
Sometimes at night when I look up at the stars, and see the whole sky just laid out there, don't you think I ain't remembering it all. I still got dreams like anybody else, and ever so often, I am thinking about how things might of been. And then, all of a sudden, I'm forty, fifty, sixty years old, you know?


特征驱动开发 Feature-Driven Development - FDD riccc 2009-11-26 00:20 阅读:4475 评论:0 推荐:0 编辑   
关于测试驱动开发 riccc 2009-11-11 20:28 阅读:560 评论:0 推荐:0 编辑   
开发流程 - RUP riccc 2009-10-27 22:33 阅读:3344 评论:0 推荐:2 编辑   
软件测试 riccc 2008-11-20 19:29 阅读:5605 评论:2 推荐:2 编辑   
从才能三态论看绩效管理 Deming cycle/PDCA cycle riccc 2008-02-20 07:49 阅读:3740 评论:0 推荐:1 编辑   
复杂度 - 软件开发中最值得警惕的问题 riccc 2008-02-18 01:38 阅读:4711 评论:17 推荐:0 编辑   
领域驱动设计 Domain-Driven Design riccc 2007-07-16 01:16 阅读:13861 评论:46 推荐:2 编辑   
IPD KPI随想 riccc 2007-04-23 13:22 阅读:3142 评论:2 推荐:0 编辑   
Software Architecture Organizational Principles and Patterns riccc 2007-03-02 00:48 阅读:972 评论:0 推荐:0 编辑   
