


Last Night, I Forgot to Shut Down My Mouse…

Sep 11th, 2008, a historic day to all Americans and a historic night to me. On such a night, I forgot to shut down my mouse, which is called Microsoft® Wireless Laser Mouse 7000.

Then the story began…

Sep 12th, 2008. After using the mouse for about 4 hours, Windows started to alert me that the power of mouse’s battery is low. 30 minutes later, the mouse stopped working.

I decided to charge the battery, but, I immediately found that I had no mouse to use-because I had to keep the battery in the mouse, and then put the mouse onto the charger. If only there was a charger to charge the battery independently!

But, actually, Microsoft did provide me with “two” chargers, with one charger pedestal and two adapters-one for two-phase socket and another for tri-phase socket. What really surprised me was that the difference between two-phrase adapter and tri-phase adapter was just the angle of electrodes. See the picture below:


Hey, there are many adapters designed to be able to plug into both two-phase and tri-phase socket with two rotatable electrodes, why not provide the customers with such a easy-to-use and easy-to-carry adapter? Please don’t tell me this mouse costs more than the others just because I will get two adapters! Oh, that’s really an “extra gift”, and for this “gift”, I have to carry around more extra things just to use a WIRELESS mouse which is supposed to be more easy-to-use.

Actually, as a programmer, I advise you to read GOF’s “Design Pattern” to understand “What Is an Adapter”.

All right, I will try to get accustomed to these “adapters”, but, will you provide a wire that can be directly plug into my mouse so that I can still use it during the battery is charging? Or, as an alternative, you provide me a really “BATTERTY CHARGER” so that I can charge the battery independently while the mouse can still work with another battery?

Or……As a compromise, can you just keep Microsoft® Wireless Laser Mouse 6000’s auto power switch design so that I will not forget to shutdown the power in future, thus, the story should not have begun.

posted @ 2008-09-12 16:33  大佛脚下  阅读(898)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报