Prolog 🦉 | Basic Syntax

1. Run Prolog

  1. file name:
  2. go to the location of the in terminal
  3. input swipl
  4. input [test].(remember '.')
  5. do sth
  6. if you want to halt the file, input halt
  • e.g.

2. Facts

  1. comment: type '%': % This is the syntax for comments
  2. facts
    1. fact: pred(arg1, arg2, ..., argn).
    2. arg: integer, atom, string begin with lower letter etc
    3. variable: item begin with '_' or UPPER LETTER, structure etc
    4. e.g.
      father('David', 'John'). % remember '.' at the end room(a).

3. Simple Query

  1. ?-: the prompt for the interpreter

  2. query: type pred(something)

    1. if exist answer, return the answer; if you want more answer, type ;
    2. e.g.
      room(a). room(b).
  3. query principle inside

    1. prolog will match user's target to find the answer; when input ;, it will redo (release the variable first and start the search from the last token)
    2. prolog's target has four ports to control the processes
      1. call: find the clause
      2. exit: target matched successfully, mark the success clause, and bind the variable
      3. redo: release the variable first and start the search from the last token
      4. fail: can not find more success clause
  4. debug: input debug

  5. trace: input trace

    • e.g.
      room(a). room(b). room(c).

4. Hybrid Query

  1. hybrid query: input more query like:

    location(apple, kitchen). location(trash, kitchen). edible(apple).

  2. some interval predicate

    1. write(1 arg): print some string
    2. nl: print an enter
    3. tab(1 arg: n): print n \space
    • e.g.

      here is the trace

5. Rules

  1. rule: head :- body, head is predicate, :- means "if", body is target

    • e.g.
    location(apple, kitchen). location(trash, kitchen). edible(apple). where_food(X, Y) :- location(X, Y), edible(X).


  2. append more rules: we can append more rules to define a predicate

    • e.g.
    location(apple, kitchen). location(burger, kitchen). location(trash, kitchen). edible(apple). yummy(burger). where_food(X, Y) :- location(X, Y), edible(X). where_food(X, Y) :- location(X, Y), yummy(X).

  3. rules basic principle: in fact rules are multiple layers of query. we can see the trace of last instance:

6. Arithmetic

  1. math expression: X is expression

  2. operation

    1. +, -, *, /
    2. >, <, >=, =<
  3. use in rules

    • e.g.
    c_to_f(C, F) :- F is C * 9 / 5 + 32.

7. Data Management

  1. asserta & assert

    1. asserta(X): it will append X to the beginning of the dynamic database
    2. assert(X): it will append X to the end of the dynamic database
    3. dynamic pred/arg_size: if you want to use asserta & assert, please type dynamic pred/arg_size to run at the front of the program, which allows pred can be modified dynamically
    • e.g.
    fruit(apple). fruit(watermelon).

  2. retract(X): remove X from dynamic database(remember dynamic)

  3. use in rules

    fruit(apple). fruit(watermelon). fruit(tomato). is_fruit(X) :- fruit(X). is_fruit(X) :- write('NO FRUIT NOW!'), nl, fail. remove(X) :- retract(fruit(X)).

8. Recursion

  1. recursion:

    • e.g.
      location(envelope, desk). location(stamp, envelope). location(key, envelope). is_contained_in(T1, T2) :- location(T1, T2). is_contained_in(T1, T2) :- location(X, T2), is_contained_in(T1, X).
  2. recursion basic principle

  3. Which is faster?

    1. is_contained_in(T1,T2):- location(X,T2), is_contained_in(T1,X).
    2. is_contained_in(T1,T2):- location(T1,X), is_contained_in(X,T2).
    • if we ask is_contained_in(X, desk), 1. is faster!

9. Unification

  1. unification

    1. variable & any items
    2. original item & original item(atom or integer): when they equal
    3. structure & structure: when each corresponding parameter of two structures can be associated
  2. = (arg1, arg2) or arg1 = arg2

    1. notice: = is Unification

    2. e.g.

    3. variable unification

    4. if the values of the variables conflict in both bindings, it will fail

    5. anonymous variable _: it will not bind any values

  3. difference between unification and math expression: unification will not compute, but is will do

10. Data Structure

  1. structure: functor(arg1, arg2, ...)

    % object(name, color, size, amount) location(object(candle, red, small, 1), kitchen). location(object(apple, red, small, 1), kitchen). location(object(apple, green, small, 1), kitchen). location(object(table, blue, big, 50), kitchen).

  2. nested structure

    location(object(table, blue, dimension(1, 2, 3), 50), kitchen).

11. List

  1. List: [obj1, obj2, ...]

  2. empty list: [] or nil

    % loc_list(nil, hall). loc_list([], hall). loc_list([apple, banana, orange], kitchen).

  3. head and tail

    1. [a|[b, c, d]] = [a, b, c, d], a is head, [b ,c ,d] is tail. we use | to divide them, behind | is a list

    2. we can use | at other place

    3. nil can not match [H|T], which can be used in recursion bounds checking

    4. list basic principle: '[|]'(head, tail) = (head | tail), in fact | is a predicate; we can use display() to see it.

  4. member(obj, list)

    1. we can use member to see obj is in the list or not.

    2. member basic principle

      member(H, [H | T]). % in head ? member(X, [H | T]) :- member(X, T). % in tail ?
  5. append(list1, list2, dest)

    1. connect list1 and list2 to be a new list dest

    2. append basic principle

      append([], X, X). append([H | T1], X, [H | T2]) :- append(T1, X, T2).

      see how to split a list

  6. findall(result, target, result_list): find all elements in target mode and store them in result_list in result mode

    fruit(apple). fruit(banana).

12. Operator

  1. math operator

  2. operator

    1. infix: 3 + 10
    2. prefix: -13
    3. postfix: 8 factorial
  3. operator precedence

    1. precedence value: 1 ~ 1200
    2. value smaller, priority bigger
    3. op(value, fix, name_of_operator)
    fix name trait
    Infix xfx non-associative
    Infix xfy right to left
    Infix yfx left to right
    Prefix fx non-associative
    Prefix fy left to right
    Postfix xf non-associative
    Postfix yf right to left
  4. : operator

    obj(apple, size: small, color: red).

13. Cut

  1. cut!: add ! in the rule will cut the search

    fruit(apple). fruit(banana). fruit(orange). cut_test1(X) :- fruit(X). cut_test1('last clause'). cut_test2(X):- fruit(X), ! . cut_test2('last clause').

  2. ! suppresses the traceback of the left target, while the target to its right is unaffected

    cut_test3(X, Y) :- fruit(X), ! , fruit(Y).

  3. not(X): negate X bool value

  4. not basic principle

    not(X) :- call(X), !, fail. not(X).

14. Process Control

  1. repeat: always succeed, provide an infinite number of choice points

  2. how to create a endless loop:

    command_loop :- repeat, fail.
  3. loop: read in a simple command and echoed on the screen until the user enters end

    command_loop :- repeat, write('Enter command (end to exit): '), read(X), write(X), nl, X = end.

  4. Tail Recursion

    1. Tail Resursion: using recursion to repeat; its form is a recursive statement at the end of the function, and the computation of each layer does not need to use the return information of the next layer so that a good Prolog interpreter does not need to rely on a stack
    2. e.g. factorial(number, 1, answer) -> answer := number!
      factorial(1, F, F). factorial(N, T, F) :- N > 1, NEXT_T is N * T, NEXT_N is N - 1, factorial(NEXT_N, NEXT_T, F).
      5! = 120;

15. Natural Language

  1. And Proof: first find out all the possible breakdown of a sentence, then test whether each part of breakdown is legal

  2. Diff Table: including two tables: full table and remainder table, which can be used as two arguments of the predicate; we use - to connect two tables to make it easier to read, in the form of X - Y

    • e.g.
      sentence(S) :- nounphrase(S - S1), verbphrase(S1 - []). noun([dog|X] - X). noun([cat|X] - X). noun([mouse|X] - X). verb([ate|X] - X). verb([chase|X] - X). adjective([big|X] - X). adjective([brown|X] - X). adjective([lazy|X] - X). determiner([the|X] - X). determiner([a|X] - X). nounphrase(NP - X):- determiner(NP - S1), nounexpression(S1 - X). nounphrase(NP - X):- nounexpression(NP - X). nounexpression(NE - X):- noun(NE - X). nounexpression(NE - X):- adjective(NE - S1), nounexpression(S1 - X). % recursively deal with any number of adj. verbphrase(VP - X):- verb(VP - S1), nounphrase(S1 - X).
  3. Definite Clause Grammar -- DCG

    1. DCG: Diff tables are often used in Prolog, so many Prolog versions have good support for diff tables. This syntax is called DCG, and it looks very similar to a normal Prolog clause, except that :- is replaced by -->, which is translated by Prolog into the normal difference table
    2. pred --> arg = pred([arg|X], X)
    3. using DCG, the first part of the last instance can be:
      sentence --> nounphrase, verbphrase. % noun([dog|X] - X). noun --> [dog].
  4. =..: change a predicate to a list


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