

1. 最长回文子串

2. Manacher 算法






1. 暴力解决 - 复杂度$\Theta(n^2)$

2. 动态规划 - 复杂度$\Theta(n^2)$

3. 中心扩展 - 复杂度$\Theta(n^2)$

4. 马拉车算法(Manacher) - 复杂度$\Theta(n)$


1. 暴力解决:



#0. record the maximum of Palindrome substring with Mlen = 0; and its start with startInd.
#1. see into every substring
#2. check if it is a Palindrome
#3. compare the length with Mlen and update Mlen & startInd if needed

def checkPal(string):
    #if the string is a palindrome, then return the length, otherwise return 0
    if string[::-1] == string:
        return len(string)
        return 0

def findMaxPal(string):
    Mlen = 0
    for i in range(0, len(string)):
        for j in range(i+1, len(string)+1):
            currlen = checkPal(testStr[i:j])
            if currlen > Mlen:
                Mlen = currlen
                startInd = i
    return startInd, Mlen

testStr = "helloifyoucanac"
result = findMaxPal(testStr)





2. 动态规划:

从长度入手,遍历每一个可能的长度,找到符合长度的字符串,用矩阵M记录。比如M[1, 3] = 1表示string[1:4]是个回文字符串,为0则表示不是。由于一个回文串长度是N的基础,在于它的一个N-2长度的字串也是回文串,更严格的,当string[i:j]为回文串时,string[i+1,j-1]也是回文串。所以从最小的长度开始遍历起,往后判断更大的长度的字符串是否为回文串时,只需要判断它的小子串是不是回文串,以及(相对于小子串而言)新扩展的左右两个字符是否相同。



#Palindrome-way-2 dynamic programming
#0. record the maximum of Palindrome substring with Mlen = 0; and its start with startInd.
#1. initial a matrix M with all dignonal elements = 1 and others =0
#   M(i, j) records if string[i, j+1] is a palindrome or not
#   if string[i, j+1] is a palindrome, then we just need to check if string[i-1] = string[j+1] or not
#2. for length of the substring to loop, check if the substrings of that length is palindrome.
#   the point is for a fixed length, the check operation is the same: check a pair of char
#3. update the matrix M

import numpy as np

def findMaxPal_2(string):
    M = np.zeros((len(string), len(string)), dtype = int)
    Mlen = 1
    flag = 0 # if Mlen is larger than Mlen of the former round
    for i in range(len(string)):
        M[i][i] = 1
    for i in range(len(string)-1):   #for the situation of length = 2, which is not easily corporated into the below code
        if string[i] == string[i+1]:
            M[i][i+1] = 1
            if flag == 0:
                flag = 1
                Mlen = 2
                startInd = i
    flag = 0
    for slen in range(3, len(string)):
        for i in range(len(string)-slen): # i is the index of start of the substring
            j = i + slen -1
            if (M[i+1][j-1] == 1) & (string[i] == string[j]):
                M[i][j] = 1
                if flag == 0:
                    flag = 1
                    Mlen = slen
                    startInd = i
        flag = 0
    return startInd, Mlen

testStr = "helloifyoucanac"
#testStr = "if youcannacuoif"
result = findMaxPal_2(testStr)




3. 中心拓展:



记当前中心为curr,对于奇数情况,slen从小到大,顺序判断string[curr+slen] = string[curr-slen]是否成立,即知道string[(curr-slen):(curr+slen+1)]是否为回文串

对于偶数情况,先判断该字符右边第一个字符是否与之相同(或者左边第一个也可以,相应地需要对代码进行调整),然后slen从小到大变化,顺序判断string[curr+slen+1] = string[curr-slen]是否成立,即知道string[(curr-slen):(curr+slen+1)]是否为回文串。



#Palindrome-way-3 expand by center
#0. record the maximum of Palindrome substring with Mlen = 1; and its start with startInd; L the length of the string
#1. for every char with index curr
#   for odd situation, while (curr+slen) < L & (curr-slen) >= 0, check if string[curr-slen] = string[curr+slen]
#   for ever situation , while (curr+slen+1) < L & (curr-slen) > 0, check if string[curr] = string[curr+1] & string[curr-slen] = string[curr+slen+1]
#2. compare the 2*slen-1 or 2*slen with Mlen and update Mlen & startInd if needed

def findMaxPal_3(string):
    Mlen = 1
    startInd = 0
    L = len(string)
    slen = 1 # if string = "cabac", curr = 2, then slen = 3. if "acca", curr = 1 then slen = 2
    # odd situation
    for curr in range(1, L-1, 1):
        while ((curr+slen) < L) & ((curr-slen) >= 0):
            if string[curr+slen] == string[curr-slen]:
                slen += 1
        if (2*slen - 1) > Mlen:  # 2*(slen-1)+1 > Mlen
            Mlen = 2*slen - 1
            startInd = curr-slen+1 # curr-(slen-1)
        slen = 1 
    # even situation
    for curr in range(L-1):
        if string[curr] == string[curr+1]:
            while ((curr+slen+1) < L) & ((curr-slen) > 0):
                if string[curr+slen+1] == string[curr-slen]:    
                    slen += 1
            if (2*slen) > Mlen:
                Mlen = 2*slen
                startInd = curr-slen+1 # curr-(slen-1)
        slen = 1
    return startInd, Mlen

testStr = "abaccabcb"
result = findMaxPal_3(testStr)




4. 马拉车算法


1. 给原字符串的每个字符间隔都加上"#“,并在首位补"$\$$”,末尾补"\0“(C++字符串判定字符串介绍的标记。如果是python,可以挑一个和"#”"$\$$“都不一样的字符,如"&”)。加入字符串的这些字符都必须在原字符串中没有出现。通过这样的方式,长度为$L$的字符串长度变为$2*L+3$,不管原来是奇数还是偶数长度,现在都是奇数长度。在判断回文的时候就可以不区分奇偶了。处理过后的字符串最长的回文长度半径,就是原字符串最长的回文长度。如"cabad“处理之后为"$\$$#c#a#b#a#d#&",这个新字符串以"b"为中心,半径为3(左边"#a#",右边"#a#")。

2. 新建一个数组(或列表等)存储每一个字符对应的以其为中心时最大的回文半径(这里的半径定义也可以是再加上自身,即再加1,但原理不变):

s_new[i] $ # c # a # b # a # d # e # e # d # a # &
rad[i] 0 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 1 1 1 6 1 0 1 0 1 0 0




则$rad(curr)$的长度为$min(edgeR-curr, rad(curr_s))$,此后只需要判断超出$edgeR$的部分是否还存在对称字符,$rad(curr)$再增加。



当$edgeR-curr > rad(curr_s)$时,则$rad(curr) = rad(curr_s)$,因为它们被覆盖在$[edgeL, edgeR]$这个区间里的部分是相互对应的,如若不等会导致矛盾。此时判断在$curr+rad(curr_s)$外的字符是否与$curr-rad(curr_s)$相等会是FALSE。


当$rad(curr_s) > edgeR-curr$时,则$rad(curr) < rad(curr_s)$并且$rad(curr)=edgeR-curr$。以$curr$为中心的回文串要延长,只能是超过$edgeR$的部分,如果此时有$rad(curr) > edgeR-curr$,那么超出$edgeR$和$edgeL$的部分也会出现对称的字符,此时$rad(id) > edgeR-id$,产生矛盾。此时判断在$curr+(edgeR-curr)$外的字符是否与$curr-(edgeR-curr)$对应的字符相等,也即$curr+rad(id)$和$curr-rad(id)$对应的字符不相等。


当$rad(curr_s) = edgeR-curr$时,以$curr$为中心的回文串要延长,只能是超过$edgeR$的部分,所以这个时候只要再往外判断就可以了,不需要再判断$curr$右侧、$edgeR$左侧这些字符与$curr$左侧的对称性。



#Palindrome-way-4 Manacher
#0. add the "#"s to the string. 
#   record the maximum of Palindrome substring with Mlen = 1; and its start with startInd = 2; L the length of the string
#   record the current rightest edge of palindrome with edgeR, initialize it with 2, and the index of the character is named id = 2
#   record the current index with curr, and its symmetric index about id is curr_s = 2*curr - id
#   record the length of the palidromes centred by the characters with list rad
#1. for every char with index curr
#   slen = 0
#   check if edgeR > curr, if true, then make rad[curr] = min(rad(curr_s), edgeR-curr) and slen = rad[curr]+1
#   while(string[curr-slen] = string[curr+slen]) slen++ & rad[curr]++
#   if curr+rad[curr] > edgeR, then edgeR = curr+slen, id = curr
#2. Mlen = max(rad)
#   startInd = floor((argmax(rad)-2)/2) : the real index of the original string

import numpy as np

def initStr(string):
    s_new = ["#"]*(2*len(string)+3)
    s_new[0] = "$"
    s_new[-1] = "&"
    for i in range(len(string)):
        s_new[2*i+2] = string[i]
    return s_new
def findMaxPal_4(string):
    s_new = initStr(string)
    Mlen = 1
    startInd = 2
    L = len(s_new)
    edgeR = 2
    id_ = 2
    curr = 2
    #curr_s = 2*id_- curr
    rad = [0]*L
    for curr in range(2, L-1, 1):
        slen = 1
        if curr < edgeR:
            rad[curr] = min(edgeR - curr, rad[2*id_-curr]) # curr_s = 2*id_-curr
            slen = rad[curr]+1
        while s_new[curr+slen] == s_new[curr-slen]:
            slen += 1
        rad[curr] = slen-1   
        if (curr + rad[curr]) > edgeR:
            id_ = curr
            edgeR = curr + rad[curr]
    Mlen = max(rad)
    startInd = int((np.argmax(rad)-Mlen-1)/2)  # np.argmax(rad)-Mlen+1: original start index
    return startInd, Mlen

testStr = "abbadafadb"
result = findMaxPal_4(testStr)



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