wiki解释: [APIs are] a set of subroutine definitions, protocols, and tools for building application software. In general terms, it’s a set of clearly de 阅读全文
在js中一般使用的循环有两种: 1.常规的for(var i=0;i<length;i++) 2.for-in:for(var item in list) 3.for of 描述 对应于一个对象的每个属性,或一个数组的每个元素,执行一个或多个语句。 语法 for (variable in [obje 阅读全文
Function Declarations: EXAMPLE: the result: 12 The Function() Constructor: the result: 12 Self-Invoking Functions: the result: Hello! I called myself 阅读全文
Objects constructor: to have an "object type" that can be used to create many objects of one type.The standard way to create an "object type" is to us 阅读全文