyalty_Decrease,City_Amount,Arrow_MP; 11 int Cost[5],Power[5],Time_Index; 12 int ord1[5]={2,3,4,1,0},ord2[5]={3,0,1,2,4}; 13 Warrior* New_City[22][2]; 14 char Weapon_Name[3][6]={"sword","bomb","arrow"}; 15 char Warrior_Name[5][7]={"dragon","ninja","iceman","lion","wolf"}; 16 char Headquarter_Name[2][5]={"red","blue"}; 17 bool Red_Lost,Blue_Lost; 18 const int INF=0x3fffffff; 19 20 inline int MAX(int a,int b){return a>b?a:b;} 21 22 class Weapon{ 23 public: 24 int Can_Use; 25 int MP; 26 char Name[6]; 27 Weapon(char* s,int MP_):MP(MP_){ 28 strcpy(Name,s); 29 Can_Use=3; 30 } 31 int Use(){return Can_Use;} 32 virtual void AD(Warrior *Enermy); 33 }; 34 35 class Sword: public Weapon{ 36 public: 37 Sword(int MP_):Weapon(Weapon_Name[0],MP_){}; 38 virtual void AD(Warrior *Enermy); 39 }; 40 41 class Bomb: public Weapon{ 42 public: 43 Bomb(int MP_):Weapon(Weapon_Name[1],MP_){}; 44 virtual void AD(Warrior *Enermy); 45 }; 46 47 class Arrow: public Weapon{ 48 public: 49 Arrow(int MP_):Weapon(Weapon_Name[2],MP_){}; 50 virtual void AD(Warrior *Enermy); 51 }; 52 53 class City{ 54 public: 55 int HP; 56 int flag; 57 int Last_Res;//the result of last war 58 bool Change_Flag; 59 Warrior *r,*b; 60 void Rebuild(){flag=Last_Res=-1;HP=Change_Flag=0;} 61 void Rec_Res(int res){ 62 if(Last_Res==res && flag!=res) Change_Flag=true,flag=res; 63 else Change_Flag=false; 64 Last_Res=res; 65 } 66 }city[20]; 67 68 class Warrior{ 69 public: 70 int HP,MP; 71 int City_Index,Direction; 72 char Name[7]; 73 int Born_Number; 74 bool Die; 75 Weapon* w[3]; 76 Warrior(int HP_,int MP_,char *s,int B_,int C_,int D_){ 77 memset(Name,0,sizeof(Name)); 78 memset(w,0,sizeof(w)); 79 HP=HP_; 80 MP=MP_; 81 strcpy(Name,s); 82 City_Index=C_; 83 Direction=D_; 84 Die=false; 85 Born_Number=B_; 86 } 87 Warrior(const Warrior &A){ 88 HP=A.HP,MP=A.MP; 89 Die=A.Die; 90 if(A.w[0]){ 91 w[0]=new Sword(0); 92 w[0]->Can_Use=A.w[0]->Can_Use; 93 w[0]->MP=A.w[0]->MP; 94 } 95 } 96 virtual void get_weapon(){ 97 switch((Time_Index+1)%3){ 98 case 0: w[0]=new Sword(MP/5);break; 99 case 1: w[1]=new Bomb(0);break; 100 case 2: w[2]=new Arrow(Arrow_MP);break; 101 }; 102 } 103 virtual void After_Born(){} 104 void Hurt(int Damage){ 105 HP-=Damage; 106 if(HP<=0) Die=true,HP=0; 107 } 108 virtual bool Escape(){return false;} 109 virtual bool Is_Wolf(){return false;} 110 virtual bool Is_Ninja(){return false;} 111 /*Time_Tick is a clock to test the max time that both are still*/ 112 void Attack(Warrior *Enermy){ 113 if(w[0]) w[0]->AD(Enermy); 114 Enermy->Hurt(MP); 115 } 116 void Attack_Back(Warrior *Enermy){ 117 if(w[0]) w[0]->AD(Enermy); 118 Enermy->Hurt(MP/2); 119 } 120 int Will_I_Die(Warrior *Enermy){ 121 Warrior Arti_Man1(*this),Arti_Man2(*Enermy); 122 Arti_Man1.Attack(&Arti_Man2); 123 if(Arti_Man2.Die) return -1; 124 else 125 Arti_Man2.Attack_Back(&Arti_Man1); 126 return Arti_Man1.Die; 127 } 128 virtual void Before_Fight(Warrior *Enermy){ 129 if(w[1] || Enermy->w[1]){ 130 int res=Will_I_Die(Enermy); 131 if(res>0 && w[1]){ 132 w[1]->AD(Enermy),Hurt(INF); 133 printf("%03d:38 red %s %d used a bomb and killed blue %s %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,Enermy->Name,Enermy->Born_Number); 134 } 135 else if(res<0 && Enermy->w[1]){ 136 Enermy->w[1]->AD(this),Enermy->Hurt(INF); 137 printf("%03d:38 blue %s %d used a bomb and killed red %s %d\n",Time_Index,Enermy->Name,Enermy->Born_Number,Name,Born_Number); 138 } 139 } 140 } 141 void Fight_First(Warrior *Enermy){ 142 Attack(Enermy); 143 if(w[0] && !w[0]->Use()) delete w[0],w[0]=NULL; 144 printf("%03d:40 %s %s %d attacked %s %s %d in city %d with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Name,Born_Number,Headquarter_Name[Direction>0],Enermy->Name,Enermy->Born_Number,City_Index,HP,MP); 145 if(!Enermy->Die && !Enermy->Is_Ninja()){ 146 Enermy->Attack_Back(this); 147 if(Enermy->w[0] && !Enermy->w[0]->Use()) delete w[0],w[0]=NULL; 148 printf("%03d:40 %s %s %d fought back against %s %s %d in city %d with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Name,Born_Number,Headquarter_Name[Direction>0],Enermy->Name,Enermy->Born_Number,City_Index,HP,MP); 149 } 150 } 151 void Print_Res(Warrior *Enermy){ 152 Warrior *r; 153 Warrior *b; 154 if(Direction>0) r=this,b=Enermy; 155 else r=Enermy,b=this; 156 if(r->Die){ 157 if(b->Die){ 158 printf("%03d:40 both red %s %d and blue %s %d died in city %d\n",Time_Index,r->Name,r->Born_Number,b->Name,b->Born_Number,r->City_Index); 159 city[r->City_Index].Rec_Res(-1); 160 } 161 else{ 162 printf("%03d:40 blue %s %d killed red %s %d in city %d remaining %d elements\n",Time_Index,b->Name,b->Born_Number,r->Name,r->Born_Number,r->City_Index,b->HP); 163 city[r->City_Index].Rec_Res(1); 164 } 165 } 166 else{ 167 if(b->Die){ 168 printf("%03d:40 red %s %d killed blue %s %d in city %d remaining %d elements\n",Time_Index,r->Name,r->Born_Number,b->Name,b->Born_Number,r->City_Index,r->HP); 169 city[r->City_Index].Rec_Res(0); 170 } 171 else{ 172 printf("%03d:40 both red %s %d and blue %s %d were alive in city %d\n",Time_Index,r->Name,r->Born_Number,b->Name,b->Born_Number,r->City_Index); 173 city[r->City_Index].Rec_Res(-1); 174 } 175 } 176 } 177 virtual void Process(){ 178 if(Direction<0) city[City_Index].r=NULL; 179 else city[City_Index].b=NULL; 180 City_Index+=Direction; 181 New_City[City_Index][Direction<0]=this; 182 if(City_Index==0){ 183 Red_Lost=true; 184 printf("%03d:10 blue %s %d reached red headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 185 printf("%03d:10 red headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 186 } 187 else if(City_Index==City_Amount+1){ 188 Blue_Lost=true; 189 printf("%03d:10 red %s %d reached blue headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 190 printf("%03d:10 blue headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 191 } 192 else 193 printf("%03d:10 %s %s %d marched to city %d with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Name,Born_Number,City_Index,HP,MP); 194 } 195 void Print_Weapon(){ 196 printf("%03d:55 %s wolf 2 has ",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Name,Born_Number); 197 if(w[2]!=NULL) printf("arrow(%d)",w[2]->Use()); 198 if(w[1]!=NULL){ 199 if(w[2]!=NULL) printf(","); 200 printf("bomb"); 201 } 202 if(w[0]!=NULL){ 203 if(w[1]!=NULL || w[2]!=NULL) printf(","); 204 printf("sword(%d)",w[0]->MP); 205 } 206 if(w[0]==NULL && w[1]==NULL && w[2]==NULL) 207 printf("no weapon"); 208 putchar('\n'); 209 } 210 virtual void After_Fight(Warrior* Enermy){} 211 }; 212 //0 213 class Dragon:public Warrior{ 214 double morale; 215 public: 216 Dragon(int HP,int MP_,int B_,int C_,int D_,int M_):Warrior(HP,MP_,Warrior_Name[0],B_,C_,D_),morale(M_){} 217 virtual void After_Born(){ 218 printf("Its morale is %.2lf\n",morale); 219 } 220 virtual void After_Fight(Warrior* Enermy){ 221 if(!Enermy->Die) morale-=0.2; 222 else morale+=0.2; 223 if(morale>0.8) 224 printf("%03d:40 %s dragon %d yelled in city %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Born_Number,City_Index); 225 } 226 }; 227 //1 228 class Ninja:public Warrior{ 229 public: 230 Ninja(int HP,int MP_,int B_,int C_,int D_):Warrior(HP,MP_,Warrior_Name[1],B_,C_,D_){} 231 virtual void get_weapon(){ 232 switch((Time_Index+1)%3){ 233 case 0: w[0]=new Sword(MP/5);break; 234 case 1: w[1]=new Bomb(INF);break; 235 case 2: w[2]=new Arrow(Arrow_MP);break; 236 }; 237 switch((Time_Index+2)%3){ 238 case 0: w[0]=new Sword(MP/5);break; 239 case 1: w[1]=new Bomb(INF);break; 240 case 2: w[2]=new Arrow(Arrow_MP);break; 241 }; 242 } 243 virtual bool Is_Ninja(){return true;} 244 }; 245 //2 246 class Iceman:public Warrior{ 247 int Moved; 248 public: 249 Iceman(int HP,int MP_,int B_,int C_,int D_):Warrior(HP,MP_,Warrior_Name[2],B_,C_,D_){Moved=0;} 250 virtual void Process(){ 251 Moved++; 252 if(Moved==2) HP=HP>9?HP-9:1,MP+=20,Moved=0; 253 if(Direction<0) city[City_Index].b=NULL; 254 else city[City_Index].r=NULL; 255 City_Index+=Direction; 256 New_City[City_Index][Direction<0]=this; 257 if(City_Index==0){ 258 Red_Lost++; 259 printf("%03d:10 blue %s %d reached red headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 260 if(Red_Lost>0) printf("%03d:10 red headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 261 } 262 else if(City_Index==City_Amount+1){ 263 Blue_Lost++; 264 printf("%03d:10 red %s %d reached blue headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Name,Born_Number,HP,MP); 265 if(Blue_Lost>0) printf("%03d:10 blue headquarter was taken\n",Time_Index); 266 } 267 else 268 printf("%03d:10 %s %s %d marched to city %d with %d elements and force %d\n",Time_Index,Headquarter_Name[Direction<0],Name,Born_Number,City_Index,HP,MP); 269 } 270 }; 271 //3 272 class Lion:public Warrior{ 273 int loyalty; 274 public: 275 Lion(int HP,int MP_,int l_,int B_,int C_,int D_):Warrior(HP,MP_,Warrior_Name[3],B_,C_,D_){loyalty=l_;} 276 virtual void After_Born(){ 277 printf("Its loyalty is %d\n",loyalty); 278 } 279 virtual void get_weapon(){} 280 virtual bool Escape(){return loyalty<=0;} 281 virtual void After_Fight(Warrior* Enermy){ 282 if(!Enermy->Die) loyalty-=Loyalty_Decrease; 283 } 284 }; 285 //4 286 class Wolf:public Warrior{ 287 public: 288 Wolf(int HP,int MP_,int B_,int C_,int D_):Warrior(HP,MP_,Warrior_Name[4],B_,C_,D_){} 289 virtual void get_weapon(){} 290 virtual void Weapon_print(){} 291 virtual bool Is_Wolf(){return true;} 292 virtual void After_Fight(Warrior *Enermy){ 293 if(Enermy->Die){ 294 for(int i=0;i<3;i++) 295 if(w[i]==NULL && Enermy->w[i]!=NULL) 296 w[i]=Enermy->w[i],Enermy->w[i]=NULL; 297 } 298 } 299 }; 300 301 void Weapon::AD(Warrior *Enermy){} 302 void Sword::AD(Warrior *Enermy){ 303 Enermy->Hurt(MP); 304 MP=MP*4/5; 305 if(!MP) Can_Use=0; 306 } 307 void Bomb::AD(Warrior *Enermy){ 308 Enermy->Hurt(INF); 309 Can_Use-=3; 310 } 311 void Arrow::AD(Warrior *Enermy){ 312 Can_Use--; 313 Enermy->Hurt(MP); 314 } 315 316 class Headquarter{ 317 private: 318 char Name[5]; 319 int Order[5]; 320 int Count[5]; 321 int Warrior_Index; 322 Warrior *cur; 323 bool STOP; 324 public: 325 int HP; 326 Headquarter(char *s,int HP_,int* O_){ 327 memset(Name,0,sizeof(Name)); 328 memset(Count,0,sizeof(Count)); 329 strcpy(Name,s); 330 HP=HP_; 331 for(int i=0;i<5;i++) 332 Order[i]=O_[i]; 333 Warrior_Index=-1; 334 cur=NULL; 335 STOP=0; 336 } 337 void Change_HP(int HP_){ 338 HP=HP_; 339 memset(Count,0,sizeof(Count)); 340 Warrior_Index=-1; 341 cur=NULL; 342 STOP=0; 343 }; 344 void Build_Warrior(){ 345 if(STOP) return; 346 int Born_Place,Direct; 347 if(Name[0]=='r') Born_Place=0,Direct=1; 348 else Born_Place=City_Amount+1,Direct=-1; 349 Warrior_Index=(Warrior_Index+1)%5; 350 int who=Order[Warrior_Index]; 351 if(HP>=Cost[who]){ 352 Count[who]++; 353 HP-=Cost[who]; 354 switch(who){ 355 case 0: cur=new Dragon(Cost[0],Power[0],Time_Index+1,Born_Place,Direct,(double)HP/Cost[0]);break; 356 case 1: cur=new Ninja(Cost[1],Power[1],Time_Index+1,Born_Place,Direct);break; 357 case 2: cur=new Iceman(Cost[2],Power[2],Time_Index+1,Born_Place,Direct);break; 358 case 3: cur=new Lion(Cost[3],Power[3],HP,Time_Index+1,Born_Place,Direct);break; 359 case 4: cur=new Wolf(Cost[4],Power[4],Time_Index+1,Born_Place,Direct);break; 360 }; 361 cur->get_weapon(); 362 printf("%03d:00 %s %s %d born\n",Time_Index,Name,Warrior_Name[who],Time_Index+1); 363 cur->After_Born(); 364 if(Name[0]=='r') city[0].r=cur; 365 else city[City_Amount+1].b=cur; 366 cur=NULL; 367 } 368 else{ 369 //printf("%03d:00 %s headquarter stops making warriors\n",Time_Index,Name); 370 STOP=true; 371 } 372 } 373 void Print_HP(){ 374 printf("%03d:50 %d elements in %s headquarter\n",Time_Index,HP,Name); 375 } 376 bool Stop(){return STOP;} 377 }; 378 379 Headquarter r(Headquarter_Name[0],0,ord1),b(Headquarter_Name[1],0,ord2); 380 381 int main(){ 382 #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE 383 freopen("x.in","r",stdin); 384 freopen("x.out","w",stdout); 385 #endif 386 int Kase,W,Time,Time_Sum; 387 scanf("%d",&Kase); 388 for(int T=1;T<=Kase;T++){ 389 printf("Case %d:\n",T); 390 scanf("%d%d%d%d%d",&W,&City_Amount,&Arrow_MP,&Loyalty_Decrease,&Time); 391 for(int j=0;j<=City_Amount+1;j++) 392 city[j].r=city[j].b=NULL,city[j].flag=!(j&1); 393 Time_Index=Time_Sum=0; 394 r.Change_HP(W); b.Change_HP(W); 395 Red_Lost=Blue_Lost=false; 396 for(int i=0;i<5;i++) 397 scanf("%d",&Cost[i]); 398 for(int i=0;i<5;i++) 399 scanf("%d",&Power[i]); 400 while(Time_Sum<=Time){ 401 //Time:0 402 r.Build_Warrior(); 403 b.Build_Warrior(); 404 //Time:5 405 if(Time<Time_Sum+5) break; 406 for(int i=0;i<=City_Amount+1;i++){ 407 if(i!=City_Amount+1 && city[i].r!=NULL && city[i].r->Escape()){ 408 printf("%03d:05 red lion %d ran away\n",Time_Index,city[i].r->Born_Number); 409 delete city[i].r,city[i].r=NULL; 410 } 411 if(i!=0 && city[i].b!=NULL && city[i].b->Escape()){ 412 printf("%03d:05 blue lion %d ran away\n",Time_Index,city[i].b->Born_Number); 413 delete city[i].b,city[i].b=NULL; 414 } 415 } 416 //Time:10 417 if(Time<Time_Sum+10) break; 418 for(int i=0;i<=City_Amount+1;i++){ 419 if(i>0) 420 if(city[i-1].r!=NULL) city[i-1].r->Process(); 421 if(i<=City_Amount) 422 if(city[i+1].b!=NULL) city[i+1].b->Process(); 423 } 424 if(Blue_Lost || Red_Lost) break; 425 for(int i=0;i<=City_Amount+1;i++){ 426 city[i].r=New_City[i][0]; 427 New_City[i][0]=NULL; 428 city[i].b=New_City[i][1]; 429 New_City[i][1]=NULL; 430 } 431 //Time:20 432 if(Time<Time_Sum+20) break; 433 for(int i=1;i<=City_Amount;i++) city[i].HP+=10; 434 //Time:30 435 if(Time<Time_Sum+30) break; 436 for(int i=1;i<=City_Amount;i++){ 437 if(city[i].r!=NULL && city[i].b==NULL) r.HP+=city[i].HP,city[i].HP=0; 438 if(city[i].b!=NULL && city[i].r==NULL) b.HP+=city[i].HP,city[i].HP=0; 439 } 440 //Time:35 441 if(Time<Time_Sum+35) break; 442 for(int i=0;i<=City_Amount+1;i++){ 443 if(i!=City_Amount+1 && city[i+1].b!=NULL && city[i].r!=NULL && city[i].r->w[2]!=NULL){ 444 city[i].r->w[2]->AD(city[i+1].b); 445 if(city[i+1].b->Die) 446 printf("%03d:35 red %s %d shot and killed blue %s %d\n",Time_Index,city[i].r->Name,city[i].r->Born_Number,city[i+1].b->Name,city[i+1].b->Born_Number); 447 else 448 printf("%03d:35 red %s %d shot\n",Time_Index,city[i].r->Name,city[i].r->Born_Number); 449 if(!city[i].r->w[2]->Use()) delete city[i].r->w[2],city[i].r->w[2]=NULL; 450 } 451 if(i!=0 && city[i-1].r!=NULL && city[i].b!=NULL && city[i].b->w[2]!=NULL){ 452 city[i].b->w[2]->AD(city[i-1].r); 453 if(city[i-1].r->Die) 454 printf("%03d:35 blue %s %d shot and killed red %s %d\n",Time_Index,city[i].b->Name,city[i].b->Born_Number,city[i-1].r->Name,city[i-1].r->Born_Number); 455 else 456 printf("%03d:35 blue %s %d shot\n",Time_Index,city[i].b->Name,city[i].b->Born_Number); 457 if(!city[i].b->w[2]->Use()) delete city[i].b->w[2],city[i].b->w[2]=NULL; 458 } 459 } 460 //Time 38 461 if(Time<Time_Sum+38) break; 462 for(int i=1;i<=City_Amount;i++) 463 if(city[i].r!=NULL && city[i].b!=NULL && !city[i].r->Die && !city[i].b->Die){ 464 if(city[i].flag) city[i].b->Before_Fight(city[i].r); 465 else city[i].r->Before_Fight(city[i].b); 466 } 467 //Time:40 468 if(Time<Time_Sum+40) break; 469 for(int i=1;i<=City_Amount;i++){ 470 if(city[i].r!=NULL && city[i].b!=NULL){ 471 bool Bef_r=city[i].r->Die,Bef_b=city[i].b; 472 if(!Bef_r && !Bef_b){ 473 if(city[i].flag) city[i].b->Fight_First(city[i].r); 474 else city[i].r->Fight_First(city[i].b); 475 } 476 if(!Bef_r && city[i].r->Die){ 477 printf("%03d:40 red %s %d was killed in city %d\n",Time_Index,city[i].r->Name,city[i].r->Born_Number,i); 478 } 479 if(!Bef_b && city[i].b->Die){ 480 printf("%03d:40 blue %s %d was killed in city %d\n",Time_Index,city[i].b->Name,city[i].b->Born_Number,i); 481 } 482 483 if(!city[i].r->Die) city[i].r->After_Fight(city[i].b); 484 if(!city[i].b->Die) city[i].b->After_Fight(city[i].r); 485 if(!city[i].r->Die && city[i].b->Die) 486 printf("#03d:40 red %s %d earned %d elements for his headquarter\n",Time_Index,city[i].r->Name,city[i].r->Born_Number,city[i].HP); 487 if(!city[i].b->Die && city[i].r->Die) 488 printf("#03d:40 blue %s %d earned %d elements for his headquarter\n",Time_Index,city[i].b->Name,city[i].b->Born_Number,city[i].HP); 489 if(city[i].Change_Flag) 490 printf("%03d:40 %s flag raised in city %d\n",Headquarter_Name[city[i].flag],i); 491 } 492 } 493 //Aword 494 for(int i=City_Amount;i>=1 && r.HP>=8;i--) 495 if(city[i].r!=NULL && city[i].b!=NULL && !city[i].r->Die && city[i].b->Die) r.HP-=8,city[i].r->HP+=8; 496 for(int i=1;i<=City_Amount && b.HP>=8;i++) 497 if(city[i].r!=NULL && city[i].b!=NULL && !city[i].b->Die && city[i].r->Die) b.HP-=8,city[i].b->HP+=8; 498 for(int i=1;i<=City_Amount;i++) 499 if(city[i].r!=NULL && city[i].b!=NULL){ 500 if(!city[i].r->Die && city[i].b->Die) r.HP+=city[i].HP,city[i].HP=0; 501 else if(!city[i].b && city[i].r->Die) b.HP+=city[i].HP,city[i].HP=0; 502 if(city[i].r->Die) delete city[i].r,city[i].r=NULL; 503 if(city[i].b->Die) delete city[i].b,city[i].b=NULL; 504 } 505 //Time:50 506 if(Time<Time_Sum+50) break; 507 r.Print_HP(); 508 b.Print_HP(); 509 //Time:55 510 if(Time<Time_Sum+55) break; 511 for(int i=0;i<=City_Amount+1;i++){ 512 if(city[i].r!=NULL) city[i].r->Print_Weapon(); 513 if(city[i].b!=NULL) city[i].b->Print_Weapon(); 514 } 515 Time_Index++; 516 Time_Sum+=60; 517 } 518 //Delete all the warriors alive 519 for(int j=0;j<=City_Amount+1;j++){ 520 if(city[j].r!=NULL) delete city[j].r,city[j].r=NULL; 521 if(city[j].b!=NULL) delete city[j].b,city[j].b=NULL; 522 if(New_City[j][0]!=NULL) delete New_City[j][0],New_City[j][0]=NULL; 523 if(New_City[j][1]!=NULL) delete New_City[j][1],New_City[j][1]=NULL; 524 } 525 } 526 return 0; 527 }