


simulates a modelica model by generating c code, build it and run the simulation executable.
The only required argument is the className, while all others have some default values.
simulate(className, [startTime], [stopTime], [numberOfIntervals], [tolerance], [method], [fileNamePrefix], [options], [outputFormat], [variableFilter], [cflags], [simflags])
Example command:
function simulate
  input TypeName className "the class that should simulated";
  input Real startTime = "<default>" "the start time of the simulation. <default> = 0.0";
  input Real stopTime = 1.0 "the stop time of the simulation. <default> = 1.0";
  input Real numberOfIntervals = 500 "number of intervals in the result file. <default> = 500";
  input Real tolerance = 1e-6 "tolerance used by the integration method. <default> = 1e-6";
  input String method = "<default>" "integration method used for simulation. <default> = dassl";
  input String fileNamePrefix = "<default>" "fileNamePrefix. <default> = \"\"";
  input String options = "<default>" "options. <default> = \"\"";
  input String outputFormat = "mat" "Format for the result file. <default> = \"mat\"";
  input String variableFilter = ".*" "Filter for variables that should store in result file. <default> = \".*\"";
  input String cflags = "<default>" "cflags. <default> = \"\"";
  input String simflags = "<default>" "simflags. <default> = \"\"";
  output SimulationResult simulationResults;
  record SimulationResult
    String resultFile;
    String simulationOptions;
    String messages;
    Real timeFrontend;
    Real timeBackend;
    Real timeSimCode;
    Real timeTemplates;
    Real timeCompile;
    Real timeSimulation;
    Real timeTotal;
  end SimulationResult;
end simulate;


posted on 2019-01-01 19:12  Pusteblume2018  阅读(854)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
