

  • 人物,时间,地点,问题冲突,主题中心
    情节发展线——情感变化线 两情线两情相悦


  • a burst/wave/surge/ripple/trace/mixture/sense/feeling of + 表情感的名词 + 有灵动词 + sb

  • 表身体部位/音容笑貌的名词 + 有灵动词
    well up in涌出
    sweep/flood over...in waves袭来
    seize/take hold of抓住
    get the better of/defeat/overcome/overwhelm击垮
    cloud over显得阴沉(恐惧,愤怒,忧愁)
    creep upon慢慢产生
    swallow/devour/devoured by吞噬
    suffering/loneliness/grief and despair/hopelessness tore me into pieces/shattered my whole world into a million pieces
    his confidence/courage suddenly deserted/escaped/failed/abandoned him突然失去了信心/勇气

  • 表动作行为的名词 + 有灵动词
    The sight/thought/idea/visit/arrival of... send/remind/make/leave/drive...
    A terrible thought suddenly struck/hit/occurred to me.我突然想到一个可怕的想法。
    The thought of getting lost in such darkness filled us with worry and fear.

  • 表自然现象的名词 + 有灵动词
    a fog/night/storm fall/gather/blanket覆盖/envelop笼罩/strike/hit/threaten...

  • 表时间/地点等的名词 + 有灵动词
    The following year saw the death of him.
    Shanghai witnessed many great historical events.
    The name of the classmate escaped me for the moment.那个同学的名字我一时想不起来了。

  • idea/thought等 + struck/occurred to/dawned on sb
    sth flashed through/sprang to/popped into one’s mind
    It suddenly struck/occurred to/dawned on sb that某人突然想到
    Suddenly the scene struck me where he fell flat and I laughed at him crazily.
    It sprang to one’s mind that

  • 形容词/副词/介词短语作状语
    Exhausted,he flopped(猛然躺下) down into a chair.
    safe and sound(安然无恙)
    lost/deep in thought(沉思)
    in total silence(鸦雀无声)
    To our immense relief(令我们如释重负的是)
    Extremely thrilled,refreshed,strained,weary,bedraggled
    eager to do
    unable to do
    absent-minded 心不在焉的,健忘的,kindhearted,well-behaved,white-faced(脸色苍白)
    Afraid that I might hurt the lovely small creature, I automatically let out a cry to stop my horse.
    infused with/immersed in

  • with复合结构
    with + 情感名词
    with + one's eyes full of/tears of
    with sth ( + doing/done/to do/adj/prep短语)


  • thrill,delight

  • cheerful,delighted,overjoyed,joyful,thrilled,merrily,pleasantly,pleased beyond description,contentedly,feel fantastic

  • dance/skip (into the house/for joy)雀跃
    hopped along the street like a happy bird
    a broad smile spreading across my face脸上露出灿烂的笑容
    with a smile glittering like a diamond
    cast his usual big toothy smile露出他一贯的露齿笑容
    grinning from ear to ear笑的合不拢嘴
    his face glowing with joy脸上洋溢着喜悦
    thrill choked my words兴奋得什么话也说不出来
    His eyes twinkling/sparkling with great joy,a smile lit up his face/his face lit up/his face beamed.
    Our bright smiles lit up the train.
    Tears of happiness gathered in their eyes/trickled down their cheeks as they embraced tightly together.他们喜极而泣,紧紧相拥。
    In no time were his eyes filled with warm and excited tears.他立刻激动得热泪盈眶。
    my hands/lower lip trembling/twitching
    my heart thumped with excitement
    a knowing smile会意的微笑
    He managed a weary/unnatural smile

  • to one’s delight/joy
    feel over the moon欣喜若狂
    I could hardly contain my delight.我抑制不住内心的喜悦。
    She was overflowing with happiness.幸福洋溢。
    Stars appeared in the sky,twinkling their eyes at them in delight.天上繁星点点,高兴地向他们眨眼。
    Then came a happy voice far from where we were,bathing us in extreme joy.这时一个快乐的声音从远处传来,使我们沉浸在狂喜之中。
    It turned out that they not only helped the poorly-dressed boy in distress,but also give themselves the sweet taste of helping others
    swell with pride满腔自豪
    "You did make my day!"


  • amazement,astonishment,amaze,shock,stun(使惊愕)

  • astonished,stunned,open-mouthed,wide-eyed,speechless,tongue-tied张口结舌,surprisingly,thunderstruck大吃一惊

  • freeze/stiffen/stand still/stop dead/be numb with shock,as if rooted to the spot惊呆了
    my jaw dropped to the ground目瞪口呆
    a spark of surprise flashed across his face他脸上闪过一丝惊奇
    gasp in great astonishment惊得倒吸一口凉气
    rubbing his eyes hard/shaking his head in disbelief
    blink in surprise吃惊地眨眼
    give a cry of surprise吃惊地喊出声来
    be shocked beyond words惊讶得说不出话来
    gape wide-eyed at张口结舌地看
    unable to utter a single word

  • much to one’s astonishment
    in great shock
    come as a bolt from the blue晴天霹雳
    be thrown into astonishment大吃一惊
    It’s hard to believe.
    He faked astonishment.他装出惊讶的样子。


  • sorrow,sadness,grief,depression,sink消沉(sank,sunk),grieve使悲伤,frustration,woeful,melancholy

  • sorrowful,upset,frustrated,miserable,depressed,heart-broken,painfully,miserably

  • sob/fall sobbing/weep with one’s face buried in one’s hands掩面啜泣
    cry one’s heart out悲痛欲绝
    burst into tears/burst out weeping
    tears pouring/streaming/rolling/trickling down his cheeks
    tears spilling out of his eyes
    cry the bitterest tears of her life流下了一生中最伤心的泪
    unable to choke/fight/gulp/sniff back tears无法抑制住泪水
    unable to gulp back sobs of desperation
    couldn’t help sobbing bitterly
    a frown creased his forehead and his face clouded over眉头紧锁,满脸愁容
    great sorrow clouded his eyes满眼忧伤
    hung/lower her head in sadness伤心地低下头
    dragged her heavy legs
    be in tears含泪
    sb's face falls/darkens脸色一沉/黑
    his heart ached/bleed/seemed to be torn
    sank into the sofa一屁股坐在沙发上
    His last word went like a bullet to her heart.
    I felt like I were floating in an ocean of sadness,and words failed to express my sorrow.
    There was obviously/apparently/evidently/clearly nothing left to do but drop herself onto the shabby little couch and weep.很明显,除了瘫倒在破旧的小沙发上哭泣,她什么也做不了。
    drowned sadness in wine借酒消愁
    A mood of melancholy descended on us. 一种悲伤的情绪袭上我们的心头。
    He fixed me with those luminous, empty eyes and his melancholy smile. 他笑容忧郁地凝视着我,闪亮的眼睛里空无一物。

  • to one’s sorrow
    with a sinking/broken heart
    be numb with grief
    The setting sun lent an air of melancholy to the scene. 落日给景色增添了伤感的气氛。
    The melancholy song died away./The songs start soft and melancholy.
    All at once I fell into a state of profound melancholy.
    The unexpected death of their son shattered(使极为惊愕难过;给予极大打击) them.
    in distress悲痛,处于危难中,困窘


  • terror,horror,fright,panic(panicked,panicked),terrify,dread

  • frightened,panicked,terrified,dreadful,alarmed,open-mouthed

  • his throat tightened and his knees felt weak/his legs stiffened
    tremble all over with fright/like a leaf吓得浑身发抖
    He panicked,covered his eyes with his hands and screamed loudly in fright.
    freeze with terror,as if rooted to the spot
    Frozen/Numb with fear吓呆
    too scared to move an inch
    my palms sweating手心出汗
    in a cold sweat一身冷汗
    Night was approaching and the hooting of the owl猫头鹰的叫声/howling of the wolf sent shivers down my spines让我脊背发凉
    his knees were knocking双腿发抖
    my brain was blank
    my heart thumped wildly/violently
    my hair stand on end毛骨悚然
    feel like sitting on pins and needles如坐针毡
    She turned pale,and a look of horror spread across her face.
    My teeth chattering咯咯作响,the cold sweat made every limb tremble.

  • be scared out of wits吓得魂不附体
    be thrown into panic
    A burst of horror seized me entirely in its power
    I get a terrible fright.我吓了一大跳
    get a real creepy feeling (as if someone were spying me)有种毛骨悚然的感觉
    to one’s horror


  • a tide of rage,annoyance,fury,displease,displeasure,indignation(愤慨,义愤),outrage(愤慨,义愤)

  • annoyed,furious,mad,red-cheeked(满脸通红,面颊红润),indignant

  • Her eyes were blazing with fury.
    glare at怒视
    flush with fury气得涨红了脸
    He rose to his feet in a fury to leave no doubt about where he stood on the issue.
    slam the door shut behind her愤然摔门而去
    slam her fist on the desk
    shook her fist at me
    be clouded with anger怒容满面
    his teeth were chattering

  • hit the ceiling/roof勃然大怒
    fly into a fury/rage勃然大怒
    erupt/burst into fury
    explode/burn with annoyance
    in a fury/in a temper
    boiling with rage
    like a fierce beast
    a tide of rage surged through her.


  • shame,embarrassment,awkwardness

  • ashamed,embarrassed,self-conscious(难为情的,局促不安的,害羞的),sheepish(窘迫的,不好意思的),awkward

  • fled the scene feeling the heat rising into my cheeks
    feel my face burning
    He stood there clumsily,embarrassment written all over his burning face.
    hung/dropped/lowered/bent/bowed his head
    a shamefaced smile惭愧的笑容

  • in shame/embarrassment
    disguise掩饰/mask one's disappointment/embarrassment
    feeling as if the whole world were watching her
    I hesitated for a moment,wondering how to disguise my inner embarrassment.
    Bess was self-conscious about being shorter than her two friends.
    Some young people who were easy-going and extroverted as children become self-conscious in early adolescence/in their swimming costumes/under his intense gaze.


  • disappointment,hopelessness,desperation,despair

  • disappointed,hopeless,desperate

  • wept bitter tears of disappointment
    Overcome with bitter disappointment at his failing to win a prize,he locked himself up in his room and lay awake thinking.
    His bright smile was replaced with a look of utter despair.

  • sink into desperation
    in despair/desperation
    abandon oneself to despair
    to one's great disappointment
    How much disappointed Mother would be!
    Our confidence gave way to hopelessness.我们信心破灭,取而代之的是绝望


  • anxiety,nervousness,tension,uneasiness

  • anxious,nervous,tense,uneasy,restless,worried,concerned,distracted(心烦意乱的,注意力分散的)

  • bit his lower lip
    wriggle his hands扭动着双手
    took a deep breath and gathered his courage鼓起勇气
    his palms grow sweaty

  • with growing uneasiness
    have/with butterflies in one's stomach紧张得七上八下
    sb's heart be in/flew into one's mouth心提到了嗓子眼儿
    feel like sitting on pins and needles如坐针毡
    The full weight of responsibility falls on her.全部的重任都落在了她的肩上。
    Finally telling the truth was a great weight off my shoulders/mind.最后讲了实话使我如释重负。
    with a weight lifted off her heart心头重担卸下


  • gratitude

  • grateful,moved,touched,

  • with moved tears rolling/streaming/trickling down her cheeks
    shed tears of gratitude流下感激的泪水
    How their eyes sparkled with gratitude!
    be moved to tears

  • in gratitude for为了感谢...
    with immense gratitude
    Gathering my courage,I sincerely apologized to him for my misconduct and thanked him again for his helping me out of the desperate situation.
    have a deep gratitude towards对...深怀感激
    offer his heartfelt gratitude表示衷心的感谢
    I can't thank you enough.我对你感激不尽
    I would be eternally grateful to you if you could.


  • 说话
    “...”,added/murmured he.
    echoed(重复),state,yell,holler,declare,console sb,sigh,insist
    he expressed that...
    in a surprised/steady/sincere tone
    give her a bear hug with a trembling but excited voice,"..."
    the words,"pardon me,"stuck in my throat
    We bade him farewell.
    in chorus/unison
    with a lump in one's throat哽咽地

  • 眼神
    stare/gaze/peer/glare at
    catch sight of,spot看见
    come into sight映入眼帘
    catch one’s attention引起了某人的注意
    Dad exchanged a glance with me.爸爸和我相互看了一眼。
    out of the corner of one's eye从眼角的余光中
    The eyes of the audience fell upon him.观众的目光落在了他身上。
    look into his eyes earnestly
    How their eyes sparkled with gratitude!
    He caught her eyes and they winked at each other secretly.
    Completely disappear from view
    look away from把目光从...移开

  • 移动
    tiptoe,swiftly,without any delay,secretly
    shoot out like bullets
    come up to/approach走近
    pace up and down踱来踱去
    Upon returning
    set off for动身前往
    approach him from bebind
    Slump down at the side of the road/to the ground.
    out of nowhere
    without thinking twice
    Be reunited with

  • rise to one's feet站起来
    He stood up with a weary sigh
    He stood helplessly,like a lost soul. 他束手无策地站着,仿佛丢魂失魄。
    It seemed as if he had been standing there for a century.
    wave goodbye

  • 拥抱
    John gently disengaged himself from his sister's tearful embrace.约翰轻轻推开抱着他哭泣的妹妹。
    He opened/stretched his arms wide to embrace her,with his eyes glittering like a diamond.
    He held her in a warm embrace.
    put his arms around her
    They were locked in a passionate embrace.
    She broke loose from his embrace.她从他怀抱里挣脱出来。
    Your caresses enfold me, like climbing vines on melancholy walls.你的爱抚包裹我,如爬藤攀上忧郁的墙。

  • 发出
    let out a piercing shriek. 发出一声刺耳的尖叫。
    She let out a groan of dismay. 她发出沮丧的叹息声。
    The wounded man let out a moan of pain.
    let out a cry/shout/sigh/scream/a whoop of joy
    heave/breathe a sigh of relief松了一口气
    emit a cry of horror吓得大叫一声
    honk the horn to signal our arrival

  • 环境描写
    An inviting smell of breakfast filled the air.空气中弥漫着诱人的早餐香味。
    trees were uprooted
    made no preparations for the terrible weather
    community helpline
    She heard a knock at the door and in came the community workers with food and necessities
    I looked out of the car window, winding rivers, lofty mountains, sunny beaches and deep valleys, holding me entirely in their fascination.
    The sun burst through the clouds. 太阳破云而出。
    seeing such extraordinary beauty,I found my heart thumping wildly and every cell in my body waking up.
    in a relaxing atmosphere
    get a warm welcome upon arriving at.../arrival

  • 其它
    My mind raced as I tried to work out what was happening.我拼命地转动脑筋,想要搞清楚发生了什么事。
    the whole audience burst into thunderous applause
    He stumbled on the uneven ground and fell flat on his face,unconscious.他在不平的地上绊了一跤,摔了个嘴啃地,不省人事。
    He keeled over and fell flat on his back仰天倒下/on the ground.
    earn just enough to make ends meet
    patted his shoulder gently
    read my mind
    turn to sb
    overhear,look overhead
    shrugged off(对...不予理会) unfair criticism
    be not bothered
    miraculously,enthusiastically,in triumph
    determined look
    poke/pry into other people's business探听别人的事情


it dawned on me that我突然醒悟
more as a reward for your kindness than as a New-year gift不如说...与其说...
have nothing to do but do/have no choice but to do
The village is no longer the one that was 5 years ago.
He is not what he used to be.
Never in her life had she tasted anything better.
You made me realize I'd always come out a winner if I wanted something badly enough to work for it.
If you desire to challenge yourself,there is nothing to do with others' thoughts.
From that I got a lesson in life that we should learn to trust our beloved ones.,because a little mistake can lead us to ruin what we should value. Trust is the principle that holds friendship.Trust is also the easiest thing in the world to lose.
reach a major crossroads in my life
believing there was kindness in every corner
driven by our core value of integrity and humanity
After building the harmonious society of socialism is put forward, social justice has become the core value idea of the CPC.
Establishment/Construction of core value
Friendship is one of life's greatest gifts.
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Shallow streams make most din; still waters run deep,then deepen your soul with silence and solitude!
Gone are the golden days, I will cherish the unforgettable experience eternally.
Keep this day in your heart eternally.
I'm no longer the apparently eternally cheerful chappy he remembers
The perpetually changing society bring us not only problems but also opportunities.
Life is not always satisfying,but it is so lucky to meet a person who helps you in need.
That day became a big day.
Home is where the heart is.


Realizing.../It was only then that I realized that I really had had a misunderstanding of them.
I was convinced that
at the sight of一看到
at the thought of一想到
at the news听到这个消息
Informed of the good news被告知那个好消息
hoping he would do...
intending to do,intentionally
daring not do
Not wanting/believing...
He was reluctant to confess her ignorance and prejudice.
How their eyes sparkled with gratitude!
How could he be so calm!
What a thrilling but memorable experience it was!
So angry was she that...
felt seized by a burst of...
could hardly contain her rage
gather all his courage to do
to the best of one's ability竭尽所能
But for your considerate care, I wouldn't have done...
make a firm determination to do
I felt that mixed in with my embarrassment was a touch of pride.
If only I hadn't insulted him!
as before
on the condition that条件是
bring the truth/secret to light揭露真相/秘密
to my mind some things like virtue are beyond price.
we had no means of knowing/discerning我们无从得知/无法看出
Nothing can unsettle his resolution.
There lived an old man at the foot of the mountain.
There exists no air on the moon.
There lies a book on the desk.
I don't want there to be any misunderstanding.
She left a shy girl and returned a young mother.
The house stood empty for years.
Great effort as he made,
immense benefits/gratitude/difficulties/relief/help
They plunged into their work with immense zeal.他们以极大的热情投入工作。
He said he retained immense regard and esteem for the prime minister.他说他一直极其尊重和敬仰首相。
We are not in this to reap immense financial rewards.我们从事这一行不是为了获得巨大的经济回报。
regain my confidence
Tiring/Exhausting/Dull and laborious as the work is,...

posted @ 2022-11-29 21:37  Randolph、  阅读(21)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报