
Sometimes at night when I look up at the stars, and see the whole sky just laid out there, don't you think I ain't remembering it all. I still got dreams like anybody else, and ever so often, I am thinking about how things might of been. And then, all of a sudden, I'm forty, fifty, sixty years old, you know?

2008年10月4日 #

Compiler - lexical analysis

摘要: 概念:1. Context-Free Grammar: a). 一个终结符集合。b). 一个非终结符集合。c). 一个产生式集合,产生式左部为一个非终结符,右部为终结符或非终结符序列。d). 一个初始状态。 2. Parse Tree(Concrete Syntax Tree), Abstract Syntax Tree(AST)文法: list -> list+digit | list-d... 阅读全文

posted @ 2008-10-04 00:58 riccc 阅读(2270) 评论(1) 推荐(0) 编辑
