



  • Tom M. Mitchell的《机器学习》最后一章讲reinforcement learning,算是入门

  • 吴恩达公开课中的强化学习部分,他们自动直升机实验室做的项目。

  • 吴恩达的博士生Pieter Abbeel(现任教于伯克利,上面的机器人即是他们实验室),他的博士论文Apprenticeship Learning and Reinforcement Learning with Application to Robotic Control值得一看,还有其在伯克利的DRL课程

  • Richard S.Sutton and Andrew G.Barto的RL的经典之作Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction

  • Marco Wiering Martijn van Otterlo (Eds.)写的 Reinforcement Learning State-Of-the-Art

  • 2015 nature上的 一篇关于 reinforcement learning 的综述: Reinforcement learning improves behaviour from evaluative feedback(Michael L. Littman)(链接还包括2015年机器学习专栏其他5篇综述,如下:

    • Machine intelligence (Tanguy Chouard & Liesbeth Venema)
    • Deep learning(Yann LeCun, Yoshua Bengio & Geoffrey Hinton)
    • Reinforcement learning improves behaviour from evaluative feedback
      (Michael L. Littman)
    • Probabilistic machine learning and artificial intelligence(Zoubin Ghahramani)
    • Science, technology and the future of small autonomous drone(Dario Floreano & Robert J. Wood)
    • Design, fabrication and control of soft robots(Daniela Rus & Michael T. Tolley)
    • From evolutionary computation to the evolution of things(Agoston E. Eiben & Jim Smith)




(from reinforcement learning State of the art)

A large portion of papers appears every year (or two year) at the established top conferences

  • artificial intelligence, such as IJCAI, ECAI and AAAI
  • top conferences with a particular focus on statistical machine learning , such as UAI, ICML, ECML and NIPS.
  • In addition, conferences on artificial life (Alife), adaptive behavior
    (SAB), robotics (ICRA, IROS, RSS) and neural networks and evolutionary computation(e.g. IJCNN and ICANN) feature much reinforcement learning work.


  • The European workshop on reinforcement learning (EWRL)
  • IEEE Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning (ADPRL)


posted on 2016-03-31 16:18  xweel  阅读(999)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
