
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# 代码6-1

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

inputfile = '../data/data.csv'  # 输入的数据文件
data = pd.read_csv(inputfile)  # 读取数据

# 描述性统计分析
description = [data.min(), data.max(), data.mean(),
               data.std()]  # 依次计算最小值、最大值、均值、标准差
description = pd.DataFrame(
    description, index=['Min', 'Max', 'Mean', 'STD']).T  # 将结果存入数据框
print('描述性统计结果:\n', np.round(description, 2))  # 保留两位小数

             Min         Max        Mean         STD
x1   3831732.00  7599295.00  5579519.95  1262194.72
x2       181.54     2110.78      765.04      595.70
x3       448.19     6882.85     2370.83     1919.17
x4      7571.00    42049.14    19644.69    10203.02
x5      6212.70    33156.83    15870.95     8199.77
x6   6370241.00  8323096.00  7350513.60   621341.85
x7       525.71     4454.55     1712.24     1184.71
x8       985.31    15420.14     5705.80     4478.40
x9        60.62      228.46      129.49       50.51
x10       65.66      852.56      340.22      251.58
x11       97.50      120.00      103.31        5.51
x12        1.03        1.91        1.42        0.25
x13     5321.00    41972.00    17273.80    11109.19
y         64.87     2088.14      618.08      609.25
# 代码6-2

# 相关性分析
corr = data.corr(method='pearson')  # 计算相关系数矩阵
print('相关系数矩阵为:\n', np.round(corr, 2))  # 保留两位小数

        x1    x2    x3    x4    x5    x6    x7    x8    x9   x10   x11   x12  \
x1   1.00  0.95  0.95  0.97  0.97  0.99  0.95  0.97  0.98  0.98 -0.29  0.94   
x2   0.95  1.00  1.00  0.99  0.99  0.92  0.99  0.99  0.98  0.98 -0.13  0.89   
x3   0.95  1.00  1.00  0.99  0.99  0.92  1.00  0.99  0.98  0.99 -0.15  0.89   
x4   0.97  0.99  0.99  1.00  1.00  0.95  0.99  1.00  0.99  1.00 -0.19  0.91   
x5   0.97  0.99  0.99  1.00  1.00  0.95  0.99  1.00  0.99  1.00 -0.18  0.90   
x6   0.99  0.92  0.92  0.95  0.95  1.00  0.93  0.95  0.97  0.96 -0.34  0.95   
x7   0.95  0.99  1.00  0.99  0.99  0.93  1.00  0.99  0.98  0.99 -0.15  0.89   
x8   0.97  0.99  0.99  1.00  1.00  0.95  0.99  1.00  0.99  1.00 -0.15  0.90   
x9   0.98  0.98  0.98  0.99  0.99  0.97  0.98  0.99  1.00  0.99 -0.23  0.91   
x10  0.98  0.98  0.99  1.00  1.00  0.96  0.99  1.00  0.99  1.00 -0.17  0.90   
x11 -0.29 -0.13 -0.15 -0.19 -0.18 -0.34 -0.15 -0.15 -0.23 -0.17  1.00 -0.43   
x12  0.94  0.89  0.89  0.91  0.90  0.95  0.89  0.90  0.91  0.90 -0.43  1.00   
x13  0.96  1.00  1.00  1.00  0.99  0.94  1.00  1.00  0.99  0.99 -0.16  0.90   
y    0.94  0.98  0.99  0.99  0.99  0.91  0.99  0.99  0.98  0.99 -0.12  0.87   

      x13     y  
x1   0.96  0.94  
x2   1.00  0.98  
x3   1.00  0.99  
x4   1.00  0.99  
x5   0.99  0.99  
x6   0.94  0.91  
x7   1.00  0.99  
x8   1.00  0.99  
x9   0.99  0.98  
x10  0.99  0.99  
x11 -0.16 -0.12  
x12  0.90  0.87  
x13  1.00  0.99  
y    0.99  1.00  
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']  # 中文标签
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False  # 正常显示负号

plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 12))
sns.heatmap(corr, annot=True, vmax=1, square=True, cmap="Reds")
plt.savefig('../imag/hot.jpg', dpi=600)

# 代码6-3

# 绘制热力图
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']  # 中文标签
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False  # 正常显示负号
plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))  # 设置画面大小
sns.heatmap(corr, annot=True, vmax=1, square=True, cmap="Blues")
# plt.close

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
inputfile = '../data/data.csv'  # 输入的数据文件
data = pd.read_csv(inputfile)  # 读取数据
lasso = Lasso(1000)  # 调用Lasso()函数,设置λ的值为1000[:,0:13],data['y'])
print('相关系数为:',np.round(lasso.coef_,5))  # 输出结果,保留五位小数
相关系数为: [-1.8000e-04 -0.0000e+00  1.2414e-01 -1.0310e-02  6.5400e-02  1.2000e-04
  3.1741e-01  3.4900e-02 -0.0000e+00  0.0000e+00  0.0000e+00  0.0000e+00

F:\Anaconda\envs\my\lib\site-packages\sklearn\linear_model\ ConvergenceWarning: Objective did not converge. You might want to increase the number of iterations, check the scale of the features or consider increasing regularisation. Duality gap: 3.417e+04, tolerance: 7.053e+02
  model = cd_fast.enet_coordinate_descent(
array([-1.76147790e-04, -0.00000000e+00,  1.24143041e-01, -1.03120575e-02,
        6.53999569e-02,  1.15234764e-04,  3.17411469e-01,  3.49002210e-02,
       -0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00,
print('相关系数非零个数为:',np.sum(lasso.coef_ != 0))  # 计算相关系数非零的个数
相关系数非零个数为: 8
mask = lasso.coef_ != 0  # 返回一个相关系数是否为零的布尔数组
相关系数是否为零: [ True False  True  True  True  True  True  True False False False False
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 y
0 3831732 181.54 448.19 7571.00 6212.70 6370241 525.71 985.31 60.62 65.66 120.0 1.029 5321 64.87
1 3913824 214.63 549.97 9038.16 7601.73 6467115 618.25 1259.20 73.46 95.46 113.5 1.051 6529 99.75
2 3928907 239.56 686.44 9905.31 8092.82 6560508 638.94 1468.06 81.16 81.16 108.2 1.064 7008 88.11
3 4282130 261.58 802.59 10444.60 8767.98 6664862 656.58 1678.12 85.72 91.70 102.2 1.092 7694 106.07
4 4453911 283.14 904.57 11255.70 9422.33 6741400 758.83 1893.52 88.88 114.61 97.7 1.200 8027 137.32
mask = np.append(mask,True)
array([ True, False,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True, False,
       False, False, False,  True,  True])
outputfile ='../tmp/new_reg_data_2.csv'  # 输出的数据文件
new_reg_data = data.iloc[:, mask]  # 返回相关系数非零的数据
x1 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x13 y
0 3831732 448.19 7571.00 6212.70 6370241 525.71 985.31 5321 64.87
1 3913824 549.97 9038.16 7601.73 6467115 618.25 1259.20 6529 99.75
2 3928907 686.44 9905.31 8092.82 6560508 638.94 1468.06 7008 88.11
3 4282130 802.59 10444.60 8767.98 6664862 656.58 1678.12 7694 106.07
4 4453911 904.57 11255.70 9422.33 6741400 758.83 1893.52 8027 137.32
5 4548852 1000.69 12018.52 9751.44 6850024 878.26 2139.18 8549 188.14
6 4962579 1121.13 13966.53 11349.47 7006896 923.67 2492.74 9566 219.91
7 5029338 1248.29 14694.00 11467.35 7125979 978.21 2841.65 10473 271.91
8 5070216 1370.68 13380.47 10671.78 7206229 1009.24 3203.96 11469 269.10
9 5210706 1494.27 15002.59 11570.58 7251888 1175.17 3758.62 12360 300.55
10 5407087 1677.77 16884.16 13120.83 7376720 1348.93 4450.55 14174 338.45
11 5744550 1905.84 18287.24 14468.24 7505322 1519.16 5154.23 16394 408.86
12 5994973 2199.14 19850.66 15444.93 7607220 1696.38 6081.86 17881 476.72
13 6236312 2624.24 22469.22 18951.32 7734787 1863.34 7140.32 20058 838.99
14 6529045 3187.39 25316.72 20835.95 7841695 2105.54 8287.38 22114 843.14
15 6791495 3615.77 27609.59 22820.89 7946154 2659.85 9138.21 24190 1107.67
16 7110695 4476.38 30658.49 25011.61 8061370 3263.57 10748.28 29549 1399.16
17 7431755 5243.03 34438.08 28209.74 8145797 3412.21 12423.44 34214 1535.14
18 7512997 5977.27 38053.52 30490.44 8222969 3758.39 13551.21 37934 1579.68
19 7599295 6882.85 42049.14 33156.83 8323096 4454.55 15420.14 41972 2088.14
new_reg_data = new_reg_data.iloc[:,:-1]
x1 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x13
0 3831732 448.19 7571.00 6212.70 6370241 525.71 985.31 5321
1 3913824 549.97 9038.16 7601.73 6467115 618.25 1259.20 6529
2 3928907 686.44 9905.31 8092.82 6560508 638.94 1468.06 7008
3 4282130 802.59 10444.60 8767.98 6664862 656.58 1678.12 7694
4 4453911 904.57 11255.70 9422.33 6741400 758.83 1893.52 8027
5 4548852 1000.69 12018.52 9751.44 6850024 878.26 2139.18 8549
6 4962579 1121.13 13966.53 11349.47 7006896 923.67 2492.74 9566
7 5029338 1248.29 14694.00 11467.35 7125979 978.21 2841.65 10473
8 5070216 1370.68 13380.47 10671.78 7206229 1009.24 3203.96 11469
9 5210706 1494.27 15002.59 11570.58 7251888 1175.17 3758.62 12360
10 5407087 1677.77 16884.16 13120.83 7376720 1348.93 4450.55 14174
11 5744550 1905.84 18287.24 14468.24 7505322 1519.16 5154.23 16394
12 5994973 2199.14 19850.66 15444.93 7607220 1696.38 6081.86 17881
13 6236312 2624.24 22469.22 18951.32 7734787 1863.34 7140.32 20058
14 6529045 3187.39 25316.72 20835.95 7841695 2105.54 8287.38 22114
15 6791495 3615.77 27609.59 22820.89 7946154 2659.85 9138.21 24190
16 7110695 4476.38 30658.49 25011.61 8061370 3263.57 10748.28 29549
17 7431755 5243.03 34438.08 28209.74 8145797 3412.21 12423.44 34214
18 7512997 5977.27 38053.52 30490.44 8222969 3758.39 13551.21 37934
19 7599295 6882.85 42049.14 33156.83 8323096 4454.55 15420.14 41972
new_reg_data.to_csv(outputfile)  # 存储数据
print('输出数据的维度为:',new_reg_data.shape)  # 查看输出数据的维度
输出数据的维度为: (20, 8)
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def GM11(x0): #自定义灰色预测函数
  import numpy as np
  x1 = x0.cumsum() #1-AGO序列
  z1 = (x1[:len(x1)-1] + x1[1:])/2.0 #紧邻均值(MEAN)生成序列
  z1 = z1.reshape((len(z1),1))
  B = np.append(-z1, np.ones_like(z1), axis = 1)
  Yn = x0[1:].reshape((len(x0)-1, 1))
  [[a],[b]] =, B)), B.T), Yn) #计算参数
  f = lambda k: (x0[0]-b/a)*np.exp(-a*(k-1))-(x0[0]-b/a)*np.exp(-a*(k-2)) #还原值
  delta = np.abs(x0 - np.array([f(i) for i in range(1,len(x0)+1)]))
  C = delta.std()/x0.std()
  P = 1.0*(np.abs(delta - delta.mean()) < 0.6745*x0.std()).sum()/len(x0)
  return f, a, b, x0[0], C, P #返回灰色预测函数、a、b、首项、方差比、小残差概率
# 代码6-5

# import sys
# sys.path.append('../code')  # 设置路径
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# from GM11 import GM11  # 引入自编的灰色预测函数
inputfile1 = '../tmp/new_reg_data_2.csv'  # 输入的数据文件
inputfile2 = '../data/data.csv'  # 输入的数据文件
new_reg_data = pd.read_csv(inputfile1)  # 读取经过特征选择后的数据
data = pd.read_csv(inputfile2)  # 读取总的数据
new_reg_data.index = range(1994, 2014)
new_reg_data.loc[2014] = None
new_reg_data.loc[2015] = None
l = ['x1', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'x7', 'x8', 'x13']
C:\Windows\Temp\ipykernel_63584\ FutureWarning: The default dtype for empty Series will be 'object' instead of 'float64' in a future version. Specify a dtype explicitly to silence this warning.
  new_reg_data.loc[2014] = None
C:\Windows\Temp\ipykernel_63584\ FutureWarning: The default dtype for empty Series will be 'object' instead of 'float64' in a future version. Specify a dtype explicitly to silence this warning.
  new_reg_data.loc[2015] = None
Unnamed: 0 x1 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x13
1994 0.0 3831732.0 448.19 7571.00 6212.70 6370241.0 525.71 985.31 5321.0
1995 1.0 3913824.0 549.97 9038.16 7601.73 6467115.0 618.25 1259.20 6529.0
1996 2.0 3928907.0 686.44 9905.31 8092.82 6560508.0 638.94 1468.06 7008.0
1997 3.0 4282130.0 802.59 10444.60 8767.98 6664862.0 656.58 1678.12 7694.0
1998 4.0 4453911.0 904.57 11255.70 9422.33 6741400.0 758.83 1893.52 8027.0
1999 5.0 4548852.0 1000.69 12018.52 9751.44 6850024.0 878.26 2139.18 8549.0
2000 6.0 4962579.0 1121.13 13966.53 11349.47 7006896.0 923.67 2492.74 9566.0
2001 7.0 5029338.0 1248.29 14694.00 11467.35 7125979.0 978.21 2841.65 10473.0
2002 8.0 5070216.0 1370.68 13380.47 10671.78 7206229.0 1009.24 3203.96 11469.0
2003 9.0 5210706.0 1494.27 15002.59 11570.58 7251888.0 1175.17 3758.62 12360.0
2004 10.0 5407087.0 1677.77 16884.16 13120.83 7376720.0 1348.93 4450.55 14174.0
2005 11.0 5744550.0 1905.84 18287.24 14468.24 7505322.0 1519.16 5154.23 16394.0
2006 12.0 5994973.0 2199.14 19850.66 15444.93 7607220.0 1696.38 6081.86 17881.0
2007 13.0 6236312.0 2624.24 22469.22 18951.32 7734787.0 1863.34 7140.32 20058.0
2008 14.0 6529045.0 3187.39 25316.72 20835.95 7841695.0 2105.54 8287.38 22114.0
2009 15.0 6791495.0 3615.77 27609.59 22820.89 7946154.0 2659.85 9138.21 24190.0
2010 16.0 7110695.0 4476.38 30658.49 25011.61 8061370.0 3263.57 10748.28 29549.0
2011 17.0 7431755.0 5243.03 34438.08 28209.74 8145797.0 3412.21 12423.44 34214.0
2012 18.0 7512997.0 5977.27 38053.52 30490.44 8222969.0 3758.39 13551.21 37934.0
2013 19.0 7599295.0 6882.85 42049.14 33156.83 8323096.0 4454.55 15420.14 41972.0
2014 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2015 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
import xlwt
for i in l:
  f = GM11(new_reg_data.loc[range(1994, 2014),i].values)[0]
  new_reg_data.loc[2014,i] = f(len(new_reg_data)-1)  # 2014年预测结果
  new_reg_data.loc[2015,i] = f(len(new_reg_data))  # 2015年预测结果
  new_reg_data[i] = new_reg_data[i].round(2)  # 保留两位小数
outputfile = '../tmp/new_reg_data_GM11_2.xls'  # 灰色预测后保存的路径
y = list(data['y'].values)  # 提取财政收入列,合并至新数据框中
new_reg_data['y'] = y
new_reg_data.to_excel(outputfile)  # 结果输出
print('预测结果为:\n',new_reg_data.loc[2014:2015,:])  # 预测结果展示
       Unnamed: 0          x1       x3        x4        x5          x6  \
2014         NaN  8142148.24  7042.31  43611.84  35046.63  8505522.58   
2015         NaN  8460489.28  8166.92  47792.22  38384.22  8627139.31   

           x7        x8       x13   y  
2014  4600.40  18686.28  44506.47 NaN  
2015  5214.78  21474.47  49945.88 NaN  

C:\Windows\Temp\ipykernel_63584\ FutureWarning: As the xlwt package is no longer maintained, the xlwt engine will be removed in a future version of pandas. This is the only engine in pandas that supports writing in the xls format. Install openpyxl and write to an xlsx file instead. You can set the option io.excel.xls.writer to 'xlwt' to silence this warning. While this option is deprecated and will also raise a warning, it can be globally set and the warning suppressed.
  new_reg_data.to_excel(outputfile)  # 结果输出
# 代码6-6

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVR

inputfile = '../tmp/new_reg_data_GM11_2.xls'  # 灰色预测后保存的路径
data = pd.read_excel(inputfile)  # 读取数据
feature = ['x1', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'x7', 'x8', 'x13']  # 属性所在列
Unnamed: 0.1 Unnamed: 0 x1 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x13 y
0 1994 0.0 3831732.00 448.19 7571.00 6212.70 6370241.00 525.71 985.31 5321.00 64.87
1 1995 1.0 3913824.00 549.97 9038.16 7601.73 6467115.00 618.25 1259.20 6529.00 99.75
2 1996 2.0 3928907.00 686.44 9905.31 8092.82 6560508.00 638.94 1468.06 7008.00 88.11
3 1997 3.0 4282130.00 802.59 10444.60 8767.98 6664862.00 656.58 1678.12 7694.00 106.07
4 1998 4.0 4453911.00 904.57 11255.70 9422.33 6741400.00 758.83 1893.52 8027.00 137.32
5 1999 5.0 4548852.00 1000.69 12018.52 9751.44 6850024.00 878.26 2139.18 8549.00 188.14
6 2000 6.0 4962579.00 1121.13 13966.53 11349.47 7006896.00 923.67 2492.74 9566.00 219.91
7 2001 7.0 5029338.00 1248.29 14694.00 11467.35 7125979.00 978.21 2841.65 10473.00 271.91
8 2002 8.0 5070216.00 1370.68 13380.47 10671.78 7206229.00 1009.24 3203.96 11469.00 269.10
9 2003 9.0 5210706.00 1494.27 15002.59 11570.58 7251888.00 1175.17 3758.62 12360.00 300.55
10 2004 10.0 5407087.00 1677.77 16884.16 13120.83 7376720.00 1348.93 4450.55 14174.00 338.45
11 2005 11.0 5744550.00 1905.84 18287.24 14468.24 7505322.00 1519.16 5154.23 16394.00 408.86
12 2006 12.0 5994973.00 2199.14 19850.66 15444.93 7607220.00 1696.38 6081.86 17881.00 476.72
13 2007 13.0 6236312.00 2624.24 22469.22 18951.32 7734787.00 1863.34 7140.32 20058.00 838.99
14 2008 14.0 6529045.00 3187.39 25316.72 20835.95 7841695.00 2105.54 8287.38 22114.00 843.14
15 2009 15.0 6791495.00 3615.77 27609.59 22820.89 7946154.00 2659.85 9138.21 24190.00 1107.67
16 2010 16.0 7110695.00 4476.38 30658.49 25011.61 8061370.00 3263.57 10748.28 29549.00 1399.16
17 2011 17.0 7431755.00 5243.03 34438.08 28209.74 8145797.00 3412.21 12423.44 34214.00 1535.14
18 2012 18.0 7512997.00 5977.27 38053.52 30490.44 8222969.00 3758.39 13551.21 37934.00 1579.68
19 2013 19.0 7599295.00 6882.85 42049.14 33156.83 8323096.00 4454.55 15420.14 41972.00 2088.14
20 2014 NaN 8142148.24 7042.31 43611.84 35046.63 8505522.58 4600.40 18686.28 44506.47 NaN
21 2015 NaN 8460489.28 8166.92 47792.22 38384.22 8627139.31 5214.78 21474.47 49945.88 NaN
Unnamed: 0.1 Unnamed: 0 x1 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x13 y
0 1994 0.0 3831732.0 448.19 7571.00 6212.70 6370241.0 525.71 985.31 5321.0 64.87
1 1995 1.0 3913824.0 549.97 9038.16 7601.73 6467115.0 618.25 1259.20 6529.0 99.75
2 1996 2.0 3928907.0 686.44 9905.31 8092.82 6560508.0 638.94 1468.06 7008.0 88.11
3 1997 3.0 4282130.0 802.59 10444.60 8767.98 6664862.0 656.58 1678.12 7694.0 106.07
4 1998 4.0 4453911.0 904.57 11255.70 9422.33 6741400.0 758.83 1893.52 8027.0 137.32
data_mean = data_train.mean()
data_std = data_train.std()
data_train = (data_train - data_mean)/data_std  # 数据标准化
x_train = data_train[feature].values  # 属性数据
y_train = data_train['y'].values  # 标签数据
x1 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x13
0 -1.384721 -1.001807 -1.183344 -1.177868 -1.577670 -1.001532 -1.054057 -1.075938
1 -1.319682 -0.948774 -1.039547 -1.008469 -1.421759 -0.923420 -0.992899 -0.967199
2 -1.307732 -0.877665 -0.954558 -0.948579 -1.271451 -0.905956 -0.946262 -0.924082
3 -1.027884 -0.817144 -0.901702 -0.866240 -1.103501 -0.891067 -0.899357 -0.862331
4 -0.891787 -0.764006 -0.822206 -0.786439 -0.980320 -0.804759 -0.851259 -0.832356
5 -0.816568 -0.713922 -0.747442 -0.746302 -0.805498 -0.703950 -0.796405 -0.785368
6 -0.488784 -0.651165 -0.556517 -0.551415 -0.553025 -0.665620 -0.717457 -0.693822
7 -0.435893 -0.584907 -0.485218 -0.537039 -0.361370 -0.619583 -0.639547 -0.612178
8 -0.403507 -0.521135 -0.613957 -0.634063 -0.232215 -0.593391 -0.558646 -0.522522
9 -0.292201 -0.456737 -0.454973 -0.524450 -0.158730 -0.453332 -0.434793 -0.442319
10 -0.136614 -0.361123 -0.270560 -0.335390 0.042177 -0.306664 -0.280290 -0.279030
11 0.130748 -0.242285 -0.133043 -0.171067 0.249152 -0.162975 -0.123162 -0.079196
12 0.329151 -0.089458 0.020188 -0.051955 0.413148 -0.013386 0.083972 0.054657
13 0.520357 0.132044 0.276833 0.375666 0.618457 0.127542 0.320320 0.250621
14 0.752281 0.425479 0.555917 0.605505 0.790517 0.331980 0.576452 0.435693
15 0.960212 0.648690 0.780642 0.847578 0.958636 0.799865 0.766437 0.622566
16 1.213105 1.097119 1.079465 1.114746 1.144067 1.309456 1.125956 1.104959
17 1.467472 1.496590 1.449903 1.504773 1.279945 1.434921 1.500009 1.524882
18 1.531837 1.879172 1.804253 1.782915 1.404147 1.727127 1.751833 1.859740
19 1.600209 2.351033 2.195865 2.108093 1.565294 2.314745 2.169154 2.223223
linearsvr = LinearSVR()  # 调用LinearSVR()函数,y_train)
x = ((data[feature] - data_mean[feature])/data_std[feature]).values  # 预测,并还原结果。
data['y_pred'] = linearsvr.predict(x) * data_std['y'] + data_mean['y']
outputfile = '../tmp/new_reg_data_GM11_revenue_2.xls'  # SVR预测后保存的结果


fig = data[['y','y_pred']].plot(subplots = True, style=['b-o','r-*'])  # 画出预测结果图
F:\Anaconda\envs\my\lib\site-packages\sklearn\svm\ ConvergenceWarning: Liblinear failed to converge, increase the number of iterations.
C:\Windows\Temp\ipykernel_63584\ FutureWarning: As the xlwt package is no longer maintained, the xlwt engine will be removed in a future version of pandas. This is the only engine in pandas that supports writing in the xls format. Install openpyxl and write to an xlsx file instead. You can set the option io.excel.xls.writer to 'xlwt' to silence this warning. While this option is deprecated and will also raise a warning, it can be globally set and the warning suppressed.

           y       y_pred
0     64.87    37.302597
1     99.75    83.928503
2     88.11    94.774134
3    106.07   106.434331
4    137.32   151.059897
5    188.14   188.205356
6    219.91   219.566685
7    271.91   230.340346
8    269.10   219.659959
9    300.55   300.550000
10   338.45   383.515443
11   408.86   463.222420
12   476.72   554.905404
13   838.99   691.434167
14   843.14   843.095183
15  1107.67  1088.163763
16  1399.16  1379.593271
17  1535.14  1536.823098
18  1579.68  1739.224541
19  2088.14  2086.022177
20      NaN  2188.120305
21      NaN  2539.228245

posted @ 2023-03-05 19:22  里列昂遗失的记事本  阅读(159)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报