线性规划与网络流24题 负载平衡问题

题目描述 Description

    G 公司有n 个沿铁路运输线环形排列的仓库,每个仓库存储的货物数量不等。如何用最
    少搬运量可以使n 个仓库的库存数量相同。搬运货物时,只能在相邻的仓库之间搬运。
    对于给定的n 个环形排列的仓库的库存量,编程计算使n 个仓库的库存数量相同的最少

输入描述 Input Description

    第1 行中有1 个正整数n(n<=100),表示有n
    个仓库。第2 行中有n个正整数,表示n个仓库的库存量。

输出描述 Output Description


样例输入 Sample Input

    17 9 14 16 4

样例输出 Sample Output






  1 const
  2     inf=100000;
  3     maxn=105;
  4 type
  5     path=record
  6       next,last,w,c:longint;
  7     end;
  8 var
  9     edge:array[0..maxn*8]of path;
 10     first:array[0..maxn]of longint;
 11     a:array[0..maxn]of longint;
 12     n,tot,s,t:longint;
 14 procedure insert(x,y,c,w:longint);
 15 begin
 16     inc(tot);
 17     edge[tot].next:=first[x];
 18     edge[tot].last:=y;
 19     edge[tot].w:=w;
 20     edge[tot].c:=c;
 21     first[x]:=tot;
 22     inc(tot);
 23     edge[tot].next:=first[y];
 24     edge[tot].last:=x;
 25     edge[tot].w:=-w;
 26     edge[tot].c:=0;
 27     first[y]:=tot;
 28 end;
 30 procedure init;
 31 var
 32     i,sum:longint;
 33 begin
 34     read(n);
 35     tot:=1;
 36     s:=0;
 37     t:=n+1;
 38     sum:=0;
 39     for i:=1 to n do
 40       begin
 41         read(a[i]);
 42         inc(sum,a[i]);
 43       end;
 44     sum:=sum div n;
 45     for i:=1 to n do
 46       begin
 47         if a[i]>sum then insert(i,t,a[i]-sum,0);
 48         if a[i]<sum then insert(s,i,sum-a[i],0);
 49       end;
 50     for i:=1 to n do
 51       begin
 52         insert(i,i mod n+1,inf,1);
 53         insert(i mod n+1,i,inf,1);
 54       end;
 55 end;
 57 var
 58     flow,time,ans:longint;
 59     flag,dis,f:array[0..maxn]of longint;
 61 function dfs(x,flow:longint):longint;
 62 var
 63     i,d,min:longint;
 64 begin
 65     if x=t then
 66     begin
 67       inc(ans,flow*dis[t]);
 68       exit(flow);
 69     end;
 70     flag[x]:=time;
 71     i:=first[x];
 72     dfs:=0;
 73     while i<>0 do
 74       begin
 75         d:=dis[x]+edge[i].w-dis[edge[i].last];
 76         min:=flow;
 77         if min>edge[i].c then min:=edge[i].c;
 78         if (min>0) and (d<f[edge[i].last]) then f[edge[i].last]:=d;
 79         if (min>0) and (d=0) and (flag[edge[i].last]<>time) then
 80         begin
 81           d:=dfs(edge[i].last,min);
 82           inc(dfs,d);
 83           dec(flow,d);
 84           inc(edge[i xor 1].c,d);
 85           dec(edge[i].c,d);
 86         end;
 87         if flow=0 then break;
 88         i:=edge[i].next;
 89       end;
 90 end;
 92 procedure work;
 93 var
 94     i,del:longint;
 95 begin
 96     repeat
 97       inc(time);
 98       for i:=1 to t do
 99         f[i]:=inf;
100       inc(flow,dfs(s,inf));
101       del:=inf;
102       for i:=1 to t do
103         if (flag[i]<>time) and (del>f[i]) then del:=f[i];
104       if del=inf then break;
105       for i:=1 to t do
106         if flag[i]<>time then inc(dis[i],del);
107     until false;
108     write(ans);
109 end;
111 begin
112     init;
113     work;
114 end.
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