



Implementing the APM

Now that you see how to define a type that implements the IAsyncResult interface, I'll show how to use my AsyncResult<TResult> and AsyncResultNoResult classes. I defined a LongTask class (see Figure 4) that offers a synchronous DoTask method that takes a long time to execute and returns a DateTime instance indicating when the operation completed.


 Figure 4 LongTask Simulates Asynchronous I/O


internal sealed class LongTask


   private Int32 m_ms;  // Milliseconds;


   public LongTask(Int32 seconds)


      m_ms = seconds * 1000;



   // Synchronous version of time-consuming method

   public DateTime DoTask()


      Thread.Sleep(m_ms);  // Simulate time-consuming task

      return DateTime.Now; // Indicate when task completed



   // Asynchronous version of time-consuming method (Begin part)

   public IAsyncResult BeginDoTask(AsyncCallback callback, Object state)


      // Create IAsyncResult object identifying the

      // asynchronous operation

      AsyncResult<DateTime> ar = new AsyncResult<DateTime>(

         callback, state);


      // Use a thread pool thread to perform the operation

      ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(DoTaskHelper, ar);


      return ar;  // Return the IAsyncResult to the caller



   // Asynchronous version of time-consuming method (End part)

   public DateTime EndDoTask(IAsyncResult asyncResult)


      // We know that the IAsyncResult is really an

      // AsyncResult<DateTime> object

      AsyncResult<DateTime> ar = (AsyncResult<DateTime>)asyncResult;


      // Wait for operation to complete, then return result or

      // throw exception

      return ar.EndInvoke();



   // Asynchronous version of time-consuming method (private part

   // to set completion result/exception)

   private void DoTaskHelper(Object asyncResult)


      // We know that it's really an AsyncResult<DateTime> object

      AsyncResult<DateTime> ar = (AsyncResult<DateTime>)asyncResult;



         // Perform the operation; if sucessful set the result

         DateTime dt = DoTask();

         ar.SetAsCompleted(dt, false);


      catch (Exception e)


         // If operation fails, set the exception

         ar.SetAsCompleted(e, false);






As a convenience, I also offer BeginDoTask and EndDoTask methods that follow the CLR APM, allowing users to execute the DoTask method asynchronously. When a user calls my BeginDoTask method, I construct an AsyncResult<DateTime> object. Then I have a thread pool thread call a small helper method, DoTaskHelper, which wraps a call to the synchronous DoTask method.



The DoTaskHelper method simply calls the synchronous version of the method with a try block. If the DoTask method runs to completion without failing (throwing an exception), then I call SetAsCompleted to set the operation's return value. If the DoTask method throws an exception, then DoTaskHelper's catch block will catch the exception and indicate that the operation has completed by calling SetAsCompleted, passing in the reference to the Exception-derived object.


The application code calls LongTask's EndDoTask method to get the results of the operation. All EndXxx methods are passed an IAsyncResult. Internally, the EndDoTask method knows that the IAsyncResult object passed to it is really an AsyncResult<DateTime> object, casts it, and calls EndInvoke on it. As discussed earlier, AsyncResult<TResult>'s EndInvoke method waits for the operation to complete (if necessary) and then returns the result or throws an exception indicating back to the caller the outcome of the asynchronous operation.


Testing and Performance

The FunctionalTest method (see Figure 5) shows some code that uses my implementation of the APM. It tests the three rendezvous(聚会(地方); 约会地点[时间]; 公共场所; 人们常去(游憩)的地方;) techniques offered by the APM: wait until done, polling, and callback method. If you examine the code, you'll see that it looks identical to any other usage of the APM that you've ever seen. Of course, this is the point of the whole exercise.

FunctionTest方法演示一些实现APM的代码,测试APM提供的三种常用的技术:Wait until donepolling和回调方法.如果你测试一个代码,你将会看到这些APM用法基本相似,当然这仅仅是测试的一个方面.

 Figure 5 Using LongTask


private static void FunctionalTest()


  IAsyncResult ar;

  LongTask lt = new LongTask(5);


  // Prove that the Wait-until-done technique works

  ar = lt.BeginDoTask(null, null);

  Console.WriteLine("Task completed at: {0}", lt.EndDoTask(ar));


  // Prove that the Polling technique works

  ar = lt.BeginDoTask(null, null);

  while (!ar.IsCompleted)


     Console.WriteLine("Not completed yet.");



  Console.WriteLine("Task completed at: {0}", lt.EndDoTask(ar));


  // Prove that the Callback technique works

  lt.BeginDoTask(TaskCompleted, lt);




private static void TaskCompleted(IAsyncResult ar)


  LongTask lt = (LongTask)ar.AsyncState;

  Console.WriteLine("Task completed at: {0}", lt.EndDoTask(ar));

  Console.WriteLine("All done, hit Enter to exit app.");




The PerformanceTest method (see Figure 6) compares the performance of my IAsyncResult implementation to the implementation that the CLR provides when using a delegate's BeginInvoke and EndInvoke methods. My implementation seems to perform better than the FCL's current implementation, apparently due to it always constructing a ManualResetEvent whenever it creates its IAsyncResult object regardless of whether this event is needed by the application.



 Figure 6 Testing IAsyncResult Performance


private const Int32 c_iterations = 100 * 1000; // 100 thousand

private static Int32 s_numDone;

private delegate DateTime DoTaskDelegate();


private static void PerformanceTest()


   AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);

   LongTask lt = new LongTask(0);


   Stopwatch sw;


   s_numDone = 0;

   sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

   for (Int32 n = 0; n < c_iterations; n++)


      lt.BeginDoTask(delegate(IAsyncResult ar)


         if (Interlocked.Increment(ref s_numDone) == c_iterations)


      }, null);



   Console.WriteLine("AsyncResult Time: {0}", sw.Elapsed);

   s_numDone = 0;

   DoTaskDelegate doTaskDelegate = lt.DoTask;


   sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

   for (Int32 n = 0; n < c_iterations; n++)


      doTaskDelegate.BeginInvoke(delegate(IAsyncResult ar)


         if (Interlocked.Increment(ref s_numDone) == c_iterations)


      }, null);



   Console.WriteLine("Delegate    Time: {0}", sw.Elapsed);





I think it is interesting to understand what is going on inside the CLR when we use mechanisms such as the APM. After examining my implementation here, you can get a sense of the size of IAsyncResult objects, what their state is and how they manage their state. This understanding can lead to improved ways of architecting your own applications and to better performance.

In this column, I used my IAsyncResult implementation to perform compute-bound tasks using thread pool threads. In a future column, I'll show how to use my IAsyncResult implementation with I/O-bound operations.



  在这篇文章中我使用线程池来实现IAsyncResult去执行compute-bound 任务.未来的专栏将会为大家演示使用我的IAsyncResult实现完成I/O-bound操作.