计算机视觉2D几何基元及其变换介绍和OpenCV WarpPerspective源码分析
1. 区分n维空间的点和向量,一个点的第n+1维为非零值,而向量的n+1维为02. 统一几何基元的旋转,平移,拉伸,投影等操作(只用一个矩阵就可以表示)

,如果 l = (0,0,1),则包含所有无穷远点








因为而仿射变换是投影变化的子集,所有对2D几何基元的操作都以用一个3x3的Homography表示,这样一来对图像的多次2D变换就相当于图像对多个Homography矩阵的乘积,即R = H1*H2*H3...Hn*r
1 import numpy as np 2 import cv2 as cv 3 from numba import jit 4 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 5 from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties 6 7 def MoveT(tx, ty, lastOp = None)->np.ndarray: 8 op = np.array([[1, 0, tx], [0, 1, ty], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float32) 9 if lastOp is not None: 10 op = np.dot(op, lastOp) 11 return op 12 13 14 def RotateT(r, lastOp = None)->np.ndarray: 15 op = np.array([[np.cos(r), -np.sin(r), 0], [np.sin(r), np.cos(r), 0], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float32) 16 if lastOp is not None: 17 op = np.dot(op, lastOp) 18 return op 19 20 21 def ZoomT(rx, ry, lastOp = None)->np.ndarray: 22 op = np.array([[rx, 0, 0], [0, ry, 0], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float32) 23 if lastOp is not None: 24 op = np.dot(op, lastOp) 25 return op 26 27 def Transform(imgSrc:np.ndarray, op)->np.ndarray: 28 h, w = imgSrc.shape[:2] 29 imgDst = np.zeros(imgSrc.shape, dtype=imgSrc.dtype) 30 for i in range(h): 31 v1 = np.stack((np.arange(w), np.ones(w)*i, np.ones(w)),axis=-1) 32 v2 = np.dot(v1, op) 33 tpx, tpy, tpz = np.hsplit(v2, 3) 34 for iy, ix, iz, j in zip(tpy, tpx, tpz, range(w)): 35 py, px = int(iy/iz), int(ix/iz) 36 if 0<= py < h and 0 <= px < w: 37 imgDst[int(py), int(px)] = imgSrc[i, j] 38 39 return imgDst
1 if __name__ == "__main__": 2 font_set = FontProperties(fname=r"c:\windows\fonts\msyh.ttc", size=12) 3 imgSrc = plt.imread("E:/Users/Administrator/pictures/Test/user.jpg") 4 op = np.transpose(MoveT(10,30, RotateT(np.pi/12, ZoomT(1.1, 1.2)))) 5 6 imgDst = Transform(imgSrc, op) 7 plt.figure(1), plt.imshow(imgDst), plt.title("Resuult", fontproperties=font_set) 8 plt.show()
1. 对y尺度放大1.1倍,x尺度放大1.2倍2. 绕z轴(垂直于x,y)旋转π/12度3. x方向移动30像素,y方向移动10像素
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fig1: 原图 | fig2: 仿射变换结果 |
,并且设h33 = 1,那么就要把剩下的8个参数给解出来,8个未知数需要8个方程,又因为从仿射变换的对应关系,可以列方程为:

1 # WarpCorrection.py 2 3 @jit 4 def BilinearInterpolation(imgSrc:np.ndarray, h, w, sx:float, sy:float)->float: 5 """ 6 对图片的指定位置做双线性插值 7 :param imgSrc:源图像 8 :param h: src的高度 9 :param w: src的宽度 10 :param sx: x位置 11 :param sy: y位置 12 :return: 所插入的值 13 """ 14 intSx, intSy = int(sx), int(sy) 15 if 0 <= intSx < w - 1 and 0 <= intSy < h - 1: 16 x1, x2 = intSx, intSx + 1 17 y1, y2 = intSy, intSy + 1 18 H1 = np.dot(np.array([x2 - sx, sx - x1]), imgSrc[y1: y2 + 1, x1:x2 + 1]) 19 return H1[0]*(y2 - sy) + H1[1]*(sy - y1) 20 else: 21 return imgSrc[intSy, intSx] 22 23 def WarpCorrection(imgSrc:np.ndarray, dots:tuple)->np.ndarray: 24 assert len(dots) == 4 25 26 # 四个点的顺序一定要按照左上,右上,右下,左下的顺时针顺序点 27 d1, d2, d3, d4 = dots 28 x1, x2, x3, x4 = d1[0], d2[0], d3[0], d4[0] 29 y1, y2, y3, y4 = d1[1], d2[1], d3[1], d4[1] 30 assert x1 < x2 31 assert x4 < x3 32 assert y1 < y4 33 assert y2 < y3 34 35 objW = np.round(np.sqrt((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2)) 36 objH = np.round(np.sqrt((x2 - x3) ** 2 + (y2 - y3) ** 2)) 37 38 # 在这里我简单地设为把所输入的四个点的位置,通过2D变换,变换为长方形的四个顶点的位置(以x1为起点) 39 t1, t2, t3, t4 = (y1, x1), (y1, x1 + objW), (y1 + objH, x1 + objW), (y1 + objH, x1), 40 41 rx1, rx2, rx3, rx4 = t1[1], t2[1], t3[1], t4[1] 42 ry1, ry2, ry3, ry4 = t1[0], t2[0], t3[0], t4[0] 43 44 # ================Step 0: 根据 8个点两两对应关系找到Homography矩阵================ 45 # 把8个约束写成方程组,以矩阵的形式表达 46 m = np.array([ 47 [y1, x1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -ry1 * y1, -ry1 * x1], 48 [0, 0, 0, y1, x1, 1, -rx1 * y1, -rx1 * x1], 49 [y2, x2, 1, 0, 0, 0, -ry2 * y2, -ry2 * x2], 50 [0, 0, 0, y2, x2, 1, -rx2 * y2, -rx2 * x2], 51 [y3, x3, 1, 0, 0, 0, -ry3 * y3, -ry3 * x3], 52 [0, 0, 0, y3, x3, 1, -rx3 * y3, -rx3 * x3], 53 [y4, x4, 1, 0, 0, 0, -ry4 * y4, -ry4 * x4], 54 [0, 0, 0, y4, x4, 1, -rx4 * y4, -rx4 * x4], 55 ]) 56 57 vectorSrc = np.array([ry1, rx1, ry2, rx2, ry3, rx3, ry4, rx4]) 58 vectorSrc.shape = (1, 8) 59 HFlat = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(m), np.transpose(vectorSrc)) 60 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = HFlat[0, 0],HFlat[1, 0],HFlat[2, 0],HFlat[3, 0],HFlat[4, 0],HFlat[5, 0],HFlat[6, 0],HFlat[7, 0] 61 62 H = np.array([[a, b, c], 63 [d, e, f], 64 [g, h, 1]], dtype=np.float32) 65 66 # ================Step 1: 通过对原图像四个顶点进行正向投射变换,确定目标图像区域================ 67 height, width = imgSrc.shape[:2] 68 matrixOriginVertex = np.array([[0, 0, 1], 69 [0, width - 1, 1], 70 [height - 1, width - 1, 1] , 71 [height - 1, 0, 1]]) 72 73 result = np.dot(matrixOriginVertex, np.transpose(H)) 74 minX = int(min(result[0, 1]/result[0, 2], result[1, 1]/result[1, 2], result[2, 1]/result[2, 2], result[3, 1]/result[3, 2])) 75 maxX = int(max(result[0, 1]/result[0, 2], result[1, 1]/result[1, 2], result[2, 1]/result[2, 2], result[3, 1]/result[3, 2])) 76 minY = int(min(result[0, 0]/result[0, 2], result[1, 0]/result[1, 2], result[2, 0]/result[2, 2], result[3, 0]/result[3, 2])) 77 maxY = int(max(result[0, 0]/result[0, 2], result[1, 0]/result[1, 2], result[2, 0]/result[2, 2], result[3, 0]/result[3, 2])) 78 79 # ================Step 2: 反向变换+双二次插值校正图像================ 80 vtr = np.empty((0,3),dtype=np.float32) 81 for i in range(minY, maxY): 82 arr1 = np.arange(minX, maxX) 83 arr2 = np.ones(maxX - minX) 84 vt1 = np.stack((arr2*i, arr1 , arr2), axis=-1) 85 vtr = np.concatenate((vtr, vt1), axis=0) 86 87 # 请注意,因为传进去的是规范化后(Y, X, 1)的值,所以得到的其实是(y/Z, x/Z, 1/Z的值) 88 vts = np.dot(vtr,np.linalg.inv(np.transpose(H))) 89 dstHeight, dstWidth = maxY - minY + 1, maxX - minX + 1 90 imgDst = np.zeros((dstHeight, dstWidth, imgSrc.shape[2]), dtype=imgSrc.dtype) 91 92 for (r, s) in zip(vtr, vts): 93 ry, rx = int(r[0]), int(r[1]) 94 iy, ix = s[:2] 95 # 需要解 [y, x] = [iy*(g*y + h*x + 1), ix*(g*y + h*x + 1)]这个方程 96 TH = np.linalg.inv(np.array([[iy * g - 1, iy * h], 97 [ix * g, ix * h - 1]])) 98 99 vxy = np.dot(TH, np.array([[-iy], [-ix]])) 100 sy, sx = vxy[0, 0], vxy[1, 0] 101 102 if 0 <= round(sy) < height and 0 <= round(sx) < width: 103 imgDst[ry - minY, rx - minX] = BilinearInterpolation(imgSrc, height, width, sx, sy) 104 105 return imgDst
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fig3. 双二次插值公式推导 | fig4. 双二次插值图像解释 |
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 3 from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties 4 from WarpTransform import * 5 from multiprocessing.dummy import Process 6 7 windowCount = int(0) 8 mainWinName = "source" 9 10 def WarpImage(imgSrc:np.ndarray, dots:tuple, count)->None: 11 imgBLiner, imgNearest = WarpCorrection(imgSrc, dots) 12 13 winName:str = f"result BLiner {count}" 14 cv.namedWindow(winName) 15 cv.imshow(winName, imgBLiner) 16 17 winName:str = f"result nearest {count}" 18 cv.namedWindow(winName) 19 cv.imshow(winName, imgNearest) 20 21 cv.waitKey(0) 22 cv.destroyWindow(winName) 23 24 class WarpCorrectionMgr: 25 def __init__(self, imgSrc): 26 self.__clickTime = 0 27 self.__imgSrc = imgSrc.copy() 28 self.__imgDrawn = imgSrc.copy() 29 self.__dots = [] 30 31 @property 32 def sourceImage(self): 33 return self.__imgSrc 34 35 @property 36 def drawnImage(self): 37 return self.__imgDrawn 38 39 @drawnImage.setter 40 def drawnImage(self, newImg): 41 self.__imgDrawn = newImg 42 43 @property 44 def clickTime(self): 45 return self.__clickTime 46 47 @clickTime.setter 48 def clickTime(self, v): 49 self.__clickTime = v 50 51 @property 52 def dots(self): 53 return self.__dots 54 55 @staticmethod 56 def MouseCallback(event, x, y, flags, param): 57 # 四个点的顺序一定要按照左上,右上,右下,左下的顺时针顺序点 58 if event == cv.EVENT_LBUTTONDBLCLK: 59 clickTime = param.clickTime 60 cv.circle(param.drawnImage, (x, y), 8, (0, 0, 255),-1) 61 param.dots.append((x, y)) 62 cv.imshow(mainWinName, param.drawnImage) 63 64 if clickTime + 1 == 4: 65 global windowCount 66 p = Process(target=WarpImage, args=(param.sourceImage, param.dots.copy(), windowCount)) 67 p.daemon = True 68 p.start() 69 70 param.drawnImage = param.sourceImage.copy() 71 cv.imshow(mainWinName,param.sourceImage) 72 param.dots.clear() 73 windowCount += 1 74 75 param.clickTime = (clickTime + 1) % 4 76 77 78 if __name__ == "__main__": 79 cv.namedWindow(mainWinName) 80 imgSrc = cv.imread("E:/Users/Administrator/pictures/Test/skew.jpg") 81 imgSrc = cv.resize(imgSrc, (int(imgSrc.shape[1]/4), int(imgSrc.shape[0]/4))) 82 83 mgr = WarpCorrectionMgr(imgSrc) 84 cv.setMouseCallback(mainWinName, WarpCorrectionMgr.MouseCallback, mgr) 85 86 cv.imshow(mainWinName, imgSrc) 87 cv.waitKey(0) 88 cv.destroyAllWindows()
# 请注意,因为传进去的是规范化后(Y, X, 1)的值,所以得到的其实是(y/Z, x/Z, 1/Z的值) vts = np.dot(vtr,np.linalg.inv(np.transpose(H))) dstHeight, dstWidth = maxY - minY + 1, maxX - minX + 1 imgBLiner = np.zeros((dstHeight, dstWidth, imgSrc.shape[2]), dtype=imgSrc.dtype) imgNearest = np.zeros((dstHeight, dstWidth, imgSrc.shape[2]), dtype=imgSrc.dtype) for (r, s) in zip(vtr, vts): ry, rx = int(r[0]), int(r[1]) iy, ix = s[:2] # 需要解 [y, x] = [iy*(g*y + h*x + 1), ix*(g*y + h*x + 1)]这个方程 TH = np.linalg.inv(np.array([[iy * g - 1, iy * h], [ix * g, ix * h - 1]])) vxy = np.dot(TH, np.array([[-iy], [-ix]])) sy, sx = vxy[0, 0], vxy[1, 0] if 0 <= round(sy) < height and 0 <= round(sx) < width: imgBLiner[ry - minY, rx - minX] = BilinearInterpolation(imgSrc, height, width, sx, sy) imgNearest[ry - minY, rx - minX] = imgSrc[int(round(sy)),int(round(sx))] return imgBLiner, imgNearest

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Fig3. 最近邻插值(边缘很粗糙,看“清华大学出版社”几个字) | Fig4. 双二次插值(毛刺很少,但是图像模糊了) |
1 void cv::warpPerspective( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, InputArray _M0, 2 Size dsize, int flags, int borderType, const Scalar& borderValue ) 3 { 4 Mat src = _src.getMat(), M0 = _M0.getMat(); 5 _dst.create( dsize.area() == 0 ? src.size() : dsize, src.type() ); 6 Mat dst = _dst.getMat(); 7 8 if( dst.data == src.data ) 9 src = src.clone(); 10 11 double M[9]; 12 Mat matM(3, 3, CV_64F, M); 13 int interpolation = flags & INTER_MAX; 14 15 // 插入方法不支持INTER_AREA,用INTER_LINEAR代替 16 if( interpolation == INTER_AREA ) 17 interpolation = INTER_LINEAR; 18 19 CV_Assert( (M0.type() == CV_32F || M0.type() == CV_64F) && M0.rows == 3 && M0.cols == 3 ); 20 M0.convertTo(matM, matM.type()); 21 22 //这里源码是这样操作的,如果可以执行IPP,那么就直接执行IPP指令加块操作 23 //如果没有说明传入的变换矩阵已经转置过了,那么执行一次矩阵转置 24 if( !(flags & WARP_INVERSE_MAP) ) 25 invert(matM, matM); 26 27 hal::warpPerspectve(src.type(), src.data, src.step, src.cols, src.rows, dst.data, dst.step, dst.cols, dst.rows, 28 matM.ptr<double>(), interpolation, borderType, borderValue.val); 29 }
1 namespace hal { 2 3 void warpPerspectve(int src_type, 4 const uchar * src_data, size_t src_step, int src_width, int src_height, 5 uchar * dst_data, size_t dst_step, int dst_width, int dst_height, 6 const double M[9], int interpolation, int borderType, const double borderValue[4]) 7 { 8 Mat src(Size(src_width, src_height), src_type, const_cast<uchar*>(src_data), src_step); 9 Mat dst(Size(dst_width, dst_height), src_type, dst_data, dst_step); 10 11 Range range(0, dst.rows); 12 WarpPerspectiveInvoker invoker(src, dst, M, interpolation, borderType, Scalar(borderValue[0], borderValue[1], borderValue[2], borderValue[3])); 13 14 //这里是一个opencv执行并行处理的一个方法,真正执行处理的代码在WarpPerspectiveInvoker的函数对象操作符中 15 parallel_for_(range, invoker, dst.total()/(double)(1<<16)); 16 } 17 18 } // hal::
1 class WarpPerspectiveInvoker : 2 public ParallelLoopBody 3 { 4 public: 5 WarpPerspectiveInvoker(const Mat &_src, Mat &_dst, const double *_M, int _interpolation, 6 int _borderType, const Scalar &_borderValue) : 7 ParallelLoopBody(), src(_src), dst(_dst), M(_M), interpolation(_interpolation), 8 borderType(_borderType), borderValue(_borderValue) 9 { 10 //注意M就是转置矩阵 11 } 12 13 virtual void operator() (const Range& range) const 14 { 15 const int BLOCK_SZ = 32; 16 short XY[BLOCK_SZ*BLOCK_SZ*2], A[BLOCK_SZ*BLOCK_SZ]; 17 int x, y, x1, y1, width = dst.cols, height = dst.rows; 18 19 int bh0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ/2, height); 20 int bw0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ*BLOCK_SZ/bh0, width); //操作块的宽 21 bh0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ*BLOCK_SZ/bw0, height); //操作块的高 22 23 //下面的意思是,如果支持SSE4指令,那么就先对转置矩阵进行预处理,下面会继续用到这个pwarp_impl_sse4 24 #if CV_TRY_SSE4_1 25 Ptr<opt_SSE4_1::WarpPerspectiveLine_SSE4> pwarp_impl_sse4; 26 if(CV_CPU_HAS_SUPPORT_SSE4_1) 27 pwarp_impl_sse4 = opt_SSE4_1::WarpPerspectiveLine_SSE4::getImpl(M); 28 #endif 29 30 //opencv对投射变换的操作是基于块操作的,主要是为了方便可以直接用SSE4指令给操作提速 31 for( y = range.start; y < range.end; y += bh0 ) 32 { 33 for( x = 0; x < width; x += bw0 ) 34 { 35 int bw = std::min( bw0, width - x); 36 int bh = std::min( bh0, range.end - y); // height 37 38 //_XY是一个双通道的Mat,下面remap会用到 39 Mat _XY(bh, bw, CV_16SC2, XY), matA; 40 Mat dpart(dst, Rect(x, y, bw, bh)); 41 42 for( y1 = 0; y1 < bh; y1++ ) 43 { 44 short* xy = XY + y1*bw*2; 45 //就是[X,Y,W] = [x,y,1]*M^T的操作 46 //注意现在是分块操作,所以才有+ M[1]*(y + y1)这一项 47 double X0 = M[0]*x + M[1]*(y + y1) + M[2]; 48 double Y0 = M[3]*x + M[4]*(y + y1) + M[5]; 49 double W0 = M[6]*x + M[7]*(y + y1) + M[8]; 50 51 //最近邻插值 52 if( interpolation == INTER_NEAREST ) 53 { 54 x1 = 0; 55 56 //这里就是刚才上面所说的pwarp_impl_sse4所用到的位置 57 #if CV_TRY_SSE4_1 58 if (pwarp_impl_sse4) 59 pwarp_impl_sse4->processNN(M, xy, X0, Y0, W0, bw); 60 else 61 #endif 62 for( ; x1 < bw; x1++ ) 63 { 64 //计算W 65 double W = W0 + M[6]*x1; 66 W = W ? 1./W : 0; 67 //从齐次坐标变到增广矢量,注意现在是分块操作,所以才有+ M[0]*x1这一项 68 //把结果控制在(INT_MIN, INT_MAX)中,由于下面会有把double转为int 69 double fX = std::max((double)INT_MIN, std::min((double)INT_MAX, (X0 + M[0]*x1)*W)); 70 double fY = std::max((double)INT_MIN, std::min((double)INT_MAX, (Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W)); 71 int X = saturate_cast<int>(fX); 72 int Y = saturate_cast<int>(fY); 73 74 xy[x1*2] = saturate_cast<short>(X); 75 xy[x1*2+1] = saturate_cast<short>(Y); 76 } 77 } 78 //其他插值方法 79 else 80 { 81 short* alpha = A + y1*bw; 82 x1 = 0; 83 84 //原理上同 85 #if CV_TRY_SSE4_1 86 if (pwarp_impl_sse4) 87 pwarp_impl_sse4->process(M, xy, alpha, X0, Y0, W0, bw); 88 else 89 #endif 90 for( ;x1 < bw; x1++ ) 91 { 92 double W = W0 + M[6]*x1; 93 //INTER_TAB_SIZE在我的opencv版本就是32,INTER_BITS是5 94 //下面的代码是先把值扩大32倍,再左移5位得到一个值 95 W = W ? INTER_TAB_SIZE/W : 0; 96 double fX = std::max((double)INT_MIN, std::min((double)INT_MAX, (X0 + M[0]*x1)*W)); 97 double fY = std::max((double)INT_MIN, std::min((double)INT_MAX, (Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W)); 98 int X = saturate_cast<int>(fX); 99 int Y = saturate_cast<int>(fY); 100 101 xy[x1*2] = saturate_cast<short>(X >> INTER_BITS); 102 xy[x1*2+1] = saturate_cast<short>(Y >> INTER_BITS); 103 104 //alpha是remap里面所使用的remapBilinear所要用到的一个参数,这里就不往下看了 105 alpha[x1] = (short)((Y & (INTER_TAB_SIZE-1))*INTER_TAB_SIZE + 106 (X & (INTER_TAB_SIZE-1))); 107 } 108 } 109 } 110 111 if( interpolation == INTER_NEAREST ) 112 //直接运行重映射,直接把源点映射到目标位置的点 113 remap( src, dpart, _XY, Mat(), interpolation, borderType, borderValue ); 114 else 115 { 116 Mat _matA(bh, bw, CV_16U, A); 117 remap( src, dpart, _XY, _matA, interpolation, borderType, borderValue ); 118 } 119 } 120 } 121 } 122 123 private: 124 Mat src; 125 Mat dst; 126 const double* M; 127 int interpolation, borderType; 128 Scalar borderValue; 129 };