SGU 106 The equation
There is an equation ax + by + c = 0. Given a,b,c,x1,x2,y1,y2 you must determine, how many integer roots of this equation are satisfy to the following conditions : x1<=x<=x2, y1<=y<=y2. Integer root of this equation is a pair of integer numbers (x,y). |
Input contains integer numbers a,b,c,x1,x2,y1,y2 delimited by spaces and line breaks. All numbers are not greater than 108 by absolute value。
Write answer to the output.
Sample Input
1 1 -3 0 4 0 4
Sample Output
#include <iostream> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; LL a,b,c,x1,x2,y1,y2,x,y,tmp,ans=0; LL mini = -361168601842738790LL; LL maxi = 322337203685477580LL; int extendedGcd(int a,int b){ if (b==0){ x=1;y=0; return a; } else{ int tmp = extendedGcd(b,a%b); int t = x; x=y; y=t-a/b*y; return tmp; } } LL extendedGcd(LL a,LL b){ if (b == 0){ x=1;y=0; return a; } else{ LL TEMP = extendedGcd(b,a%b); LL tt=x; x=y; y=tt-a/b*y; return TEMP; } } LL upper(LL a,LL b){ if (a<=0) return a/b; return (a-1)/b + 1; } LL lower(LL a,LL b){ if (a>=0) return a/b; return (a+1)/b - 1; } void update(LL L,LL R,LL wa){ if (wa<0){ L=-L;R=-R;wa=-wa; swap(L,R); } mini=max(mini,upper(L,wa)); maxi=min(maxi,lower(R,wa)); } int main(){ cin >> a >> b >> c >> x1 >> x2 >> y1 >> y2;c=-c; if (a==0 && b==0){ if (c==0) ans = (x2-x1+1) * (y2-y1+1); } else if (a==0 && b!=0){ if (c % b==0) { tmp = c/b; if (tmp>=y1 && tmp<=y2) ans = 1; } } else if (a!=0 && b==0){ if (c % a==0){ tmp = c/a; if (tmp>=x1 && tmp<=x2) ans = 1; } } else{ LL d = extendedGcd(a,b); if (c%d == 0){ LL p = c/d; update(x1-p*x,x2-p*x,b/d); update(y1-p*y,y2-p*y,-a/d); ans = maxi-mini+1; if (ans<0) ans=0; } } cout << ans << endl; }