

1.DecompressionBombWarning: Image size (92680344 pixels) exceeds limit of 89478485 pixels, could be decompression bomb DOS attack.DecompressionBombWarning,

  日期 : 2021-01-27

  原因是图像尺寸超过PLI 默认读取图像尺寸。

  一种方法是更改阈值上限 参考

from PIL import Image
Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 2300000000 # 更改阈值像素上限




    for data in enumerate(testLoader): # 这边返回的是(执行次数,__getitem__返回数据) 。 Loader的batch_size= 1
        classNO = data[1][1]
        testImage= data[1][0]
        filePath =data[1][2]
        testEncode = model.encode(testImage.cuda())
        featureList.append((testEncode,classNO ,filePath))

    大概运行25次,显存溢出。 用的是ResNet152做迁移学习。显存是8G ,之前训练网络的时候,批次=25,显存就会溢出。对照,显然每次加载一幅图像生成特征值后,该次的网络占用没有释放。猜测虽然是eval ,但是每次运行后将testEncode 存储。系统检测到数据没释放,对应生成特征的网络过程也没释放。


 testEncode = model.encode(testImage.cuda()).detach().cpu()   # 调用detach之后,存储新建副本,与网络无关。


 3. 加载预训练模型并删除指定数据

  加载预训练模型的时候,会碰到预训练模型类别数目和实际类别不一致。 网上搜索,有如下方法


        checkpoint = torch.load(config.PREMODELPATH, map_location='cpu')
        classifiers = "head"
        msg = model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model'], strict=False)
model.head = 新建输出头


 checkpoint = torch.load(config.PREMODELPATH, map_location='cpu')
        classifiers = "head"
        if classifiers is not None:
            if isinstance(classifiers, str):
                classifiers = (classifiers,)
            if config.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES != 1000:
                for classifier_name in classifiers:
                    # completely discard fully connected if model num_classes doesn't match pretrained weights
                    del checkpoint["model"][classifier_name + '.weight']
                    del checkpoint["model"][classifier_name + '.bias']


4.could not export Python function call 'SwishImplementation'. Remove calls to Python functions before ……

原因是efficientnet使用 Swish 激活函数默认是高效版本实现,该版本没有"torch.jit.ScriptModule"子类实现。 



class EfficientNet(nn.Module):

  def set_swish(self, memory_efficient=True): """Sets swish function as memory efficient (for training) or standard (for export). Args: memory_efficient (bool): Whether to use memory-efficient version of swish. """ self._swish = MemoryEfficientSwish() if memory_efficient else Swish() for block in self._blocks: block.set_swish(memory_efficient)


local_model.set_swish(False) # swish从默认高效内存模型更改为一般形式以便导出。
sm = torch.jit.trace(local_model,example) #导出成功,但报 Tried to access nonexistent attribute or method 'expand_ratio' of type 'Tuple[int, int, List[int], int, int, int, float, bool]'.: 导出数据和一般python误差精度范围内,有


5.TracerWarning: Output nr 1. of the traced function does not match the corresponding output of the Python function. Detailed error:

With rtol=1e-05 and atol=1e-05, found 8 element(s) (out of 8) whose difference(s) exceeded the margin of error (including 0 nan comparisons). The greatest difference was 0.8556110858917236 (4.123325824737549 vs. 3.267714738845825), which occurred at index (0, 0).

原因是:模型默认是 train模式,运行过程,参数会更改。

模式使用eval()模式,加载模型权重,删去模型中关于 cuda 操作.

解决办法:调用 model.eval()

6.Tried to access nonexistent attribute or method 'expand_ratio' of type 'Tuple[int, int, List[int], int, int, int, float, bool]'.:

File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\pytorch1.8.1\lib\site-packages\efficientnet_pytorch\", line 104
        # Expansion and Depthwise Convolution
        x = inputs
        if self._block_args.expand_ratio != 1:
           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <--- HERE

猜测是 expand_ratio 参数类型不能 导出。


posted @ 2021-01-27 15:18  飘零_未知的坚持  阅读(1236)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报