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  循环语句可以在循环内使用任意类型的命令,包括其他循环命令。这种循环叫作嵌套循环(nested loop)。注意,在使用嵌套循环时,你是在迭代中使用迭代,与命令运行的次数是乘积关系。不注意这点的话,有可能会在脚本中造成问题。

 1 $ cat test14
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 # nesting for loops
 4 for (( a = 1; a <= 3; a++ ))
 5 do
 6 echo "Starting loop $a:"
 7 for (( b = 1; b <= 3; b++ ))
 8 do
 9 echo " Inside loop: $b"
10 done
11 done
12 $ ./test14
13 Starting loop 1:
14   Inside loop: 1
15   Inside loop: 2
16   Inside loop: 3
17 Starting loop 2:
18   Inside loop: 1
19   Inside loop: 2
20   Inside loop: 3
21 Starting loop 3:
22   Inside loop: 1
23   Inside loop: 2
24   Inside loop: 3
25 $


  这个被嵌套的循环(也称为内部循环,inner loop)会在外部循环的每次迭代中遍历一次它所有的值。注意,两个循环的do和done命令没有任何差别。bash shell知道当第一个done命令执行时是指内部循环而非外部循环。

 1 $ cat test15
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 # placing a for loop inside a while loop
 4 var1=5
 5 while [ $var1 -ge 0 ]
 6 do
 7     echo "Outer loop: $var1"
 8     for (( var2 = 1; $var2 < 3; var2++ ))
 9     do
10         var3=$[ $var1 * $var2 ]
11         echo " Inner loop: $var1 * $var2 = $var3"
12     done
13     var1=$[ $var1 - 1 ]
14 done
15 $ ./test15
16 Outer loop: 5
17   Inner loop: 5 * 1 = 5
18   Inner loop: 5 * 2 = 10
19 Outer loop: 4
20   Inner loop: 4 * 1 = 4
21   Inner loop: 4 * 2 = 8
22 Outer loop: 3
23   Inner loop: 3 * 1 = 3
24   Inner loop: 3 * 2 = 6
25 Outer loop: 2
26   Inner loop: 2 * 1 = 2
27   Inner loop: 2 * 2 = 4
28 Outer loop: 1
29   Inner loop: 1 * 1 = 1
30   Inner loop: 1 * 2 = 2
31 Outer loop: 0
32   Inner loop: 0 * 1 = 0
33   Inner loop: 0 * 2 = 0
34 $    



 1 $ cat test16
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 # using until and while loops
 4 var1=3
 5 until [ $var1 -eq 0 ]
 6 do
 7     echo "Outer loop: $var1"
 8     var2=1
 9     while [ $var2 -lt 5 ]
10     do
11         var3=$(echo "scale=4; $var1 / $var2" | bc)
12         echo " Inner loop: $var1 / $var2 = $var3"
13         var2=$[ $var2 + 1 ]
14     done
15     var1=$[ $var1 - 1 ]
16 done
17 $ ./test16
18 Outer loop: 3
19     Inner loop: 3 / 1 = 3.0000
20     Inner loop: 3 / 2 = 1.5000
21     Inner loop: 3 / 3 = 1.0000
22     Inner loop: 3 / 4 = .7500
23 Outer loop: 2
24     Inner loop: 2 / 1 = 2.0000
25     Inner loop: 2 / 2 = 1.0000
26     Inner loop: 2 / 3 = .6666
27     Inner loop: 2 / 4 = .5000
28 Outer loop: 1
29     Inner loop: 1 / 1 = 1.0000
30     Inner loop: 1 / 2 = .5000
31     Inner loop: 1 / 3 = .3333
32     Inner loop: 1 / 4 = .2500
33 $





  • 使用嵌套循环
  • 修改IFS环境变量


 1 #!/bin/bash
 2 # changing the IFS value
 4 IFS=$'\n'
 5 for entry in $(cat /etc/passwd)
 6 do
 7     echo "Values in $entry –"
 8     IFS=:
 9     for value in $entry
10     do
11         echo " $value"
12     done
13 done
14 $



 1 Values in rich:x:501:501:Rich Blum:/home/rich:/bin/bash -
 2     rich
 3     x
 4     501
 5     501
 6     Rich Blum
 7     /home/rich
 8     /bin/bash
 9 Values in katie:x:502:502:Katie Blum:/home/katie:/bin/bash -
10     katie
11     x
12     506
13     509
14     Katie Blum
15     /home/katie
16     /bin/bash





  • break命令
  • continue命令


3.1、break 命令




 1 $ cat test17
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 # breaking out of a for loop
 4 for var1 in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 5 do
 6     if [ $var1 -eq 5 ]
 7     then
 8         break
 9     fi
10     echo "Iteration number: $var1"
11 done
12 echo "The for loop is completed"
13 $ ./test17
14 Iteration number: 1
15 Iteration number: 2
16 Iteration number: 3
17 Iteration number: 4
18 The for loop is completed
19 $



 1 $ cat test18
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 # breaking out of a while loop
 4 var1=1
 5 while [ $var1 -lt 10 ]
 6 do
 7     if [ $var1 -eq 5 ]
 8     then
 9         break
10     fi
11     echo "Iteration: $var1"
12     var1=$[ $var1 + 1 ]
13 done
14 echo "The while loop is completed"
15 $ ./test18
16 Iteration: 1
17 Iteration: 2
18 Iteration: 3
19 Iteration: 4
20 The while loop is completed
21 $





 1 $ cat test19
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 # breaking out of an inner loop
 4 for (( a = 1; a < 4; a++ ))
 5 do
 6     echo "Outer loop: $a"
 7     for (( b = 1; b < 100; b++ ))
 8     do
 9         if [ $b -eq 5 ]
10         then
11             break
12         fi
13     echo " Inner loop: $b"
14     done
15 done
16 $ ./test19
17 Outer loop: 1
18     Inner loop: 1
19     Inner loop: 2
20     Inner loop: 3
21     Inner loop: 4
22 Outer loop: 2
23     Inner loop: 1
24     Inner loop: 2
25     Inner loop: 3
26     Inner loop: 4
27 Outer loop: 3
28     Inner loop: 1
29     Inner loop: 2
30     Inner loop: 3
31     Inner loop: 4
32 $





1 break n



 1 $ cat test20
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 # breaking out of an outer loop
 4 for (( a = 1; a < 4; a++ ))
 5 do
 6     echo "Outer loop: $a"
 7     for (( b = 1; b < 100; b++ ))
 8     do
 9         if [ $b -gt 4 ]
10         then
11             break 2
12         fi
13         echo " Inner loop: $b"
14     done
15 done
16 $ ./test20
17 Outer loop: 1
18     Inner loop: 1
19     Inner loop: 2
20     Inner loop: 3
21     Inner loop: 4
22 $



3.2、continue 命令


 1 $ cat test21
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 # using the continue command
 4 for (( var1 = 1; var1 < 15; var1++ ))
 5 do
 6     if [ $var1 -gt 5 ] && [ $var1 -lt 10 ]
 7     then
 8         continue
 9     fi
10     echo "Iteration number: $var1"
11 done
12 $ ./test21
13 Iteration number: 1
14 Iteration number: 2
15 Iteration number: 3
16 Iteration number: 4
17 Iteration number: 5
18 Iteration number: 10
19 Iteration number: 11
20 Iteration number: 12
21 Iteration number: 13
22 Iteration number: 14
23 $




 1 $ cat badtest3
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 # improperly using the continue command in a while loop
 4 var1=0
 5 while echo "while iteration: $var1"
 6     [ $var1 -lt 15 ]
 7 do
 8     if [ $var1 -gt 5 ] && [ $var1 -lt 10 ]
 9     then
10         continue
11     fi
12     echo " Inside iteration number: $var1"
13     var1=$[ $var1 + 1 ]
14 done
15 $ ./badtest3 | more
16 while iteration: 0
17     Inside iteration number: 0
18 while iteration: 1
19     Inside iteration number: 1
20 while iteration: 2
21     Inside iteration number: 2
22 while iteration: 3
23     Inside iteration number: 3
24 while iteration: 4
25     Inside iteration number: 4
26 while iteration: 5
27     Inside iteration number: 5
28 while iteration: 6
29 while iteration: 6
30 while iteration: 6
31 while iteration: 6
32 while iteration: 6
33 while iteration: 6
34 while iteration: 6
35 while iteration: 6
36 while iteration: 6
37 while iteration: 6
38 while iteration: 6
39 $



1 continue n



 1 $ cat test22
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 # continuing an outer loop
 4 for (( a = 1; a <= 5; a++ ))
 5 do
 6     echo "Iteration $a:"
 7     for (( b = 1; b < 3; b++ ))
 8     do
 9         if [ $a -gt 2 ] && [ $a -lt 4 ]
10     then
11         continue 2
12     fi
13     var3=$[ $a * $b ]
14     echo " The result of $a * $b is $var3"
15     done
16 done
17 $ ./test22
18 Iteration 1:
19     The result of 1 * 1 is 1
20     The result of 1 * 2 is 2
21 Iteration 2:
22     The result of 2 * 1 is 2
23     The result of 2 * 2 is 4
24 Iteration 3:
25 Iteration 4:
26     The result of 4 * 1 is 4
27     The result of 4 * 2 is 8
28 Iteration 5:
29     The result of 5 * 1 is 5
30     The result of 5 * 2 is 10
31 $



1 if [ $a -gt 2 ] && [ $a -lt 4 ]
2 then
3     continue 2
4 fi





1 for file in /home/rich/*
2 do
3     if [ -d "$file" ]
4     then
5         echo "$file is a directory"
6     elif
7         echo "$file is a file"
8     fi
9 done > output.txt



 1 $ cat test23
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 # redirecting the for output to a file
 4 for (( a = 1; a < 10; a++ ))
 5 do
 6     echo "The number is $a"
 7 done > test23.txt
 8 echo "The command is finished."
 9 $ ./test23
10 The command is finished.
11 $ cat test23.txt
12 The number is 1
13 The number is 2
14 The number is 3
15 The number is 4
16 The number is 5
17 The number is 6
18 The number is 7
19 The number is 8
20 The number is 9
21 $



 1 $ cat test24
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 # piping a loop to another command
 4 for state in "North Dakota" Connecticut Illinois Alabama Tennessee
 5 do
 6     echo "$state is the next place to go"
 7 done | sort
 8 echo "This completes our travels"
 9 $ ./test24
10 Alabama is the next place to go
11 Connecticut is the next place to go
12 Illinois is the next place to go
13 North Dakota is the next place to go
14 Tennessee is the next place to go
15 This completes our travels
16 $







1 IFS=:
2 for folder in $PATH
3 do



1 for file in $folder/*
2 do



1 if [ -x $file ]
2 then
3     echo " $file"
4 fi



 1 $ cat test25
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 # finding files in the PATH
 4 IFS=:
 5 for folder in $PATH
 6 do
 7     echo "$folder:"
 8     for file in $folder/*
 9     do
10         if [ -x $file ]
11     then
12       echo " $file"
13     fi
14     done
15 done
16 $



 1 $ ./test25 | more
 2     /usr/local/bin:
 3     /usr/bin:
 4     /usr/bin/Mail
 5     /usr/bin/Thunar
 6     /usr/bin/X
 7     /usr/bin/Xorg
 8     /usr/bin/[
 9     /usr/bin/a2p
10     /usr/bin/abiword
11     /usr/bin/ac
12     /usr/bin/activation-client
13     /usr/bin/addr2line
14     ...





1 userid,user name



1 while IFS=’,’ read –r userid name



 1 $ cat test26
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 # process new user accounts
 4 input="users.csv"
 5 while IFS=',' read -r userid name
 6 do
 7     echo "adding $userid"
 8     useradd -c "$name" -m $userid
 9 done < "$input"
10 $



1 $ cat users.csv
2 rich,Richard Blum
3 christine,Christine Bresnahan
4 barbara,Barbara Blum
5 tim,Timothy Bresnahan
6 $



1 # ./test26
2 adding rich
3 adding christine
4 adding barbara
5 adding tim
6 #



1 # tail /etc/passwd
2 rich:x:1001:1001:Richard Blum:/home/rich:/bin/bash
3 christine:x:1002:1002:Christine Bresnahan:/home/christine:/bin/bash
4 barbara:x:1003:1003:Barbara Blum:/home/barbara:/bin/bash
5 tim:x:1004:1004:Timothy Bresnahan:/home/tim:/bin/bash
6 #




  循环是编程的一部分。bash shell提供了三种可用于脚本中的循环命令。
  可以在shell脚本中对循环进行组合,生成多层循环。bash shell提供了continue和break命令,允许你根据循环内的不同值改变循环的正常流程。
  bash shell还允许使用标准的命令重定向和管道来改变循环的输出。你可以使用重定向来将循环的输出重定向到一个文件或是另一个命令。这就为控制shell脚本执行提供了丰富的功能。

posted on 2020-07-09 00:51  Reverse-xiaoyu  阅读(4110)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报