Day 11: Get up early

Since I've been feeling down for a long time, I extremely need something to boost myself up. It is said that exercise can help with improving mood and boosting energy, and these are exactly what I need. I always feel tired even though I never do physical labor during my day. Oh, wait, maybe it's the cause of my tiredness. So I just sit in my office all day. That's awful. I usually get up at about 9 am, and go to my office at about 10 am, and then I start looking around on the internet for 2-5 hours. After that, I start to work with a sense of guilt. What's worse, it's not efficient and I feel really bad everytime think of the time I have wasted.

Ok, I should stop complaining about what I did before. Although I always say I'll never do that again and right after that I completely forget what I have said and decided to do, I 'll still mention that today will be different. 

Actually, it is different. I went to sleep early last night (although I did not sleep well caz it's too early) and got up at 6 am this moring. Isn't it early? Yes, of course, especially for me. What kind of word can I use to tell you how much I wish I could stay in the bed when I woke up by the alarm clock. I knew that I could turn off the alarm and sleep again for next 3 hours, just as what I usually do. Well, if I did not, I would feel guilty for the whole day and never forgive myself. But I didn't let myself down, I made it. I went to gym and attended a sculpt and sweet course which burned my fat. It boosted my energy as well and brought me a wonderfull begining of the day.

Ok, that's for today. Hope that I can do well tomorrow.

posted @ 2013-12-03 00:53  Liqun Liu  阅读(186)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报