One-Click Test Case Binding Tool 一键绑定测试用例(Visual Studio 2012)

最近项目需要就写了一个用来绑定测试代码和tfs test case的工具,如果对你有用 那就拿走吧



用户:经常开发单元测试或者自动化测试的用户,并且同时需要使用tfs或者是test manager

用例:在visual studio中开发了很多unit test和coded ui test,这个工具可以根据代码自动在TFS中创建test case 并且绑定automation,(如果已经存在就更新)



Sample: Create and Bind Test Case

Test Code

Perform Binding

Auto Create And Update Test Case in TFS

Auto Bind Test Automation

Save binding relationship to code for next update







(right click code windows)












 Feature List

  1. Create and update Test Case in TFS based on Code and Template
  2. Bind Test Automation
  3. Load Title and Summary From TFS Into Code

Installation From Nuget


  1. Open Visual Studio 2012
  2. Open Any Solution or Project in Visual Studio 2012, you will see following screen
  3. Right Click Project and select “Manage NuGet Packages”
  4. In popup windows
  5. a)         Select “stable Only”

    b)         Click “Online”

    c)         Input “TestCaseBinding” in search online textbox

    d)         Click install

  6. You will see a file “Microsoft.ECO.TestHelper.config” has been added to you project’s root folder
  7. Restart visual studio 2012 to enable addin
  8. Right click code windows and click “Sync Test Case with TFS”

posted on 2013-05-29 00:05  听说读写  阅读(1755)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
