
Sometimes at night when I look up at the stars, and see the whole sky just laid out there, don't you think I ain't remembering it all. I still got dreams like anybody else, and ever so often, I am thinking about how things might of been. And then, all of a sudden, I'm forty, fifty, sixty years old, you know?

2010年4月10日 #

Hibernate Shards 数据的水平、垂直切割(二)- Hibernate Shards基本演示

摘要: 准备1. 以Hibernate Shards 数据的水平、垂直切割(一)- Hibernate测试环境的项目为基础2. Hibernate Shards使用了commons logging,下载个项目最新的release版本。这里用的版本为1.1.13. 在Hibernate Shards 数据的水平、垂直切割(一)- Hibernate测试环境中,我们在mysql中建立了一个hbshards数据... 阅读全文

posted @ 2010-04-10 23:53 riccc 阅读(8326) 评论(3) 推荐(1) 编辑
