读取模式下cbc latch的事件模拟(热块竞争和热链竞争)-P62

1. 背景

cbc latch的竞争,读取模式下各个版本可能是不同的。
比如在版本11.是模拟不出读取模式下latch: cache buffers chains,这里原因不做探讨。

2. 过程

关于cbc latch,我们知道逻辑读下,通过全表扫描或者rowid去读取块,用的是独占的cbc latch模式。

2.1 热块竞争


2.1.1 版本11.

session 1和session 2同时执行。

SYS@zkm> create table zkm.test as select rownum id from dual connect by rownum<=10;

Table created.

SYS@zkm> select dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno(rowid) file#,dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) block#,rowid from zkm.test where rownum=1;

---------- ---------- ------------------
         4        131 AAAEQGAAEAAAACDAAA session 1(sid:34)

SYS@zkm> select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1;


SYS@zkm> declare
  2   r int;
  3  begin
  4   for i in 1..1000000000 loop
  5    select count(*) into r  from zkm.test where rowid='AAAEQGAAEAAAACDAAA';
  6   end loop;
  7  end;
  8  /
---等待 session 2(sid:35)

SYS@zkm> select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1;


SYS@zkm> declare
  2   r int;
  3  begin
  4   for i in 1..1000000000 loop
  5    select count(*) into r  from zkm.test where rowid='AAAEQGAAEAAAACDAAA';
  6   end loop;
  7  end;
  8  /
---等待 session 3


SYS@zkm> select sid,event,TOTAL_WAITS from v$session_event where sid in (34,35);

       SID EVENT                                                            TOTAL_WAITS
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
        34 Disk file operations I/O                                                   1
        34 latch: cache buffers chains                                              176
        34 cursor: pin S                                                           1497
        34 SQL*Net message to client                                                  7
        34 SQL*Net message from client                                                6
        35 Disk file operations I/O                                                   1
        35 latch: cache buffers chains                                              236
        35 cursor: pin S                                                           1453
        35 SQL*Net message to client                                                  7
        35 SQL*Net message from client                                                6

10 rows selected.

其中,“latch: cache buffers chains”中sid34和sid35各发生了176次和236次。

2.1.2 版本11.

步骤类似2.1,省略其中2.1.1.1-。 session 3

SYS@zkm> select sid,event,TOTAL_WAITS from v$session_event where sid in (35,28);

       SID EVENT                                                            TOTAL_WAITS
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
        28 Disk file operations I/O                                                   1
        28 cursor: pin S                                                           5225
        28 latch: shared pool                                                         6
        28 SQL*Net message to client                                                  7
        28 SQL*Net message from client                                                6
        35 Disk file operations I/O                                                   2
        35 db file sequential read                                                    7
        35 cursor: pin S                                                           5235
        35 latch: shared pool                                                         4
        35 SQL*Net message to client                                                  7
        35 SQL*Net message from client                                                6

11 rows selected.

其中,“latch: cache buffers chains”一次都没有出现。

2.1.3 版本10.

步骤类似2.1,省略其中2.1.1.1-。 session 3

SQL> select sid,event,TOTAL_WAITS from v$session_event where sid in (147,148);

       SID EVENT                                                            TOTAL_WAITS
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
       147 latch: cache buffers chains                                              762
       147 latch: library cache                                                     551
       147 latch: library cache pin                                                 423
       147 SQL*Net message to client                                                  9
       147 SQL*Net message from client                                                8
       148 latch: cache buffers chains                                              706
       148 latch: library cache                                                     624
       148 latch: library cache pin                                                 393
       148 SQL*Net message to client                                                  9
       148 SQL*Net message from client                                                8

10 rows selected.

出现“latch: cache buffers chains”远远多于在11.上的次数。并且时间上运行了3个小时(我还是ssd的盘),前面的两个版本都没那么久。



2.2.1 版本11.

SYS@zkm> set linesize 500
SYS@zkm> select dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno(rowid) file#,dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) block#,rowid from zkm.test where id=1;

---------- ---------- ------------------
         4        131 AAAEQGAAEAAAACDAAA

SYS@zkm> select distinct hladdr from x$bh where file#=4 and dbablk=131;


SYS@zkm> select a.file#,a.dbablk,b.owner,b.object_name from x$bh a,dba_objects b where a.hladdr='00000003E4734398' and a.obj=b.data_object_id;

     FILE#     DBABLK OWNER                          OBJECT_NAME
---------- ---------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         1       3160 SYS                            I_MON_MODS$_OBJ
         2      15242 SYS                            I_WRI$_OPTSTAT_HH_OBJ_ICOL_ST
         4        131 ZKM                            TEST
         4       4469 ZKM                            PIS

SYS@zkm> select object_id,data_object_id from dba_objects where owner='ZKM' and object_name='PIS';

---------- --------------
     17419          17419

SYS@zkm> select dbms_rowid.rowid_create(1,17419,4,4469,0) from dual;


其中,00000003E4734398是cbc latch的地址。找出这个地址后,在找出这个地址下保护的其他对象。
这里我们挑zkm.pis这张表(文件4,块号4469),因为SYS.I_MON_MODS$_OBJ和SYS.I_WRI$_OPTSTAT_HH_OBJ_ICOL_ST没办法查询,我新构造了zkm.pis这张表直到出现这个00000003E4734398也有zkm.pis的结果。 session 1(sid:19)

SYS@zkm> select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1; 


SYS@zkm> declare
  2   r int;
  3  begin
  4   for i in 1..1000000000 loop
  5    select id into r from zkm.test where rowid='AAAEQGAAEAAAACDAAA';
  6   end loop;
  7  end;
  8  /
  ---等待 session 2(sid:31)

SYS@zkm> select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1;


SYS@zkm> declare
  2   r int;
  3  begin
  4   for i in 1..1000000000 loop
  5    select count(*) into r from zkm.pis where rowid='AAAEQLAAEAAABF1AAA';
  6   end loop;
  7  end;
  8  /
  ---等待 session 3

SYS@zkm> select sid,event,state,p1raw,p2raw from v$session where sid in (19,31) order by 2;

       SID EVENT                                                            STATE               P1RAW            P2RAW
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---------------- ----------------
        31 latch: cache buffers chains                                      WAITED SHORT TIME   00000003E4734398 0000000000000096
        19 latch: cache buffers chains                                      WAITED SHORT TIME   00000003E4734398 0000000000000096

session 1和session 2跑期间可以刷出以上结果,其中,p1raw正好是latch的地址。
最后session 1和session 2,通过视图v$session_event查看等待事件的统计如下:

SYS@zkm> select sid,event,TOTAL_WAITS from v$session_event where sid in (19,31);

       SID EVENT                                                            TOTAL_WAITS
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
        19 Disk file operations I/O                                                   1
        19 latch: cache buffers chains                                              213
        19 SQL*Net message to client                                                  7
        19 SQL*Net message from client                                                6
        31 Disk file operations I/O                                                   1
        31 latch: cache buffers chains                                              279
        31 SQL*Net message to client                                                  7
        31 SQL*Net message from client                                                6

8 rows selected.

2.2.2 版本11.

步骤类似2.2.1.1-,省略。 session 3

最后session 1和session 2,通过视图v$session_event查看等待事件的统计如下:

SYS@zkm> select sid,event,TOTAL_WAITS from v$session_event where sid in (29,24);

       SID EVENT                                                            TOTAL_WAITS
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
        24 Disk file operations I/O                                                   1
        24 latch: shared pool                                                         7
        24 SQL*Net message to client                                                  8
        24 SQL*Net message from client                                                7
        24 SQL*Net break/reset to client                                              2
        29 Disk file operations I/O                                                   1
        29 latch: shared pool                                                         9
        29 SQL*Net message to client                                                  7
        29 SQL*Net message from client                                                6

9 rows selected.

2.2.3 版本10.

步骤类似2.2.1.1-,省略。 session 3

SQL> select sid,event,state,p1raw,p2raw from v$session where sid in (148,158) order by 2;

       SID EVENT                                                            STATE               P1RAW            P2RAW
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---------------- ----------------
       158 latch: cache buffers chains                                      WAITED KNOWN TIME   0000000082FA5158 000000000000007A
       148 latch: cache buffers chains                                      WAITED KNOWN TIME   0000000082FA5158 000000000000007A

session 1和session 2跑期间可以刷出以上结果,其中,p1raw正好是latch的地址。
最后session 1和session 2,通过视图v$session_event查看等待事件的统计如下:

SQL> select sid,event,TOTAL_WAITS from v$session_event where sid in (148,158);

       SID EVENT                                                            TOTAL_WAITS
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
       148 latch: cache buffers chains                                              773
       148 latch: library cache                                                     794
       148 latch: library cache pin                                                 426
       148 SQL*Net message to client                                                  9
       148 SQL*Net message from client                                                8
       158 latch: cache buffers chains                                              673
       158 latch: library cache                                                     950
       158 latch: library cache pin                                                 413
       158 SQL*Net message to client                                                  9
       158 SQL*Net message from client                                                8

10 rows selected.

现象和热块竞争时候是一样的。一样模拟不出来“latch: cache buffers chains”。

3 热块/链竞争的解决

热链竞争:可以通过修改隐藏参数_db_block_hash_buckets或者_db_block_hash_latches值,它们分别控制HASH Bucket的数量和CBC Latch的数量。修改后,BH和HASH Bucket的对应关系就会被重新计算。原本在同一链表中的BH,重新计算后很可能就不在同一链表中了。不过,不是实在无计可施的情况,不推荐修改这两个参数。

热块竞争:大多是执行计划不合理或者sql有问题导致的。比如等值查询条件表,表又比较大,可以考虑创建唯一索引,因为索引的根块枝块页块表块都是使用共享模式的CBC Latch,不用担心引起争用。

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