
Sometimes at night when I look up at the stars, and see the whole sky just laid out there, don't you think I ain't remembering it all. I still got dreams like anybody else, and ever so often, I am thinking about how things might of been. And then, all of a sudden, I'm forty, fifty, sixty years old, you know?

2009年1月14日 #

采购、销售退货成本计算问题 以及对移动平均价的影响

摘要: (一):用友(金蝶好像也是类似处理)在进销存中采购退货、销售退货的成本分别是怎么计算的? 1)采购退货:采购退货与原单关联时退货成本取原入库成本价,可手工指定(在做单时确定);采购退货与原单不关联时退货成本由手工指定;--取原单入库成本做成系统默认行为,但实际业务中采购退货的成本由供应商商定的退货价格确定,即为不含税的采购退货价格,很少会和原有采购价格相同,因为会扣除货物运输费用等,这就要求退货... 阅读全文

posted @ 2009-01-14 11:27 riccc 阅读(10889) 评论(1) 推荐(0) 编辑
