- https://stackblitz.com/ 借助StackBlitz网站可快速开始搭建一个angular项目
- 一个angular的component包含三项东西
- A component class that handles data and functionality. (componentName.component.ts)
- An HTML template that determines the UI. (componentName.component.html)
- Component-specific styles that define the look and feel. Though product list does not define any styles, this is where component CSS resides.(componentName.component.spec.ts)
- Angular's template syntax extends HTML and JavaScript.
five common features of Angular's template syntax:
- ts既typescript
- 项目编译用得是TypeScript编译器,当代码变化时,它会自动重新编译。 同时,该命令还会在浏览器中启动该应用,并且当代码变化时刷新浏览器。
参考 <https://angular.io/start#getting-started-with-angular-your-first-app>