



  1. 覆盖所有内容要点,作文要简洁,不要过于细节
  2. 应用较复杂语法结构和较高级词汇,重点:倒装句,强调句,从句,过渡词,非谓语动词
  3. 有效地使用语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑
  4. 大概6 ~ 8 句,分为目的,主要要点(分点叙述,是什么、为什么、怎么样),结尾。注意适当多分段

▓ 过渡衔接

▉ 首先

|First of all|First and foremost(最重要的)|In the first place|To begin with|Above all(首先,尤其是)
|first off|initially

▉ 此外

|In addition (to sth)|Additionally|What's more|On top of (that)|Besides
|Moreover|More than that(不仅如此,更重要的是)|Furthermore
|Apart from(除...之外)|Plus(conj,而且)|By the way(顺便说一句)
|Fortunately(幸运的是)|except for[说明整体情况后对细节加以修正]

▉ 更糟糕的是

|What's worse|To make matters worse|Worse still

▉ 同时

|Meanwhile|Meantime|At the same time

▉ 总结

|Last but not least(最后但同样重要的是)|In a word|(All) in all
|In general(总的来说)|In conclusion|In brief|In the end|In short
|Taking the above into account/consideration(综上所述)
|on the whole/By and large(总的来说)|To sum up|in summary/in sum(总之)|altogether(总而言之)
|draw the conclusion that...(得出结论)|draw a conclusion from these facts
|boil down to(归结为)|on (the) average(平均起来,一般来说)
|From now on = in future|to date/so far/till now(到目前为止)
|in the long run/term(从长远来看)
|to cut a long story short(简而言之)|to put it briefly

▉ 伴随

|Together with...

▉ 然而,尽管

|However(然而,不管怎样)|whereas(然而,尽管)|yet(conj,然而)|even(即使)|even if/though(即使)
|nevertheless(尽管如此)|in spite of (the fact that)|despite + n.
|For better or for worse(不管是好是坏,不管结果如何)

▉ 分类

|On the one hand ... On the other hand
|For one thing ... For another...(一方面...另一方面...)
|on one level...one another level...(一方面...另一方面...)
|For some ... However, for others ...
|Some people ... Others ...|One ... ,the other
|some ... ,others ..., still others ...

▉ 关于

|When it comes to sth|as far as...is concerned(就...而言)
|as for|in terms of(说到,就...而言)|regarding|concerning|considering(鉴于,考虑到,就...而言)
|given that(考虑到,鉴于)|in view of(鉴于,考虑到)
|in/with regard/reference to sth/doing|with respect to
|make no reference to (没有提及,不涉及,与…无关)
|make reference to (提及,涉及)|in this sense(就这方面而言)

▓ 论述重要性

▉ 重要

|Most importantly|What matters is...|As ... is significant(因为...意义重大)
|It is of great significance to do
|attach(认为...重要,重视) great importance to n./doing...
|play an increasingly important role|play a crucial(至关重要的) part in
|It is equally important to do|Equally importantly
|It is a must for us to have a good command of the English language
|... is what matters, and ... is of secondary importance
|recognize the importance of|It is of vital(至关重要的) importance to do|be vital to
|It is an essential part for...|What deserves to be mentioned most is...
|play leading roles in(起着领导作用)
|sb + cannot emphasize the importance of … too much.

▉ 强调,关注

|great emphasis should be laid on (doing) ...
|place great emphasis(n.强调,动词为emphasize) on...
|It is good news that greater emphasis has been placed on ... than ever before
|close attention should be paid to...|Place emphasis on
|gradual attention should be paid to the preservation(保护) and inheritance(继承) of...
|... should be strengthened at the same time|more than(不仅仅是,非常)
|concentrate on your study|be brought to public attention
|raise concern of a large number of people|raise concern all over the world
|draw one's attention to|The highlight is...

▉ 意识

|raise/arouse one’s awareness of|raise the public's awareness about
|enhance(增强)/cultivate(培养) our awareness of responsibility and enrich our spiritual life
|enhance public awareness of participation in...

▓ 论述意义

▉ 影响

|set a good example to/for|have a positive effect on|make a big/great difference(to)
|have a great/severe impact/influence on...
|under sb's influence|under the influence of
|enjoy great popularity all over the world
|win praises from parents and other sides of the society
|exert a subtle influence on(有潜移默化的影响)

▉ 有利

|benefit (a lot) from|benefit us in return|be of great benefit to our society/us
|be beneficial for sth/to sb|reduce the drawbacks to the minimum
|be advantageous (to sth)
|Despite its drawbacks and potential risks,we have to admit that we have benefited a lot from ...
|immense benefits|do us good in many respects

▉ 好处

|have a better understanding of|broaden our horizons(开阔眼界)|have a knowledge of(掌握)
|Associating our study with practice can assist us in getting a better command(掌握) of our knowledge
|obtain/gain/acquire valuable experience and insight/observation(洞察力)
|enhance(增强)/cultivate(培养) our awareness of responsibility and enrich our spiritual life
|enhance/deepen one’s understanding of...|get refreshed(提神,恢复精力)
|keep me in good shape and give me strength to live my life to the fullest(尽情生活)
|undoubtedly guarantee(保证) your activity a success
|The merit(优点) of... is|the merits and demerits of(优缺点)
|gain an instructive(有益的; 富有教益的; 增长知识的) and fascinating insight(洞察力;领悟;了解) into sth
|with/have a good command of English |enrich your life experience
|contribute to our better understanding of Chinese culture which has been handed down from generation to generation.
|Feel the unique beauty of it|Fit in with the new surroundings
|Arouse students' interest in English |foster greater interest in|attract enthusiasts of all ages
|perfect ourselves|satisfy the students' curiosity
|lay a solid foundation for further learning
|Its advantages are too numerous to mention.这套系统的好处不胜枚举。
|make the world a place full of magic and love

▉ 起作用

|play a role/part in|play a dominant(首要的,显著的,占支配地位的)part

▉ 坏处

|the merits and demerits of
|be low in(缺乏)|be lacking in|be lack of
|have a severe impact/influence on...|cause damage to
|be of great harm to|do great harm to|be harmful to
|impose/exert adverse(不利的,有害的,反面的) impacts on
|There's nothing worse than doing|at great risk of
|lose their interest in|pose(造成) enormous threats to it
|neglect/ignore the fact that|draw lessons from(吸取教训)
|be at a disadvantage(处于不利地位)
|Complacency is a drawback to progress.(自满是进步的障碍)
|if worst comes to worst(如果最坏的事发生)

▓ 论述观点

▉ 我的观点

|As far as I am concerned(就我而言,据我所知)|From one's point of view/in one's view|From my perspective(观点)
|to be honest/frank/serious/precise(确切地说)/fair(公平地说)
|I'm firmly convinced that|I strongly recommend/advocate that|
|I'm sure that|I'm deeply impressed by ...|
|I am no exception(我亦不例外)|I strongly recommend that you should...
|I can't stand doing|I think it no use doing
|would rather do... than do/instead of doing|prefer to do... rather than do
|would do... rather than do
|I desperately need |Considering my English level, I give preference to those easy to comprehend.
|Some suggest that students should choose a major catering to(迎合) the society’s needs according to his/her interest, but I disagree with it and think the very opposite is right.

▉ 公众观点

|It is strongly suggested/advised that
|It is genuinely hoped that|It is widely acknowledged that
|It's commonly believed that|be recognized/regarded as
|Different people hold different attitudes/views towards... Some hold the view that...
|hold an objective attitude towards|adopt a rational(理智的) attitude towards sth
|People say this is what should have done earlier!
|It has been confirmed (by experience) that...(经验证明)
|As we all expect|the majority(多数)/minority(少数)|the public
|It is said that|It is known to all that|It is no secret that(众所周知)
|As is known to all=It is known to all that|As we may see on TV or in the newspaper
|It seems/appears that(似乎)|reportedly(据说)
|be considered (as/to be)|consider it + adj/n + that
|It have received universal condemnation.(受到了大众的一致谴责)
|The general consensus(共识,一致的意见) is
|as is often the case(这是常有的事)|as is well-acknowledged

▉ 建议

|The following are some details/my advice/my plan/the reasons/my opinions
|Here are some tips for one to take full advantage of his or her time
|Why not do...|It's a must for us to do...|Sounds fantastic, does't it?
|Supposing(假设) you..., it's not a bad idea to do
|be supposed/expected to do(应该)
|It is (high) time that we did/should do[虚拟语气,should不可省略](现在某人该做某事了。含有该事早该去做而未做,现在去做似乎都为时已晚的意思。)
|It is about time (for sb) to do...|... is an effective approach
|Participating in social practice is a must.
|Legal protection system is an indispensable(不可或缺的) approach
|In brief,what should be advocated is that we should do ...
|take both benefits and troubles into consideration
|It's a golden opportunity for us to do
|What we,ordinary people,can do is to extend our help and care to those unfortunate victims
|Normally,as an average person|had better do|...would be fine.
|It's high time to promote the green travel at present.
|I suggest that the teacher (should) choose more films that appeal to us teenagers, thus making the course more interesting.
|More activities like role plays or discussions should be involved.
|We welcome any advice and suggestions with open arms.
|Only when you are well prepared will you be able to do your work better.
|Hopefully, these suggestions would be helpful for you.

▉ 事实上

|In fact|in reality|The truth is that...|As a matter of fact|To be frank/honest|Frankly speaking
|To tell (you) the truth|honestly (说实话)|at bottom(实际上)|intrinsically(本质上)

▉ 喜欢

|be fond of|show a keen interest in|be keen on
|appeal to sb(对…有吸引力)|have (a great) affection for(喜欢,深爱)
|arouse students' interest in doing

▉ 赞同

|in favor of(赞同,支持)|approve of|have/take a positive attitude to/towards(对...持肯定态度)

▉ 显然,无疑

|Apparently|Obviously|Undoubtedly|Admittedly(诚然)|Granted(的确,诚然)|take ...for granted(认为...理所当然)
|It is evident that(显然)|It is out of question that(毫无疑问)|Out of question
|It's clear/obvious/apparent/certain that
|There is no denying (the fact)that(不可否认)
|It's no wonder that|There is no doubt that|There is nothing ambiguous(模糊不清的) that
|It is inevitable that(不可避免的是)
|It goes without saying that(不言而喻,毫无疑问) knowledge is power.

▉ 观点看法

|It's a waste of time doing|There's no reason/need to do
|It's a opportunity for us to brave the storm together and see our efforts pay off in time
|The advantages and disadvantages of ... are often closely related
|have no choice but to do/can't help but do(不得不做)|It's of no consequence.(这无关紧要)
|There is no alternative(可供选择的事物) to sth(除了...别无选择)|there is no alternative but to do
|There is no practical alternative to the ongoing(持续的) devotion and intentional practice required to build better teams.(建设更好的团队需要持续投入和有意识的练习,此外,没有其它选择)
|Out of the question(不可能的)|It is out of the question to do
|run counter to(违背)|be opposed to(反对)
|in a more positive light(从更积极的角度来看)|with a positive attitude

▉ 生活感悟

|The meaning of life is to give life meaning|savor the beauty of life and live it to the fullest
|Life is so short that I have to live it bravely,and I'll keep giving it meaning with my sincere love.It is love that makes life worth living.
|It is widely acknowledged that frustration(挫败,沮丧) is inevitable(不可避免的) during one's life.
|She is such a lady who don't care for herself but always thinks for others,not only a little,but all in the country.
|We can't judge a person through his or her appearance.
|The moral of the story is that we should spare no effort to acquire knowledge and never get discouraged easily no matter how difficult the situation may be.
|It is not the story itself but what is reflected in the story that counts.

▉ 引言

|Just as a saying goes,every coin has two sides(and this is no exception)
|There's an old saying that goes,"Nothing is impossible to a willing heart" The path to becoming a teacher is still far ahead, but I'm working toward it with a will.
|A bosom friend(密友,知己) afar brings a distant land near.(海内存知己,天涯若比邻)
|A friend in need is a friend indeed.|Just as Professor Scotti often puts it
|As sb put[过去式] it,"..."(正如某人所说)|as sb says /said
|As the proverb(谚语,格言) goes,"Where there is a will,there is a way.(有志者事竟成)"
|It's true that we cannot help disliking some people——this is human nature,after all.But do not forget you can still learn from them.
|It goes without saying that knowledge is power.
|It is no use crying over spilt milk.|Career success is no guarantee of happiness.
|A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.(船停泊在港湾里固然安全,但这并不是船存在的初衷。)
|It is known to us all that failure is the mother of success.
|more people believe in the saying, "Doubt isn't the opposite of faith; it is an element of faith", which indicates that doubt can actually reinforce our faith. History is never short of stories which can demonstrate the point.
|Well begun is half done!(好的开头是成功的一半)
|actions speak louder than words.|Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.(今日事今日毕)
|haste makes waste(欲速则不达)
|Time and tide wait for no man(岁月不待人)
|Every grain on the plate comes from hard work(谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦)
|reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
|Rose given,fragrance in hand.(赠人玫瑰,手有余香)

▓ 论述做法

▉ 努力

|take effective measures to do|take steps to do|take (active) action to do
|make joint efforts|with joint efforts|take great efforts to do
|make a concerted effort to do(齐心协力)|Hard work pays off.
|spare some time to do|spare no effort to do|Take pains to do
|take/grasp this chance/opportunity to do
|promote the development of|apply oneself to sth/apply one's mind to sth(集中精力做,专心致志做)
|in a practical way|play a role in putting it into practice|apply/put what I've learned into practice|apply...to...(把...应用到...中)
|make a big difference(to)|don't hesitate to take action
|cope(对付,应对(困难)) with the difficulties|address/settle/solve/tackle the current problem
|appeal(呼吁)to sb to do|do my part for sth(尽自己所能做某事)
|live a better life|adapt oneself to the new life
|make some progress step by step |through hard work and perseverance
|sacrifice... for/to do|make (many) sacrifices/a sacrifice(做出牺牲)
|set a good example and act as a role model to sb|play leading roles in(起着领导作用)
|keep pace/up with|highlight sb's strengths(优点)(突出优势)
|persevere to do(坚持)|realize one's potential(发挥潜能)|sharpen one's skills(提高技能)
|Our city government should take leading roles to enhance public awareness of participation in green travel.
|strive to do/for sth(争取,奋斗)|strive to be the best
|heart and soul(全心全意)|put his heart and soul into advancing the cause(把全部心血都浇注在事业上,全心全意推进这项事业)
|take the initiative to do sth(主动做)|take up the challenge(接受挑战)|in face of obstacles
|be capable of |Be absorbed in his reading|Make great achievements

▉ 帮助

|offer assistance/assist sb in doing sth|turn to sb for help|give/lend sb a hand = give a hand to sb|do sb a favor
|make donations to help those in great need|with the help of|with sb's help|I would be glad to offer any help.
|Your cooperation is of great help to us|in urgent need of|I desperately need
|persuade sb to do/into doing|Be of great help in doing

▉ 利用

|make good/full use of|make the most/best of(充分利用)|take advantage of
|sth be encouraged to be put into use

▉ 参与

|take an active part in|participate in|participant|get (actively) involved in
|apply to be a volunteer for the event

▉ 责任

|take responsibility to address the problem effectively| be responsible for
|be to blame(应受责备)|bear(承担)/shoulder(担负) the responsibility for
|bear/carry/ease/reduce/share the burden

▉ 奉献

|be devoted/delicated to(sth/doing)|be totally committed to sth/doing(献身于,致力于)|dedicate/commit/devote oneself to sth/doing
|make contributions to
|sacrifice the opportunity to do ... in order to do
|Our point of departure is to serve the people heart and soul.(全心全意为人民服务是我们的出发点)
|We should be modest and prudent(谨慎的), guard against arrogance(傲慢) and rashness(鲁莽), and serve the people heart and soul. (我们应该谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁,全心全意为人民服务)

▓ 论述过程

▉ 背景

|With the development of science and technology/modernization(现代化) and globalization(全球化)/economy/urbanization(城市化)
|With the economic development and the improvement of people's living standards, my home has taken on a brand-new look
|In recent years|at home and abroad|In the past few decades|in the age of(在...的时代)
|be confronted with(面临)|Faced with/Facing ...|with sth approaching
|become a heated topic(热门话题)|become a hit(热点)
|at that moment|at the moment/right now/at present|at any time(随时)
|reflect the reality of|regardless of|ignore/neglect
|Under this circumstance(条件,环境,境况)|In that case
|there is a tendency(趋势) that...|tend to do(倾向于做)
|(be) based on|on the basis of|give a platform to|With the popularity of...
|In spite of many hardships and difficulties|still have a long way to go with regard to doing
|Owing to the fast pace of modern society|keep pace/up with the times(与时俱进)
|in the case of(在...情况下)|in case (of)(万一,以防)|under the influence of
|Recently the topic of green travel has been widely debated,which has aroused public attention.
|in the long run/term(从长远来看)|Having evolved thousands of years,
|under the leadership of|it being fine, ...(天气很好)
|With New Year drawing near, ...|Things are totally different today.
|With the worldwide spread of traditional Chinese medicine, it is now growing in popularity with foreigners.

▉ 原因

|for the reason that|for the sake(理由) of...|That's why ...|Owing to|due to
|The followings are my reasons (why I...)/some details about it|My reasons are as follows.
|arise from(起因于)|result from the public's awareness of
|There are several reasons accounting for(解释,说明)...
|In response to the severe situation|on account of(由于,因为)
|Motivated by(受...驱使,出于)|now that(既然,由于)|in the light of(根据)

▉ 目的

|In order that/to do|aim to do|Aiming to do|be aimed at doing|be designed to do
|with the purpose of...

▉ 结果

|As a result (of...)|Consequently/Hence/Therefore(因此)
|in consequence (of) = as a result of|The consequence(结果,后果) of... is|As a consequence (of)
|thus + doing/+ clause(因此,从而,这样)|Thus,|result in(导致)
|contribute/lead to|which leads to...|only to do[出人意料的结果]
|which means...(意味着,也就是说)|that is to say(也就是说)|namely(即,也就是)
|so as to(以便)|so that

▉ 列举

|take ... for example/for instance/as an example|For instance|such as
|including|so on(等等)|range from ... to ...(从...到...的范围)
|some ... ,others ..., still others ...|It refers to (doing) sth
|Just as a saying goes

▉ 计划

|as scheduled|to be held(将举行)|periodically(定期地)
|be scheduled to do|be scheduled to be held|it is scheduled that
|as scheduled, the lecture is to be held...
|Ten "Do's" have been worked out for the students to follow clearly ans easily, including : [可换行]"..."

▉ 对比

|In the same way(同样)|on the contrary(相反地)|Contrary to(与...相反)|Compared with/to...
|Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past ten years
|With the economic development and the improvement of people's living standards, my home has taken on a brand-new look
|equally(同样,同理)|in contrast (to)|by contrast|be contrary to
|in comparison (with)(相较而言)

▓ 文体格式

|Contributions Wanted(征稿)|Announcement(公告)[通知一定有落款]
|署名:"Yours sincerely,..."
|署名:“The School English Newspaper”
|make a complaint(提出投诉)
|I came to send you this potted orchid as a gift, only to be told that you happened to be out.So I left you this note to offer you some tips on how to attend to the plant.

▉ 演讲

|Thank you for your listening|That's all for my speaking
|deliver a lecture with/on the theme of
|as scheduled, the lecture is to be held...
|give lectures of...|be honored to do
|Today, please allow me to deliver a brief speech on the career I will take up in the future. Undoubtedly, I have great expectations of the future job as everyone else does.
|Among other things, the lecturer will brief you on the history, artists, and features of the calligraphy.

▉ 信的开头

|I'm glad to receive your email where you said
|I'm glad to receive your last letter informing that...
|I'm delighted to receive your letter in which you asked about our arrangements for the world reading day.
|I'm glad to have the opportunity to express my opinions on your English teaching.
|I am writing to share a piece of good news with you.
|I've learned from your letter that you are feeling worried now.I don't think it necessary for you to be so upset.
|In your last email,
|I am writing to inform you of some relevant details.
|Having heard the[不可以用冠词a] good news that...|Here comes a piece of good news
|Knowing that you're a lover of...
|How is everything going?|How are you (doing) these days?
|I'm writing regarding...|I'm writing to inform you that ...
|here I'd like to introduce ...to you|I'm honored to have the chance to introduce... to you.
|how time flies! It has been almost a year since your last visit. How is everything going with you and your family? My parents and I miss you very much.
|Glad to receive your letter and thank you for your concern about my study in Senior Three. Everything is going well with me.

▉ 信的结尾

|May you be healthy and blessed
|Looking forward to your coming/reply|Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
|I'm looking forward to your early reply.
|Hope my advice will be helpful and I wish you a happy life in your new school
|I hope the information above will do you a favor
|If you're willing to come to join us, please let me know at your earliest convenience(在你方便时尽早).|at sb's convenience
|I wish you good luck in the coming exams.|wish you good luck
|if you have any interest in knowing more about..., just let me know.
|Best wishes!|All the best!|Yours faithfully,
|sincerely wish you success in your study
|May the bright and festive glow of New Year candle warm the days all the year through./fill your heart with peace and pleasure.
|Thanks again and best wishes!

▉ 邀请

|Hearing that you... ,I plan to invite you to attend a lecture about it.
|here I'd like to introduce ...to you
|The lecture is due to be held next Friday afternoon,which is delivered by Professor Wang,a well-known historian specializing in Tang Dynasty.
|Here comes a piece of good news that contributions(稿件) are wanted for the cultural column(专栏) of our school newspaper,and we sincerely invite you to write an article for that.
|If you're willing to accept our invitation,please...
|if you have any interest in knowing more about..., just let me know.
|If it is convenient for you,could we...?|If convenient, |I am writing to ask whether it is convenient for you to come
|I would appreciate it if you could accept my invitation.
|Looking forward to seeing you and enjoying the lecture.
|Everyone of you is welcome to have a heated(热烈的) discussion and make your own comments after enjoying the film.
|Come and enjoy the film together.|Sign up for
|Given your many years of..., we would be honored to learn from your views.
|We expect that you set aside some time for a question-and-answer session after your lecture.
|I am wondering if we could make it on the afternoon of Jule 1st at the Sunshine Hotel, where we will be staying.please let me know if it is convenient for you
|Anyone who is interested in the history and future of our schools should not miss this chance.
|How I wish you could join us!|Here comes your opportunity.
|Seize this chance
|I cannot wait to tell you that
|The table tennis team of our school is admitting new players. I'm sure it will appear to you, for you have been enthusiastic about sports.
|Don't hesitate to ask me if you have any question.
|For further information about the event, you are welcome to visit our school website, where abundant pictures and videos wll surely bring you a visual feast and deepen your understanding about our school culture

▓ 表达情感

▉ 感谢

|I'd appreciate it if ...|extend/express my sincere/genuine gratitude
|appreciate what you have done to me
|Words fail to convey(传达) my appreciation for your sacrifice
|Thank you very much for your invitation, and I'd like to accept it
|I would appreciate it if you can provide some advice on the plan
|I would appreciate it if you take my suggestions/application into consideration/account
|I would appreciate it if you can give me a chance to devote myself to helping others.
|Thanks for your cooperation.|Your cooperation is of great help to us
|We thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter
|We take this opportunity of(借此机会)thanking you for your support in the past
|We take this opportunity of(借此机会) expressing our sincere appreciation of your help.
|We extend our gratitude toward you for your cooperation
|Your participation in this aspect/respect is highly appreciated
|I would like to thank you on his behalf for all your work
|But for your considerate care,I wouldn't have done

▉ 致歉

|Sorry for the possible inconvenience I may cause
|I'm sorry to inform you that I fail to do so, for I'm engaged in preparing myself for the approaching examination. I strongly recommend my friend Mary, the most suitable choice to take my place next week. Sorry again for any inconvenience caused by my absence
|sb. feel extraordinary sorry for...
|I'm writing this letter to make an apology for not attending your lecture yesterday.
|I will make up for it by copying other students' notes, even though it won't be as lively as listening to your lecture on the spot.

▉ 人际交往

|share the same interest with |have a heart-to-heart talk with|share our feelings with others
|Having a close friend to share my happiness and sorrow(悲伤) is what I cherish most
|show respect for and put up with(容忍) each other
|be reluctant/unwilling to say goodbye to our beloved(亲爱的) roommates
|enjoy the precious time we spend together|have a great sense of humor
|Participating in social practice is a must
|walk out of the campus to experience ... personally
|call him back as soon as you come back|pay a visit to
|bring happiness and companionship(陪伴,友谊,交谊) to the elderly
|So absorbed(全神贯注) are we in doing ... that we ...
|I can give meaning to my life by simply doing something together with
those I treasure|take care of them whole-heartedly
|stand out(突出)and win the affection of sb
|I am profoundly touched|Fit in with the new surroundings
|use humor and laugh off occasional lapses(小错,过失)
|live up(不辜负) to sb's expectations
|I want to acquaint myself with your strengths and weaknesses.
|get acquainted with each other.
|have a visiting acquaintance with(与...有交往)|have a nodding/bowing acquaintance with(与...有点头之交,对...略知一二)
|have no acquaintance with(不熟悉,不了解)|have a passing acquaintance with(对...有浮浅的了解)
|People like to be considered humorous,But few of us actually have the sense of humour we hope we have.
|Your humorous remarks can make your lecture an enjoyable one.
|ease the tension between people|be talented/gifted at/in(在...方面有才能)
|be in a/the minority/majority(占少数/大多数)
|move all the students to tears
|leave/make an impression on sb(给...留下一个好印象)
|there can be no disagreement on the need for each of us to think carefully about the kind of friendship we want.(我们要认真思考自己需要什么类型的友谊,在这一点上,不存在分歧)
|vary from person to person(因人而异)
|This special day witnessed our active participation in the voluntary activity.
|Here I'd like to express my warmest welcome!
|I'm Li Hua,Chairman of the Student Union in Hong Xing High School.
|develop a deep friendship

▉ 活动

|conduct an activity called...
|exchange views about graduation celebration
|For further information about the event, you are welcome to visit our school website, where abundant pictures and videos wll surely bring you a visual feast and deepen your understanding about our school culture
|Last Friday witnessed the successful 5km mini-marathon in our school playground.
|This event is beneficial not only by enabling the students to work out with bravery and perseverance, but also by providing an outlet for students under pressure and deepening the bond with their parents and teachers.
|150 participants from 3 grades got involved in it|consisting of
|the activity turned out to be a great success and it was highly liked by most of the participants.
|despite the fact that their results varied a lot,not a single participant quit halfway.|hold on to the end
|what impressed me most is...
|At the exhibition,typical and representative books,photos,paintings,paper-cutting works and other related stuff will be presented,through which visitors will not only understand traditional Chinese culture better but also enjoy the unique beauty of it.
|The activity is arranged as follows.

▓ 其它主题

▉ 保护环境

|In brief,what should be advocated is that we should live a low-carbon life and take action to protect/conserve/preserve the environment
|Legal protection system is an indispensable(不可或缺的) approach
|live together in peace with nature|exist in harmony with nature
|truly realize the harmonious co-existence between human and nature(人与自然和谐共存)
|reduce waste-gas emission from vehicles and ease traffic jams,which in turn improves the air quality
|In the past few decades,the increase of private cars has brought more and more serious air pollution and traffic jams in our city,especially in the rush hour.
|With the development of economy and modernization(现代化) the number of private cars is increasing rapidly,which leads to more serious air pollution and traffic jams.
|solar-powered vehicles(太阳能车)|Vehicles powered by solar energy/fuel/electricity are encouraged to be put into use
|As a consequence,it's high time to promote the green travel at present.
|Our city government has taken leading roles to enhance public awareness of participation in green travel.
|Convenient public traffic system is developed with more underground and light rail lines under construction((正在)修建中).
|All in all,through green travel we can not only protect the environment by saving resources but also have a healthy lifestyle.

▉ 工作学习

|School comes first|on and off campus(校内外)|at leisure time|beyond the classroom(课堂之外)
|One had better get organized(有条理) to be free of the mess
|As a senior high student, one must bear in mind(牢记,放在心上) that time is of great significance
|arrange the time appropriately
|take it easy(放轻松)|take your time(不着急,慢慢来)
|It's a waste of time doing|What a complete and utter waste of my time
|Following in the footsteps of others blindly will merely(只) mess up your work
|Don't overdo it."All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy".
|enjoy the process of searching for new new knowledge
|It is the wide range of knowledge,professionalism and dedication that mould a highly qualified tour guide
|be admitted to my ideal university|tap the potential of...(发掘...的潜力)and improve your performance
|be engaged/occupied/busy with/in(忙于)|wasting time means killing life
|a positive and optimistic boy with excellent organization capability(组织能力)
|Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities but in their desire to read their potential(挖掘潜力). Life is not easy.It never was, it isn't now, it won't ever be(以前不是,现在不是,将来也不是). But do not fall into the trap of feeling you're a loser, you are not.Get over it and go on with it!And yes, most things are more rewarding when you make an effort to get them.
|improve the efficiency of studying|We can increase efficiency but maintain quality.
|Complacency is a drawback to progress.(自满是进步的障碍)
|To be a good guide is no easy job, for it requires years of practice and learning.
|It is knowledge, professionalism and dedication that mold a highly qualified tour guide. Therefore,  my dream cannot be fulfilled without industrious work to pave the way.
|provide us with an outlet for our pressure from the exam
|Given that you are in senior three,the most vital and precious period during senior high school life,it's high time that you made a rational plan for the coming year.
|Everyone has an infinite longing for entering an ideal university.
|with the College Entrance Examination approaching,...
|Only when you make and carry out your plans can you enjoy the senior three and fulfil your dreams.
|De-stress yourself with a relaxing bath after a period of exhausting work
|Tiring/Exhausting/Dull and laborious as the work is,...

▉ 梦想

|make my dream a reality/come true|get them over rather than quit my dream
|My dream cannot be fulfilled without industrious(勤奋的) work to pave the way
|attain my goal|set a goal/target
|make up one's mind to do/in doing sth(下决心做)|be determined to do
|I have dreamed of being a teacher since I was a child.

▉ 灾情

|What we,ordinary people,can do is to extend our help and care to those unfortunate victims
|make donations to help those in great need
|express our sincere prayers and warm wishes
|post inspiring words on social media to convey our confidence to get through tough times together
|work together to pull/get/go through and conquer natural disasters
|rescue the dying and heal the wounded(救死扶伤)

▉ 各种

|a (wide) variety of/varieties of|different kinds of|a wide range of

▉ 专有名词

|Olymics/Olympic Games(谓语一般用复数,单指一届时用单数)
|National College Entrance Examination(高考)

▉ 旅游

|So famous is Hangzhou as a scenic tourist city that nearly all of foreigners will come to admire its beautiful spots if possible
|leave a deep impression on|leave you an ever-lasting wonderful memory
|enjoy the spectacular(壮观的) scenery|Upon arriving there(一到那里)
|be caught in the traffic jam

▉ 文化

|cultural shock
|Chinese culture will surely be better inherited and innovated
|Intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产) is cultural treasures handed down from generation and generation
|Showing respect to parents is one of the Chinese traditional moral(道德的) value
|build a civilized city(创建文明城市)|behave well = conduct oneself well|conduct good manners in public
|As an important literary form, it enjoys great popularity at home and abroad.
|many famous poets in ancient China and their great works are still influencing us, among whom Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi are my favorite ones.
|contribute to our better understanding of Chinese culture which has been handed down from generation to generation.
|grasp the meanings|Three Hundred Tang Poems|Originated in
|Enjoy great popularity |Get in touch with the Chinese conventional way of life
|Featuring Chinese paper-cutting, the exhibition not only shows a variety of paper-cuts in different regions, but also presents us with the history and development of paper-cutting in China.
|pass on/hand down traditional chinese culture from generation to generation
|With the worldwide spread of traditional Chinese medicine, it is now growing in popularity with foreigners.
|New Year should be a time of the scent of flowers and wine, heart-to-heart talk, good memories and loyalties renewed.But if all else is lacking - love will do.
|through which you may foster greater interest in Chinese language
|have a taste of Chinese traditional culture
|enjoy the diversity of culture
|give sb a vivid introduction of charming tea culture

▉ 健康

|recover from your bad cold|ruin one's health
|live a healthy life|keep a healthy lifestyle|keep/form/develop a healthy living habit
|Working out regularly is beneficial to keeping fit and relaxing from heavy study pressure.
|Equally importantly,arrange study-rest time properly.It is adequate sleep that makes you energetic.

▉ 未分类

|for the first time|on the first try(第一次尝试)|in other words/to put it another way(换句话说)
|in turn(继而,转而,反过来;依次,轮流)|After all(毕竟)|as soon as possible|as/so long as(只要)
|be bound to do(一定)|be capable of|people from all walks of life(来自各行各业的人们)
|more or less(或多或少,大概)|or so(大约,左右)|the event took place on April 20th|on display
|on behalf of sb/on sb's behalf|confuse... with...(混淆)
|on site = on the spot(在现场)|on one's own = in the flesh(亲自,本人) = by oneself
|Since my early age|keep pace/up with the times(与时俱进)
|get rid of|incredibly(难以置信地)|be likely to|it is probable that/for sb to do[probable不能以sb为主语]
|not necessarily(未必,不一定)|anyhow(无论如何)||do the trick(达到目的,奏效)
|if not(不然的话)/any(常接在little,few后面,就算有的话)/so(要是那样的话)/ever(省略现在完成时,如果曾经做过某事的话)
|make a distinction between right and wrong(明辨是非)|be relevant to(有关)|in relation to|be associated with/be related to
|be accustomed to doing(习惯于)|accommodate/adapt oneself to(适应)
|quantities of/a quantity of(大量)|On condition that(在...条件下,条件是)
|which tells a story of a man who...|refer to a dictionary (查字典)
|Only when Chinese home appliance enterprises(公司,企业) take possession of(拥有,占有) the world-class(世界级的; 世界一流的) brands can they make excess profits in the international market.(中国家电企业只有拥有世界级品牌,才能在国际市场上获得超额利润。)
|go on doing sth|go on to do sth.|go on with sth (间断后做原来没有做完的事)[with后面跟名词,不能接doing]
|be comprised of/comprising/be composed of/consist of/be made up of(由...组成)|consisting of
|on the decrease(下降)|from time to time(偶尔)|weather permitting(如果天气允许)
|as if(好像)|take on a new look(焕然一新,呈现新面貌)|the students' union/Students' Union(学生会)
|have a reputation for(以...闻名)|enjoy a (high) reputation(享有盛名)
|(when) Word came that(有消息说,听说)|as opposed to(而不是)
|Keep/break/eat one's word[word用单数的一种情况,=promise,另一种情况是word came that]
|within easy reach(触手可及)|with great ease(轻而易举)|all but(几乎)
|be a big fan of|newly built|since my early age|in the form of
|I like it mainly for the following two reasons.|occasion when...
|Equally attractive are the amazing stories of heroes, because they show us how a person can work hard to make a difference.
|used to do=was/were always doing|anyone, regardless of age or level of fitness,...
|Be about to do... when |To our great joy|no more than(不过是,仅仅)
|Taiwan has been an inalienable part of China since ancient times.(台湾自古就是中国不可分割的一部分)
|bring sth to light

posted @ 2021-11-12 20:27  Randolph、  阅读(605)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报