Narrative writing revision(2)

I am the emperor of this country. "l particularly enjoy wearing beautiful new clothes and frequently visit the park, not just for leisure but to show off my latest outfits. Unlike many, I neither dislike shopping nor watching plays. So whenever someone wants to see me, my guards always say, "The emperor is in his dressing room."
One day, two weavers arrived at the palace. They claimed to be able to weave the most miraculous fabric in the world. This fabric was not only visually appealing with vibrant colors and patterns, but also invisible to those who were foolish or incompetent.
I thought to myself, "This is exactly what I need. By wearing such clothes, I can discern who among my subjects are intelligent and who are foolish. I can also determine the capable and incompetent among my ministers."
So, I paid the two weavers a considerable amount of money and instructed them to start working immediately. They set up two looms and pretended to work, but there was nothing on their looms. Every two days, they would ask me for the finest gold and silver threads. For many days, they busied themselves on their empty looms, working late into the night.
Eager to know how the weavers' fabric was progressing, I decided to send my most honest minister to inspect it first. The minister arrived at the weavers' workshop , his eyes widening as wide as a bowl in anticipation. The weavers invited him closer and pointed to the loom, asking, "Isn't the pattern beautiful? Aren't the colors gorgeous?" After returning, my minister reported to me, "Oh, it's truly magnificent!" The two weavers then demanded more money, gold, and silver threads from me, and they continued to work on their looms. After a few days, I sent another honest official to inspect the fabric, and he also praised it highly and reported back to me.
Finally, I couldn't contain my curiosity anymore and went to see their work myself, accompanied by a select group of officials. "Look, Your Majesty, how beautiful the fabric is! How intricate the patterns and vibrant the colors!" I was startled because I couldn't see a single thread. What was happening? Was I foolish? Was I unfit to be an emperor? It was too terrifying to think about. No, I couldn't let anyone know that I couldn't see it. "Oh, it's truly beautiful!" I nodded in satisfaction while carefully examining the fabric on the loom. The officials following me all praised it as well, suggesting that we make a ceremonial robe from this special fabric and wear it during the parade. I happily accepted their suggestion.
The night before the parade, the two weavers stayed up all night. They lit sixteen candles, took the fabric off the loom, and cut it in the air with two large scissors. Then they sewed it together with needles without thread and announced loudly, "The new clothes are ready! Here is the pants, here is the robe, and here is the outer garment. The fabric is as light and delicate as a spider's web. Whoever wears it will feel as if they are wearing nothing at all, which is precisely the beauty of this garment."
I stripped off all my clothes and stood in front of a large mirror. The two weavers helped me put on the new clothes piece by piece. The people watching unanimously praised, "It's truly a beautiful outfit."
Thus, I began the parade. Everyone on the streets and behind the windows commented on how beautiful and well-fitting the emperor's new clothes were.
"But he's wearing no clothes at all!" A little child finally spoke up. "He really isn't wearing any clothes!" All the common people echoed the same sentiment.
I felt a shiver of unease. Perhaps the people were telling the truth. I had to continue with the parade, I told myself. So, I put on an even prouder demeanor and continued the parade.

posted @ 2024-05-19 14:54  代晴晴  阅读(3)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报