qt程序调用cuda-11.7,cmake编译时,提示:"CMakeCUDACompilerId.cu" failed. Compiler: /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc Build flags: Id flags: --keep;--keep-dir;tmp -v


Running /home/wc/software/cmake-3.26.3-linux-x86_64/bin/cmake /home/wc/work/junke_src/missile-sim '-GCodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles' in /home/wc/work/junke_src/build/debug.

CMake Error at /home/wc/software/cmake-3.26.3-linux-x86_64/share/cmake-3.26/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake:751 (message):

Compiling the CUDA compiler identification source file

"CMakeCUDACompilerId.cu" failed.


Compiler: /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc


Build flags:


Id flags: --keep;--keep-dir;tmp -v


The output was:





gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory


nvcc fatal : Failed to preprocess host compiler properties.



背景:我在安装nvidia3050ti驱动时,系统给安装了GCC-7(当时我还没安装任何gcc编译器),然后,我又手动安装了GCC-8: sudo apt install g++-8 ,sudo apt install gcc-8


解决:再此手动执行:sudo apt install gcc ,sudo apt install g++



posted @ 2023-09-07 20:21  雾枫  阅读(1097)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报