最近研究Entity Framework 4 + ObjectDataSource + FormView的组合。
1 <EditItemTemplate>
2 <sc:NetCheckPolicyDropDownList ID="ddlNetCheckPolicy" runat="server"
3 SelectedValue='<%#Bind("OverrideNetCheckPolicyID") %>' >
4 </sc:NetCheckPolicyDropDownList>
5 </EditItemTemplate>
Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control
就经过艰苦卓绝地Google和各种分析,原来问题在于,简单地说,执行DropDownList的DataBind时,那个“<%#Bind ... %> ”被当作这个绑定的一部分执行了,但它本来应该是FormView控件绑定时才需要做的。可惜我们能分出来,ASP.NET分不出来。解决的方法有2个:
1. DropDownList不要采用默认的DataBind方法加载数据,而采用自定义的数据加载。
2. 手工在FormView的ItemCreated (或者DataBound?)事件中为DropDownList的SelectedValue赋值,并在FormView执行插入或更新的操作时再手工把DropDownList值取出来。
public void DataPopulate() { DataPopulate(false); } /// <summary> /// Populate the DropDownList control. /// </summary> /// <param name="usingDataBind">gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the standard DataBind mechanism</param> public void DataPopulate(bool usingDataBind) { Items.Clear(); DataSource = CreateDataSource(); if (DataSource == null) return; if (usingDataBind) { DataBind(); return; } IEnumerable source = DataSource as IEnumerable; if (source == null) throw new InvalidCastException("DataSource must be of type \"IEnumerable\""); if (DataTextField.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("DataTextField"); if (DataValueField.Length == 0) DataValueField = DataTextField; ICollection sourceCollection = DataSource as ICollection; if (sourceCollection != null) Items.Capacity = sourceCollection.Count + Items.Count; ListItem li; foreach (object item in source) { li = new ListItem(); li.Text = DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(item, DataTextField, DataTextFormatString); li.Value = DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(item, DataValueField, null); Items.Add(li); } OnDataBound(EventArgs.Empty); } /// <summary> /// create a data source object used by DropDownList control /// </summary> /// <returns>a data source object</returns> protected virtual object CreateDataSource() { return null; }