【Español 1】西班牙语单词和语法整理 - Unit1

Duolingo Spanish grammar and vocabularies list in English

Lista de gramática y vocabularios de Duolingo en español en inglés
Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.

🐣 Unit 1 - Intro

📋Grammar Notes


Spanish has both masculine and feminine nouns. It is important to use the right modifiers (articles, adjectives, etc.) for each gender.

Feminine Masculine
Indefinite (a/an) una un
Definite (the) la el

Sentence Pattern

Spanish sentence structure is remarkably similar to English. One of the main differences is the omission of the subject:

  • Soy un hombre. ("I am a man.")
  • Soy una mujer. ("I am a woman.")

You can begin these sentences with yo if you wish, but the sentences above are more common.

Verb Conjugation

Verb conjugation in Spanish is more complicated than in English. Here is the conjugation in the singular for beber, "to drink":

English Spanish Verb Ending
I drink Yo bebo -o
You (inf.) drink Tù bebes -es
he/she drinks Él/Ella bebe -e

This is regular for most verbs ending in -er. Comer, "to eat", also follows this pattern. One exception is ser, "to be":

English Spanish
I am Yo soy
You (inf.) are Tù eres
he/she is Él/Ella es

These exceptions will have to be memorized.


Lesson 1

  • el = the (masculine)
  • la = the (feminine)
  • el hombre = man
  • la mujer = woman
  • yo = I
  • un = a/an (masculine)
  • una = a/an (feminine)
  • soy = I am
  • el niño = boy/child
  • la niña = girl

Lesson 2

  • él = he
  • ella = she
  • es = he/she is
  • come = he/she/you (form.) eat(s)
  • = you (inf.)
  • eres = you (inf.) are
  • la manzana = apple
  • manzanas = apples
  • usted = you (formal)
  • Juan = Juan (male name)

Lesson 3

  • el pan = bread
  • como = I eat
  • comes = you (inf.) eat
  • come = he/she/you (form.) eat(s)
  • el agua = water
  • la leche = milk
  • bebo = I drink
  • bebes = you (inf.) drink
  • bebe = he/she/you (form.) drink(s)

🐥 Unit 1 - Basics

📋Tips and Notes

The Second Person Plural

In Latin America the pronoun for the "you (pl.)" is ustedes, and in Spain it is vosotros. The two pronouns are synonyms, but they change the way of conjugating verbs. For example, to say "you guys eat", in Latin America you would say ustedes comen, and in Spain vosotros coméis. As Duolingo teaches Latin American Spanish, it does not teach the usage of vosotros. However, it is important to know the difference and when to use either.


Speaking of which, Spanish has multiple ways of saying "you":

  • = informal, one person
  • ustedes/vosotros/vosotras = informal, two or more people
  • usted = formal, any number


Now you should know all of the subject pronouns in Spanish:

  • yo = I
  • = you
  • èl = he
  • ella = she
  • usted = you
  • nosotros = we
  • nosotras = we
  • vosotros = you
  • vosotras = you
  • ustedes = you
  • ellos = they
  • ellas = they

Verb Conjugation for the -er Verbs

The conjugation for verbs with an infinitive ending in -er are:

English Spanish verb ending Spanish Spanish example: comer
I eat -o como
you eat -es comes
he/she/you eat(s) -e come
we eat -emos comemos
you eat -éis coméis
they/you eat -en comen

This is the case for beber, comer, and ler (with an added -e- for pronunciation). It is not the case for ser ("to be") and escribir (which has a different ending altogether).


Plurals are easy in Spanish; all you do is add an -(e)s like in English

  • mujer->mujeres
  • hombre->hombres

For the definite article ("the"), add an -s to la to make las and change el to los.


Lesson 1

  • nosotros = we (m.)
  • nosotras = we (f.)
  • somos = we are
  • los hombres = men
  • las mujeres = women
  • ustedes = you (pl.)
  • son = they/you are
  • bebemos = we drink

Lesson 2

  • ellos = they (m.)
  • ellas = they (f.)
  • beben = they/you drink
  • los = the (m. pl.)
  • las = the (f. pl.)
  • los niños = boys
  • niñas = girls

Lesson 3

  • el vino = wine
  • el libro = book
  • la carta = letter
  • escribe = he/she/you write(s)
  • escribes = you write
  • escribo = I write
  • escribimos = we write

Lesson 4

  • escriben = they/you write
  • leo = I read
  • lees = you read
  • leemos = we read
  • leen = they read
  • lee = he/she/you read(s)
  • el diario = newspaper
  • la persona = person

💬 Unit 1 - Phrases

🌘Tardes and Noches

In English, "afternoon" comes before "evening," which in turn comes before "night." In Spanish there are only two words that cover these times of the day. The word tarde means "afternoon," but overlaps with "evening," Similarly, the word noche, which means "night", also overlaps with "evening." Therefore, at 6:30pm it is ok to say either buenas tardes or buenas noches.


Lesson 1

  • Hola = Hello
  • adiós = goodbye/bye
  • buenos días = good morning
  • buenas noches = good night
  • gracias = thank you/thanks
  • mucho gusto = nice to meet you

Lesson 2

  • = yes
  • no = no, not
  • por favor = please
  • de nada = you're welcome
  • lo siento = I'm sorry
  • perdón = pardon me/excuse me
  • disculpe = pardon me/excuse me
  • Luis = Luis (male name)

Lesson 3

  • hablo = I speak
  • hablas = you speak
  • español = Spanish
  • inglés = English

✈️ Unit 1 - Travel

📋Grammar Notes

Both está and es mean "is".

Está is used for location (where something/someone is).

Está is also used for temporary states of existence. For example, when you say the taxi is here, it's location isn't permanent.

Es is used for describing the characteristics something possesses.

Es is used for describing a state of being.


Lesson 1

  • el taxi = the taxi
  • el teléfono = the phone
  • necesito = I need
  • el pasaporte = the passport
  • la maleta = the suitcase
  • mi = my

Lesson 2

  • el hotel = the hotel
  • tengo = I have
  • aquí = here
  • reserva = reservation
  • dónde = where
  • está = is

Lesson 3

  • el autobús = the bus
  • el aeropuerto = the airport
  • tu = your
  • el tren = the train
  • el dinero = the money
  • boleto = ticket
  • a = to

Lesson 4

  • el hospital = the hospital
  • el banco = the bank
  • el museo = the museum
  • el baño = the bathroom
  • la calle = the street
  • el supermercado = the supermarket
  • cerrado = closed

🍔 Unit 1 - Restaurant

📋Grammar Notes

Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.


Lesson 1

  • Uno = One
  • Dos = Two
  • Tres = Three
  • Las Personas = The People
  • El Restaurante = The Restaurant
  • La Mesa = The Table
  • Para = For

Lesson 2

  • El Sándwich = The Sandwich
  • El Pescado = The Fish
  • La Carne = The Meat
  • El Queso = The Cheese
  • Con = With
  • Una Hamburguesa = A Burger
  • De = With

Lesson 3

  • La Naranja = The Orange
  • El Café = The Coffee
  • El Vaso = The Glass
  • El Azúcar = The Sugar
  • El Jugo = The Juice
  • Sin = Without
  • La Taza = The Cup

Lesson 4

  • La Ensalada = The Salad
  • La Sal = The Salt
  • El Tomate = The Tomato
  • O = Or
  • Quiero = Want
  • Pagar = Pay
  • Cuenta = Check

👪 Unit 1 - Family

📋Grammar Notes

Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.


Lesson 1

  • el padre – the father
  • la madre – the mother
  • el carro – the car
  • la casa – the house
  • inteligente – intelligent
  • tiene – (he/she) has
  • elegante – elegant

Lesson 2

  • el gato – the cat
  • el perro – the dog
  • muy – very
  • grande – big
  • la hermana – the sister
  • el hermano – the brother
  • bonito – pretty/beautiful

Lesson 3

  • la familia – the family
  • la esposa – the wife
  • el esposo – the husband
  • la abuela – the grandmother
  • el abuelo – the grandfather
  • perfecto - perfect
  • apartamento – apartment

Lesson 4

  • la bicicleta – the bicycle
  • vivo - live
  • Francia – France
  • interesante - interesting
  • el hijo – the son
  • la hija – the daughter
  • y - and

🛍️ Unit 1 - Shopping

📋Grammar Notes

Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.


Lesson 1

  • azul – blue
  • verde – green
  • la camisa – the shirt
  • la chaqueta – the jacket
  • la tienda – the shop
  • la ropa – the clothes

Lesson 2

  • gris – grey
  • marrón – brown
  • la camiseta – the t-shirt
  • el sombrero – the hat
  • el vestido – the dress
  • este – this
  • comprar – to buy

Lesson 3

  • rojo – red
  • la falda – the skirt
  • el abrigo – the coat
  • ese – that
  • barato – cheap
  • caro – expensive
  • diferente – different

Lesson 4

  • la cartera – the purse
  • el cinturón – the belt
  • el reloj – the watch
  • el regalo – the gift
  • demasiado – too (too much)
  • favorita – favourite
  • cómoda - comfortable

🏫 Unit 1 - School

📋Grammar Notes

¡Yo no comprendo!

It's easy to make a negative statement in Spanish: simply say no before the verb.

  • Yo no estudio inglés.
  • Lo siento. Yo no comprendo.

¡Quiero hablar español!

Escribir, estudiar, and leer are all verb forms called infinitives.

  • Yo quiero escribir.

In English, infinitives always have the word to at the start (like to study or to read). But in Spanish, they don't require any extra words, To say I want to study, you'd just say Yo quiero estudiar.

  • Yo necesito leer.

¡Me llamo Duo!

In Spanish, me llamo is used to say my name is. lt literally means l call myself.

  • Me llamo Luna.
  • Mucho gusto. Me llamo Pablo.


In Spanish, the endings of adjectives depend on the gender of what they describe.

  • Miguel es americano.
  • Ana es americana.

¿De dónde eres?

To ask where someone is from, you can say ¿De dónde eres?.

  • ¿De dónde eres, Camila?
  • ¡Soy de México!


In general, use es for permanent traits and event locations, and use está for temporary traits and other loactions!

  • Es mujer.
  • Está cansada.


Lesson 1

  • el maestro - the teacher (masculine)
  • el libro - the book
  • el boligrafo - the pen
  • la escuela - the school
  • examen - exam
  • clase - class
  • facil - easy

Lesson 2

  • el estudiante - the student
  • la pregunta - the question
  • dificil - difficult
  • problema - problem
  • estudiar - to study
  • leer - to read
  • escribir - to write

Lesson 3

  • comprendo, entiendo - (I) understand
  • escribo - (I) write
  • estudio - (I) study
  • leo - (I) read
  • importante - important
  • mucho - really
  • no - no/don't

Lesson 4

  • la medicina - the medicine
  • la computadora - the computer
  • el profesor - the professor
  • escribes - (you) write
  • lees - (you) read
  • estudias (you) study
  • la universidad - the university

👷 Unit 1 - People

📋Grammar Notes


  • el amigo/la amiga = friend
  • la persona = person
  • la gente = people
  • el señor = gentleman
  • la señora = lady
  • la población = population
  • la cultura = culture
  • el trabajador = worker
  • la revolución = revolution
  • el ciudadano = citizen
  • el vecino/la vecina = neighbor
  • el compañero = colleague
  • la audiencia = audience
  • la pareja = partner
  • el matrimonio = marriage
  • la víctima = victim
  • el individuo = individual
  • el turismo = tourism
  • la humanidad = humanity
  • el enemigo = enemy
  • la costumbre = habit
  • el chico = boy
  • la chica = girl
  • el campesino = peasant
  • la feria = fair
  • el caballero = gentleman
  • el testigo = witness
  • el adulto = adult
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