题目集四 程序7-2
import java.util.Scanner; //DateUtil类 class DateUtil{ Day day; //默认构造方法 public DateUtil(){ } //带参构造方法 public DateUtil(int d,int m,int y){ this.day=new Day(d,m,y); } //getter public Day getDay(){ return day; } //setter public void setDay(Day d){ this.day=d; } //效验数据合法性 public boolean checkInputValidity(){ if(this.getDay().getMonth().getYear().validate()&&this.getDay().getMonth().validate()&&day.validate()) return true; else return false; } //比较两个日期大小 public boolean compareDates(DateUtil date) { if(date.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()<this.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()) return false; else if(date.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()==this.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()&&date.getDay().getMonth().getValue()<this.getDay().getMonth().getValue()) return false; else if(date.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()==this.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()&&date.getDay().getMonth().getValue()==this.getDay().getMonth().getValue()&&date.getDay().getValue()<this.getDay().getValue()) return false; else return true; } //判定两个日期是否相等 public boolean equalTwoDates(DateUtil date){ if(this.getDay().getValue()==date.getDay().getValue()&&this.getDay().getMonth().getValue()==date.getDay().getMonth().getValue()&& this.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()==date.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()) return true; else return false; } //日期值格式化 public String showDate(){ return this.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()+"-"+this.getDay().getMonth().getValue()+"-"+this.getDay().getValue(); } //计算该年的剩余天数 public int syts(DateUtil d){ int a[]={0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; int b=0,i; for(i=d.getDay().getMonth().getValue()+1;i<=12;i++){ b=b+a[i]; } b=b+a[d.getDay().getMonth().getValue()]-d.getDay().getValue(); if(d.getDay().getMonth().getYear().isLeapYear()&&d.getDay().getMonth().getValue()<=2)//闰年 b++; return b; } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner x=new Scanner(System.in); int year=0,month=0,day=0,a,b; a=x.nextInt();//输入判断类型 year=x.nextInt();month= x.nextInt();day=x.nextInt();//输入年月日 DateUtil c=new DateUtil(year,month,day); if(a==1){//求下n天 b=x.nextInt();//输入n if(!c.checkInputValidity()||b<0){//如果数据不合法 System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } else System.out.println(c.getNextNDays(b).showDate()); } else if(a==2){ b=x.nextInt();//输入n if(!c.checkInputValidity()||b<0){//如果数据不合法 System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } else public DateUtil getNextNDays(int n){ int a[]={0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; int y=0,m=0,d=0; int i,j; int b=syts(this);//该年剩余天数 if(b>n){//该年剩余天数大于n y=this.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue(); if(this.getDay().getMonth().getYear().isLeapYear()){//如果是闰年 a[2]=29; } int e=a[this.getDay().getMonth().getValue()];//该月的天数 e=e-this.getDay().getValue();//本月剩余的天数 if(e>=n){//如果n天后在本月 m=this.getDay().getMonth().getValue(); d=n+this.getDay().getValue(); } else{//如果n天后不在本月 n=n-e; m=this.getDay().getMonth().getValue()+1; i=m; while(n-a[i]>0&&i<=12){//找到月 n=n-a[i]; m++; i++; } d=n;//找到天 } } else{//该年剩余天数小于n n=n-b; y=this.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()+1; int c=365;//平年天数 if(new Year(y).isLeapYear()){//闰年天数 c++; } while(n-c>0){//找到年 n=n-c; y++; c=365; if(new Year(y).isLeapYear()) c++; } i=1; while(n-a[i]>0&&i<=12){//找到月 n=n-a[i]; i++; } m=i; d=n;//找到天 } return new DateUtil(y, m, d); } //求前n天 public DateUtil getPreviousNDays(int n){ int a[]={0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; int y=0,m=0,d=0; int i,b; b=365-syts(this);//该日期所在年份已经过的天数 if(this.getDay().getMonth().getYear().isLeapYear()){//如果是闰年 b++; } if (b>n){//如果前n天在该年 y=this.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue(); int e=this.getDay().getValue();//本月已经过的天数 if(e>n){//如果前n天在本月 m=this.getDay().getMonth().getValue(); d=e-n; } else{//如果前n天不在本月 n=n-e; m=this.getDay().getMonth().getValue()-1; i=m; while(n-a[i]>0&&i>=0){//找到月 n=n-a[i]; m--; i--; } d=a[i]-n;//找到天 if(new Year(y).isLeapYear()&&m==2){ d++; } } } else{//如果前n天不在该年 n=n-b; y=this.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()-1; int f=365; if(new Year(y).isLeapYear()){ f++; } while(n-f>0){//找到年 n=n-f; y--; f=365; if(new Year(y).isLeapYear()) f++; } i=12; while(n-a[i]>0&&i>=0){//找到月 n=n-a[i]; i--; } m=i; d=a[i]-n;//找到天 if(new Year(f).isLeapYear()&&m==2){ d++; } } return new DateUtil(y, m, d); } //求两个日期之间的天数 public int getDaysofDates(DateUtil date){ DateUtil b1=this; DateUtil b2=date; if(this.equalTwoDates(date)){//如果两天的日期相等 return 0; } else if(!this.compareDates(date)){//如果日期大小不对 b1=date; b2=this; } int a[]={0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; int i,j,ts=0; for(i=b1.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()+1;i<b2.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue();i++){//两个日期的年数之和 ts=ts+365; if(new Year(i).isLeapYear()) ts++; } if(b1.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()==b2.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()&&b1.getDay().getMonth().getValue()==b2.getDay().getMonth().getValue()){//年份相同,月份相同,日不同 ts=b2.getDay().getValue()-b1.getDay().getValue(); } else if(b1.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()==b2.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()&&b1.getDay().getMonth().getValue()!=b2.getDay().getMonth().getValue()){//年份相同,月份不同 if(b1.getDay().getMonth().getYear().isLeapYear())//是闰年 a[2]=29; ts=ts+a[b1.getDay().getMonth().getValue()]-b1.getDay().getValue();//小日期该月剩余的天数 ts=ts+b2.getDay().getValue();//大日期的天数 for(j=b1.getDay().getMonth().getValue()+1;j<=b2.getDay().getMonth().getValue()-1;j++)//月份天数和 ts+=a[j]; } else if(b1.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()!=b2.getDay().getMonth().getYear().getValue()){//年份不同 ts=ts+a[b1.getDay().getMonth().getValue()]-b1.getDay().getValue();//小日期在该月剩余的天数 ts=ts+b2.getDay().getValue();//大日期在该月已经过的天数 for(j=b1.getDay().getMonth().getValue()+1;j<=12;j++)//小日期在该年剩余的天数 ts=ts+a[j]; for(j=b2.getDay().getMonth().getValue()-1;j>0;j--)//大日期在该年已经过的天数 ts=ts+a[j]; if(b1.getDay().getMonth().getYear().isLeapYear()&&b1.getDay().getMonth().getValue()<=2)//如果小日期该年为闰年且该天在1月或2月 ts++; if(b2.getDay().getMonth().getYear().isLeapYear()&&b2.getDay().getMonth().getValue()>2)//如果大日期该年为闰年且该天在1月或2月后 ts++; } return ts; } } System.out.println(c.getPreviousNDays(b).showDate()); } else if(a==3){ int y1,m1,d1; y1=x.nextInt();m1= x.nextInt();d1=x.nextInt();//输入第二个年月日 DateUtil d=new DateUtil(y1,m1,d1); if(!c.checkInputValidity()||!d.checkInputValidity()){//如果数据不合法 System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } else System.out.println(c.getDaysofDates(d)); } else System.out.println("Wrong Format"); } } class Year{ int value; //默认构造方法 public Year(){ } //带参构造方法 public Year(int value){ this.value=value; } //getter public int getValue(){ return value; } //setter public void setValue(int value){ this.value=value; } //判断year是否为闰年 public boolean isLeapYear(){ if((value%4==0&&value%100!=0)||value%400==0) return true; else return false; } //效验数据合法性 public boolean validate(){ if(value<=2050&&value>=1900) return true; else return false; } //年份加一 public void yearIncrement(){ value=value+1; } //年份减一 public void yearReduction(){ value=value-1; } } //Month类 class Month{ int value; Year year; //默认构造方法 public Month(){ } //带参构造方法 public Month(int yearValue,int monthValue){ this.year=new Year(yearValue); this.value=monthValue; } //getter public int getValue(){ return value; } public Year getYear(){ return year; } //setter public void setValue(int value){ this.value=value; } public void setYear(Year year){ this.year=year; } //日期复位(1) public void resetMin(){ value=1; } //月份设置为12 public void resetMax(){ value=12; } //效验数据合法性 public boolean validate(){ if(value>=1&&value<=12) return true; else return false; } //月份加一 public void dayIncrement(){ value=value+1; } //月份减一 public void dayReduction(){ value=value-1; } } //Day类 class Day{ int value; Month month; int a[]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; //默认构造方法 public Day(){ } //带参构造方法 public Day(int yearValue,int monthValue,int dayValue){ this.month=new Month(yearValue,monthValue); this.value=dayValue; } //getter public int getValue(){ return value; } public Month getMonth(){ return month; } //setter public void setValue(int value){ this.value=value; } public void setMonth(Month value){ this.month=value; } //日期复位(1) public void resetMin(){ value=1; } //日期设为该月最大值 public void resetMax(){ value=a[month.getValue()-1]; } //效验数据合法性 public boolean validate(){ if(this.getMonth().getYear().isLeapYear()) a[1]=29; if(value>=1&&value<=a[month.getValue()-1]) return true; else return false; } //日期加一 public void dayIncrement() { value=value+1; } //日期减一 public void dayReduction() { value=value-1; } }
1. 3 2014 2 14 2020 6 14 2312 2. 2 1935 2 17 125340 1591-12-17 3. 1 1999 3 28 6543 2017-2-24 4. 0 2000 5 12 30 Wrong Format
在编写的过程中要注意对当前输入时间的一个判断,因为应用程序共测试三个功能如:求下n天,求前n天,求两个日期相差的天数。同时输出也有三种year month day n //测试输入日期的下n天,year month day n //测试输入日期的前n天
year1 month1 day1 year2 month2 day2 //测试两个日期之间相差的天数。
题目集四 程序7-3
import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { int inType; Scanner scanner=new Scanner(System.in); inType=scanner.nextInt(); switch(inType) { case 1: double r=scanner.nextDouble(); if(r<0) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); } else { Circle circle=new Circle(); circle.setRadius(r); System.out.printf("Circle's area:%.2f%n",circle.getArea()); } break; case 2: double width=scanner.nextDouble(); double length=scanner.nextDouble(); if(width<0.0||length<0.0) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); } else { Rectangle rectangle=new Rectangle(); rectangle.setLength(length); rectangle.setWidth(width); System.out.printf("Rectangle's area:%.2f%n",rectangle.getArea()); } break; case 3: double R=scanner.nextDouble(); if(R<0.0) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); } else { Ball ball=new Ball(); ball.setRadius(R); System.out.printf("Ball's surface area:%.2f%n",ball.getArea()); System.out.printf("Ball's volume:%.2f%n",ball.getVolume()); } break; case 4: double Width=scanner.nextDouble(); double Length=scanner.nextDouble(); double height=scanner.nextDouble(); if(Width<0.0||Length<0.0||height<0.0) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); } else { Box box=new Box(); box.setHeight(height); box.setWidth(Width); box.setLength(Length); System.out.printf("Box's surface area:%.2f%n",box.getArea()); System.out.printf("Box's volume:%.2f%n",box.getVolume()); } break; default: System.out.print("Wrong Format"); } } } class Shape //定义一个无自身属性,有一个返回值为0.0的求面积方法 { public Shape() { System.out.println("Constructing Shape"); } } class Circle extends Shape//继承自Shape { public Circle() { System.out.println("Constructing Circle"); } private double radius;//新定义一个半径 public void setRadius(double radius) {// 设置半径 this.radius = radius; } public double getRadius() {// 获取半径 return radius; } public double getArea() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return Math.PI *radius*radius;//重写父类的方法 } } class Rectangle extends Shape { public Rectangle() { System.out.println("Constructing Rectangle"); } private double width; private double length; public double getWidth() { return width; } public void setWidth(double width) { this.width = width; } public double getLength() { return length; } public void setLength(double length) { this.length = length; } public double getArea() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return width*length; } } class Ball extends Circle { public Ball() { System.out.println("Constructing Ball"); } public double getArea() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 4*super.getArea();//方法的重载,super关键字 } public double getVolume() { double R=getRadius(); return 4.0/3.0*R*R*R* Math.PI; } } class Box extends Rectangle { public Box() { System.out.println("Constructing Box"); } private double height; public void setHeight(double height) { this.height = height; } public double getVolume() { return height*super.getArea(); } public double getArea() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub double W=getWidth(); double L=getLength(); return 2*(W*L+W*height+L*height); } }
1. 1 1.0 Constructing Shape Constructing Circle Circle's area:3.14 2. 4 3.6 2.1 0.01211 Constructing Shape Constructing Rectangle Constructing Box Box's surface area:15.26 Box's volume:0.09 3. 2 -2.3 5.110 Wrong Format
题目集五 程序7-4
//测试点并没有全部通过!!! import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner x = new Scanner(System.in); StringBuilder a = new StringBuilder(); Map map=new TreeMap(); String[] gjc = {"abstract", "assert", "boolean", "break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "class", "const", "continue", "default", "do", "double", "else", "enum", "extends", "false", "final", "finally", "float", "for", "goto", "if", "implements", "import", "instanceof", "int", "interface", "long", "native", "new", "null", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "short", "static", "strictfp", "super", "switch", "synchronized", "this", "throw", "throws", "transient", "true", "try", "void", "volatile", "while"}; String kg,exit="exit"; int i,n,flag=0; //输入 kg = x.nextLine(); while( !kg.equals(exit)) { a.append(kg.replaceAll("//.*", " ").replaceAll("\".*\"", " "));//去掉"//"后和的内容以及双引号里的内容 kg = x.nextLine(); flag=1; } String b = a.toString().replaceAll("/\\*\\s*.*\\s*\\*/", " ");//去掉"/* */"里的内容,放入字符串b中 //System.out.println(b); //如果没有内容 if(flag==0) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); } // 循环找每个关键词出现的次数 for(i=0;i< gjc.length;i++) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\b"+gjc[i]+"\\b");//创建关键词的正则表达式 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(b);//字符串与关键词匹配 n=0; while(matcher.find()) {//找到该关键词的话,记录该关键词的次数 n++; //System.out.println(matcher.group()); } if(n!=0){//把次数不是0的关键词替换为次数 map.put(gjc[i], n); } //System.out.println(map); } //System.out.println(map); String map1= String.valueOf(map);//把map转化为字符串map1 //System.out.println(map1); String map2=map1.replace("{","").replace("}","");//把map1里的"{""}"去掉存入字符串map2 //System.out.println(map2); String[] map3=map2.split(", ");//把map2根据", "分开,存入字符串数组map3 //循环输出 for (i=0;i< map3.length;i++){ String[] map4=map3[i].split("=");//把每个字符串map3根据"="分开,存入字符串数组map4 System.out.println(map4[1]+"\t"+map4[0]); } } }
输入: //Test public method public HashMap(int initialCapacity) { this(initialCapacity, DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR); } public HashMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) { if (initialCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal initial capacity: " + initialCapacity); if (initialCapacity > MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) initialCapacity = MAXIMUM_CAPACITY; if (loadFactor <= 0 || Float.isNaN(loadFactor)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal load factor: " + loadFactor); this.loadFactor = loadFactor; this.threshold = tableSizeFor(initialCapacity); } exit 输出: 1 float 3 if 2 int 2 new 2 public 3 this 2 throw
题目集六 程序7-1
import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String qq = input.nextLine(); if(qq.matches("[1-9][\\d]{4,14}")) { System.out.println("你输入的QQ号验证成功"); } else { System.out.println("你输入的QQ号验证失败"); } } }
1. 1234567890 你输入的QQ号验证成功 2. 123456789O 你输入的QQ号验证失败
import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String jym = input.nextLine(); if(jym.matches("[\\d||\\w]{1,4}")) { System.out.println(jym+"属于验证码"); } else { System.out.println(jym+"不属于验证码"); } } }
1. 123A 123A属于验证码 2. 12?AD 12?AD不属于验证码
import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String sno = input.nextLine(); if(sno.matches("2020([1][1-7]|61|[7][123]|[8][12])([0][1-9]|[1][1-9]|[2][1-9]|[3][1-9]|[4][0])")) { System.out.println("正确"); } else { System.out.println("错误"); } } }
1. 20201536 正确 2. 20201541 错误
import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Arrays; //Shape类 abstract class Shape{ public abstract double Mj(); } //Circle类 class Circle extends Shape{ private double r; public Circle(double r){ super(); this.r=r; } //getter public double getR(){ return r; } //setter public void setR(double r){ this.r = r; } public double Mj(){//计算圆面积 return Math.PI*r*r; } } //Rectangle类 class Rectangle extends Shape{ private double a,b; public Rectangle(double a, double b){ super(); this.a=a; this.b=b; } //getter public double A(){ return a; } public double B(){ return b; } //setter public void setA(double a){ this.a=a; } public void setB(double b){ this.b=b; } public double Mj(){//计算矩形面积 return a*b; } } //Triangle类 class Triangle extends Shape{ private double a; private double b; private double c; public Triangle(double a, double b, double c){ this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; } //getter public double A(){ return a; } public double B(){ return b; } public double C(){ return c; } //setter public void setA(double a){ this.a=a; } public void setB(double b){ this.b=b; } public void setC(double c){ this.c=c; } public double Mj(){//计算三角形面积 double s1,s2; s1=(a+b+c)/2; s2=Math.sqrt(s1*(s1-a)*(s1-b)*(s1-c)); return s2; } } //主类 public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args){ Scanner x = new Scanner(System.in); int q,w,e,gs=0,h;//个数 q=x.nextInt();w=x.nextInt();e=x.nextInt(); h=q+w+e; double[] he=new double [q+w+e]; double zh=0; int i,flag=0; Shape []c=new Circle[q]; Shape []r=new Rectangle[w]; Shape []t=new Triangle[e]; for(i=0;i<q;i++){//三角形 double bj; bj=x.nextDouble();//输入半径 if(bj<=0){//判断是否合法 flag=1; } c[i]=new Circle(bj);//把半径传入Circle类 zh=zh+c[i].Mj();//计算总面积 he[gs]=c[i].Mj();//把面积传入数组he gs++; } for(i=0;i<w;i++){//矩形 double db; double cb; db=x.nextDouble();cb=x.nextDouble();//输入边长 if(db<0||cb<0){//判断是否合法 flag=1; } r[i]=new Rectangle(db,cb);//把边长传入Rectangle类 zh=zh+r[i].Mj();//计算总面积 he[gs]=r[i].Mj();//把面积传入数组he gs++; } for(i=0;i<e;i++){//三角形 double a; double b; double d; double[] three=new double[3]; three[0]=x.nextDouble();three[1]=x.nextDouble();three[2]=x.nextDouble();//输入边长 Arrays.sort(three);//三边从小到大排序 a=three[0];b=three[1];d=three[2]; if(a<0||b<0||d<0||a+b<=d){//判断是否合法 flag=1; } t[i]=new Triangle(a,b,d);//把边长传入Triangle类 zh=zh+t[i].Mj();//计算总面积 he[gs]=t[i].Mj();//把面积传入数组he gs++; } System.out.println("Original area:"); for (i=0;i<h;i++){ System.out.printf("%.2f ",he[i]); } System.out.printf("\nSum of area:%.2f\n",zh); System.out.println("Sorted area:"); Arrays.sort(he); for(i=0;i<h;i++){ System.out.printf("%.2f ",he[i]); } System.out.printf("\nSum of area:%.2f",zh); } }
1. 1 1 1 2.3 3.2 3.2 6.5 3.2 4.2 Original area: 16.62 10.24 5.68 Sum of area:32.54 Sorted area: 5.68 10.24 16.62 Sum of area:32.54 2. 0 2 2 2.3 2.5 56.4 86.5 64.3 85.6 74.6544 3.2 6.1 4.5 Original area: 5.75 4878.60 2325.19 7.00 Sum of area:7216.54 Sorted area: 5.75 7.00 2325.19 4878.60 Sum of area:7216.54 3. 0 0 1 3 3 6 Wrong Format
import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { int inType; Scanner scanner=new Scanner(System.in); inType=scanner.nextInt(); switch(inType) { case 1: double r=scanner.nextDouble(); if(r<0) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); } else { Circle circle=new Circle(); circle.setRadius(r); System.out.printf("Circle's area:%.2f%n",circle.getArea()); } break; case 2: double width=scanner.nextDouble(); double length=scanner.nextDouble(); if(width<0.0||length<0.0) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); } else { Rectangle rectangle=new Rectangle(); rectangle.setLength(length); rectangle.setWidth(width); System.out.printf("Rectangle's area:%.2f%n",rectangle.getArea()); } break; case 3: double R=scanner.nextDouble(); if(R<0.0) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); } else { Ball ball=new Ball(); ball.setRadius(R); System.out.printf("Ball's surface area:%.2f%n",ball.getArea()); System.out.printf("Ball's volume:%.2f%n",ball.getVolume()); } break; case 4: double Width=scanner.nextDouble(); double Length=scanner.nextDouble(); double height=scanner.nextDouble(); if(Width<0.0||Length<0.0||height<0.0) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); } else { Box box=new Box(); box.setHeight(height); box.setWidth(Width); box.setLength(Length); System.out.printf("Box's surface area:%.2f%n",box.getArea()); System.out.printf("Box's volume:%.2f%n",box.getVolume()); } break; default: System.out.print("Wrong Format"); } } } class Shape //定义一个无自身属性,有一个返回值为0.0的求面积方法 { public Shape() { System.out.println("Constructing Shape"); } } class Circle extends Shape//继承自Shape { public Circle() { System.out.println("Constructing Circle"); } private double radius;//新定义一个半径 public void setRadius(double radius) {// 设置半径 this.radius = radius; } public double getRadius() {// 获取半径 return radius; } public double getArea() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return Math.PI *radius*radius;//重写父类的方法 } } class Rectangle extends Shape { public Rectangle() { System.out.println("Constructing Rectangle"); } private double width; private double length; public double getWidth() { return width; } public void setWidth(double width) { this.width = width; } public double getLength() { return length; } public void setLength(double length) { this.length = length; } public double getArea() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return width*length; } } class Ball extends Circle { public Ball() { System.out.println("Constructing Ball"); } public double getArea() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 4*super.getArea();//方法的重载,super关键字 } public double getVolume() { double R=getRadius(); return 4.0/3.0*R*R*R* Math.PI; } } class Box extends Rectangle { public Box() { System.out.println("Constructing Box"); } private double height; public void setHeight(double height) { this.height = height; } public double getVolume() { return height*super.getArea(); } public double getArea() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub double W=getWidth(); double L=getLength(); return 2*(W*L+W*height+L*height); } }
1. 2 3.6 2.45 12.57 8.82 2. 9 0.5 -7.03 Wrong Format