MyGeneration 数据库驱动为空
2014-05-04 15:38 Ref Tian 阅读(291) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报重做系统后安装了MyGeneration 但是安装完成后发现驱动中没有驱动信息,查了下网上的解决方案发下下面的可以完美解决,特作备忘:
The problem is because of multi .Net Frameworks coexist and the installation program was trying to
run the 2.0 regasm.exe to register the 4.0 MyMeta.dll. So, you have to manually register the dll and it's tlb after the installation using the 4.0 Regasm.exe...
安装完毕后不要直接运行程序,在安装log的框中定位到dll注册信息:Execute: "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\........\regasm.exe" "C:\Program Files\MyGeneration13\MyMeta.dll" /tlb:MyMeta.tlb
将次信息修改为:"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\regasm.exe" "C:\Program Files\MyGeneration13\MyMeta.dll" /tlb:MyMeta.tlb
复制到cmd中运行即可,安装需要fm 4.0安装时需要注意